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Najjacha su objashnjenja Rusa kako treba reshavati probleme sa naftnim platformama i curenjem nafte - atomskom bombom!

evo malo o tome: http://rawstory.com/rs/2010/0504/russian-paper-suggests-nuclear-explosion-cut-gulf-oil-geyser/

Inache, kada su poslednji put koristili nuklearku da zaustave curenje nafte u moru, osim te jedne platforme koja je trebala da "padne", roknuli su josh 15 u okolini [:D]

А в чем сила, брат?

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ima li negde neki link sa dobrim objasnjenjem sta se zapravo desilo, zasto se desilo, i sta uopste planiraju da urade po tom pitanju ?

one fotke gore su da se najezis, a ako imaju fotke onda imao i video snimak 100%





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The Minerals Management Service officials said there have been 39 fires or explosions offshore in the Gulf of Mexico in the first five months of 2009, the last period with statistics available.[24][33] There had been numerous previous spills and fires on the Deepwater Horizon, which had been issued citations for "acknowledged pollution source" by the Coast Guard 18 times between 2000 and 2010. The previous fires were not considered unusual for a Gulf rig and have not been connected to the April, 2010 explosion and spill.[28] The Deepwater Horizon did, however, have other serious incidents including a 2008 incident where 77 persons were evacuated from the rig after it listed over and began to sink after a section of pipe was accidentally removed from the rig's ballast system.[39]

Ali genijalna je ideja za pravljenje ovog velikog "poklopca" koji treba da skuplja naftu ... pitam se kako će to da izgleda, jer će izgleda baš to i da naprave.

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