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Twelve years have passed since the birth of StarCraft. Meanwhile, a successor has finally been announced, and particularly in recent years, the entire universe in the form of story-books and mangas considerably expanded. This is a comprehensive and complex nested thirty questions quiz on the storyline of StarCraft, conceived and written by our experts Eredalis story. It is drawn from the entire circumference, so it includes topics on all the official campaigns and print media. If you believe what it takes to have some nasty issues with this being done, then simply write the answers in a simple text file and sends it to storyquiz@instarcraft.de.

1. As the Zerg were described by the Terrans, and about a month before the events of StarCraft took their beginning?

2. What was the name of the city on Chau Sara, who was attacked by the Zerg, and which provided general support for this?

3. As the reigning colonial magistrate at the time of Chau Sara was with the last name and whom he asked, given what the problem help?

4. On what sci-fi series of the 90s based the first dialogue between Sarah Kerrigan and Jim Raynor and where it took place?

5. What is particularly known Zergbrut neither an appearance in StarCraft Brood War, and still known by name cerebrates how many are there?

6. Which province of pacifying the Protoss warriors on behalf of the conclave, before they move on to hunt and how many Tassadar Dark Templar Zeratul are at once Tassadar found him in the underground installation to Char?

7. Space Pirate Schezar Alan, who plays in the two campaigns Enslaver the lead role ... Which series of Far Eastern art of drawing his name is taken from and how it is written there?

8. What is the name of the Protoss hero who is in Enslaver: Dark Venegance liberated from the Stasi cells are attacked and by whom the Stasi cells?

9. By whom is manipulated Raszagal and whoever comes in first behind?

10. Wanted is the name of the flagship of the United Earth Directorate, and the name of the husband, the admiral Dugall in BW intro prompting the flagship in the orbit of the planet to bring.

11. How many contingents of Terran Kel-Moria-conglomerate have in defending the resource fields from Kerrigan's Zerg Swarm in Brood War, a command center and the number of UED scientists think later on Tarsonis, Kerrigan suggested by their presence that the VED probably have more problems has the Overmind control than first thought?

12. What is the name Infected Terrans, which is exempt from the Kimeran pirate out of the body and what exkonföderierten Vice Admiral sift the Pirates in the course of this mission there?

13. As the name of the fire-eater-hero, is that of Jim Raynor and Taldarin is freed on Braxis, and what do the Protoss, following the successful use of the surface of the ice planet?

14. What's inside the temple on Xel'Naga Bhekar roll was called and how the breed has been sent by Kerrigan there?

15. It is during the events on Bhekar Ro three Protoss are the focus. An executor, a Judicator and a Dark Templar. What are the three?

16. The platoon of Lieutenant LZBreanne will carry a crate on Mar Sara. What's in that box and what was the name of the big surly islander in their troops?

17. To what it was in the Gutter on Tarsonis, who controlled it, and who then found a cat and gave her the name of Pip?

18. In Brood War, the capital of Korhal August degree was called, but that was not always so. What was the original capital and the then director of the university, which has gone on the young Arcturus Mengsk?

19. Valerian Mengsk had a great-grandfather, his father's side, whose name is searched, just like the name of his mother and his grandfather, mother's side.

20. What was the real name of Khas and who was with him when he dug up the artifacts of the forefathers?

21. What role had the following strains of the Protoss: Furinax, Auriga and Shelak?

22. Who is currently on Shakuras hierarch and how is the new female executor?

23. Raynor and Findlay share a common past. What was the exact name of their legendary platoon and where the two got to know each other?

24. What a nightmare experienced by the small six and a half year-old Colin Phash what planet?

25. Two reporters have focused on in StarCraft stories: One is known from a book and now very controversial, the other is known from a manga and now has become the face of Network UNN - especially in StarCraft II, as these two hot and Which book or manga before they come?

26. What is the place where the singer at the Starry Meteor station occurs and from which they originated Terran world?

27. What were the wife and the son of Jim Raynor's first name and why their marriage broke up?

28. How many stars were on the flag of the Confederacy and why she disappeared?

29. What was the original homeworld of the Zerg and how long the journey took the Zerg swarms at the outskirts of the Terran Koprulu sector, after the Overmind learned of their existence?

30. As the Xel'Naga were still called and known by name how many kinds of crystals are there? (Name and number)


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a kako se inace dolazi do key-a? ja imam 4 igre registrovane na battle.net-u... tamo sam se sad izjasnio da sam zainteresovan za betu? jel to to? posto mi nije stigao key :D

A da prochitash malo topik? :)

To je to, i uz malo sretje Blizzard tje ti poslati key kada pochne sledetji "Wave".

Mozesh i da uchestvujesh u raznim contestima koje organizuju fan sajtovi.

Blizz je takodje slao dodatni key beta testerima, proveri da li ti je neki ortak koji vetj igra betu dobio "Friend invite".

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A da prochitash malo topik? :)

To je to, i uz malo sretje Blizzard tje ti poslati key kada pochne sledetji "Wave".

Mozesh i da uchestvujesh u raznim contestima koje organizuju fan sajtovi.

Blizz je takodje slao dodatni key beta testerima, proveri da li ti je neki ortak koji vetj igra betu dobio "Friend invite".

ok. hvala puno. sacekacu da mi posalje blizzard pa ako dobijem 2 jedan cu da poklonim ovde.. ali o tome kasnije :D

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Glupo pitanje: Jel može ortak da koristi moj beta key i kompletan nalog na svojoj mašini i tako da igra (predpostavljam da može), samo mu ostaje da skine klijent? Šta se dešava ako slučajno krenemo da se ulogujemo u isto vreme? Jel Blizzard na neki način sankcioniše takve stvari? Ja nikako ne stižem da igram, a on je fanatik za SC1, pa taman da mi malo nabudži profil i da odgledam njegove repove.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Glupo pitanje: Jel može ortak da koristi moj beta key i kompletan nalog na svojoj mašini i tako da igra (predpostavljam da može), samo mu ostaje da skine klijent? Šta se dešava ako slučajno krenemo da se ulogujemo u isto vreme? Jel Blizzard na neki način sankcioniše takve stvari? Ja nikako ne stižem da igram, a on je fanatik za SC1, pa taman da mi malo nabudži profil i da odgledam njegove repove.

moze, ortak igra na mom akauntu vec duze vreme...cak mi se cini da sam se par puta ulogovao dok je on bio online i da mi je samo prekinuo bnet konekciju, nikakvih problema nije bilo


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Moze, ja tako igram vec mesecima a nikada mi se nije desilo da se ulogujemo u isto vreme. Pretpostavljam da ili izbaci onoga koji je vec bio logovan, ili verovatnije, kao u SC1 kaze ti da je neko sa tim user/pass vec logovan i da ne mozesh da se logujesh.

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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