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The Witcher 2


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  • 2 months later...

How would you describe the combat system? Will it be easier than in TW1? More casual?

I think it's too general to say whether it will be easier or not.

Because now we have combat system that is more advanced.

I mean it took more time to design this system.

Some features were taken from The Witcher: Rise of the White Wolf.

Some of them we took from previous projects.

But it was only a small part, most features were created specifically for TW2.

There was a lot of work and a lot of features.

We have worked for few years, only on combat system alone.

But on the other hand we want to be sure that on the easiest difficulty level the combat will be really easy, easy to learn.

But if you are a hardcore player and if you want to learn all these advanced features, you have to play more then you did in The Witcher 1.

So it's hard to become a master in combat.

Will monsters spawn in location only once or from time to time to make leveling easier?

Depending on a quest.

You probably know that I mentioned earlier that there will be something like an ecosystem.

If you are just killing monsters in a location and don't want to know how they behave and where they live, they will re-appear from time to time.

But whenever you want to go on an adventure of finding out what they are, you will be able to find the nest of these monsters and after killing them all they will disappear forever.

Do you plan to give players alternative ways of killing boss-monsters?


Let's remember a fight with Tentadrake.

You can kill it in general way cutting his tentacles just one by one and after that finish the monster off.

But if you want to kill him in another way you will have some QTE.

And you will get a chance to finish the fight earlier.

So all bosses will have such alternative ways of killing them.

Will there be mode of active (tactical) pause?

Well it's not going to be like total pause but more of a way to slowdown the gameplay.

It will give you advantage to choose a sign or a sword.

But for example you will not be able to meditate during the fight or drink potions.

This will be impossible, but choosing tactics will be allowed.

So no potions through the fight anymore?


The alchemy works slightly different.

You can meditate anywhere and you can drink any potions that you like, but you can't do it in the fight.

You have to prepare for combat beforehand.

On the other hand you don't need to find a fireplace to meditate.





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So no potions through the fight anymore?


The alchemy works slightly different.

You can meditate anywhere and you can drink any potions that you like, but you can't do it in the fight.

You have to prepare for combat beforehand.

On the other hand you don't need to find a fireplace to meditate.

Ako ovo odrade kako treba bice extra.

Is there a flower shop in the tahraji desert?

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Mene je odusevilo sto svaki napitak ima lore i zanimljivo ime. A ne genericko "Major Mana Potion" na svakom koraku. To me je odusevljavalo, znam da je igra po knjizi ali su se svojski trudili da bude sto vise knjige u istoj a ne nesto sklepano na brzaka u cilju promocije.

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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samo da biljke ne budu na izvol'te i win. u cetvrtom chapteru sam imao po tri komada od svakog napitka

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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Hard kad sam igrao setio sam se onoga:"Cime mazes karu...cistom guscom mascu" [:D] Non stop sam mazao ostricu i pio odredjene napitke,zato sto sam par nedelja pre toga procitao knjigu pa sam hteo da RP :tf:

Onaj prvi kokatrice u kanalizaciji me je usrao par puta.

Is there a flower shop in the tahraji desert?

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Čak i na hard glavna zamerka ide na to da je igra, borbe, laka. Pogotovu kako odmiče.

Ja sam se mučio sa "the Beast". Ali samo zato što nisam uzeo talenat za "stun". Bez toga nisam uspeo da je ubijem. Preteško je bilo. Ostalo je relano lako sa napicima za koje se sastojci vrlo lako nađu. Kombinacije sa onim drugim, rubedo, nigredo..., malo teže idu za svaki ali opet je bilo lako. Tu i tamo sam eksperimentisao sa napicima i efektima ali ništa spec.

Ako na tome porade, kapa dole. Da alhemija ima neki taktički element a ne natovari se sa 5 - 6 od svakog i rolaj. Ulja isto. Nijednom mi se nije desilo da nemam čime da se namažem :)

...Од рођења спремна стоји, мене чека моја рака,
Да однесе све што имам у дубину у дубоку.


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Može ali nisam siguran da li u tom slučaju i naučiš recept. Znam da ako popiješ nepoznati napitak naučiš šta je ali ne i kako se pravi.

...Од рођења спремна стоји, мене чека моја рака,
Да однесе све што имам у дубину у дубоку.


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  • 3 weeks later...

read them n weep

Recommended specs:

Processor: Intel Quad Core or AMD equivalent

Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce 260, 1 GB memory / Radeon HD 4850 with 1 GB memory

Memory: 3 GB for Windows XP / 4 GB for Windows Vista and Windows 7

Hard Disk: At least 16 GB of free space

Minimum specs:

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or AMD equivalent

Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce 8800, 512 MB memory or ATI equivalent

Memory: 1 GB for Windows XP / 2 GB for Windows Vista and Windows 7

Hard Disk: 8 GB for the game installation and 8 GB for bonus materials

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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