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I novi Xbox radi kao stari Xbox :)


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hahah što sam naleteo na dobar trol :)


1. unrar

2. mount

3. install

4. (optional) copy crack

5. play


1. unrar

2. abgx check

3. bitch about how it's not verified yet on abgx

4. FUUUUU rage cause it's NTSC and you have a PAL console

5. wait for it to be verified on abgx/correct region version to be released/launch date (ban paranoia)

6. get a verb

7. rage cause no verbs left

8. go buy verbs

9. put verb in

10. make a sandwich cause it's gonna take a while to burn 7 gigs with 2,4x

11. ate the sandwich, imgburn shows 20%

12. might as well go to the steakhouse

13. imgburn is done

14. put verb in 360

15. install

16. gonna take a while, might as well learn sanskrit (bitches love sanskrit!)

17. dirty disc error

18. install again, meanwhile searching amazon for new sanskrit books

19. install done

20. play!


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Pa da, tako ga i reklamiraju, kao "Xbox slim". Baš kao što je Sony do sada svakoj svojoj konzoli podario i "slim" varijantu odnosno tanju, lakšu, lepšu (?) uz pokoji dodatak, to je sada po prvi put i MS uradio sa svojom konzolom.

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pitao sam jer pisu o nekoj novoj, totalnoj integraciji procesora i graficke i ko zna vega sve vec u jednoj chipu, sto je malo vishe nego sto sony obichno radi kada izbaci slim verziju PS. Jel Sony mozda najavljuje neki slican update za PS3, da ne pominjem PS4...

It's nice to be good, but it's nothing compared to being bad

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Realno, nisam siguran da je sad taj xbox slim uopšte ok kupovina za one koji već imaju xbox, ako neko nema možda ga natera sada da se odluči na to, ali stari, ma koliko im se nešto dopalo ili ne, bolje da sačekaju nešto novo.

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