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Star Wolves 3


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....ja bih rekao homeworld sa rpg elementima

igrao sam prva dva dela i apsolutno su mi bili predobri, ne tako visokobudzetni ali se primetio napredak u drugom delu... terci deo samo siri rpg elemente pa se na sajtu izdavaca igra vodi kao rpg a ne strategija

Genre: RPG

Developer: Elite Games Team

Platform: PC

Release date: Out Now

Large-scale battles have become a vestige of the past, depleting resources of conflicting parties. Settled space, where welfare and order had reigned, has become a cemetery for dead ships which is flooded with pirates and adventurists. Complete impunity, black market flourishing where gun and tech trade is on the move, arbitrariness and anarchy – the Galaxy has become a real dangerous place. Events in the Universe and its habitant’s destiny are completely up to player’s choice and tactical decisions.

Star Wolves 3: Civil War is a sequel to the popular real time strategy with RPG elements. Original large-scale scenario, closely tied with the first part of intergalactic epic helps the player influence the ongoing events and foreordain one of many endings. Free roam, free mission selection, free team forming – the world of Star Wolves waits for its heroes.

Key features:

  • Huge world: 110 highly detailed star systems in different parts of the Galaxy.
  • Non-linear story: several endings and additional quests create a complete game universe.
  • New characters and skills: form up a team of your dream; teach your companions new skills.
  • New participant in the intergalactic conflict: the Space Fleet of a New Empire, equipped with its own spaceships.
  • A number of new base ships and fighters with unique specifications and original weapon types and equipment.

System Requirements

Minimum System Requirements

Operating System: Windows XP Processor: Pentium IV 2,0 GHz or AMD 2,0Ghz (Single Core) Memory: 512 MB Video card: nVidia GF FX5700 or ATI Radeon 9600 with 128MB VideoRAM Sound card: Sound card compatible with DirectX 9.0 Hard disc: 5,5 GB CD ROM: PC DVD-ROM

Recommended System Requirements

Operating System: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Pentium IV 2,8 GHz; or analagous AMD (Single Core) Memory: 1 GB Video card: nVidia GF 6800 GT or ATI Radeon 1900XT with 512MB VideoRAM Sound card: Sound card compatible with DirectX Hard disc: 5,5 GB CD ROM: PC DVD-ROM







igra je vec u prodavnicama





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Probao sam vrlo malo, samo tutorijal... kursor me ubija... kasni i čudno se kreće, kao da upravljam levom rukom.

Nisam igrao prva dva dela, tako da nemam uopšte predstavu kako zapravo igra izgleda, ali za sada nisam oduševljen.

Probaću ponovo kasnije.

Dandy [RUR]

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Aha. U igri pise 3. Kao i obicno sve je to do lokalizacije za trziste. Rusi redno ovako:

Звездные волки

Звездные волки 2

Звездные волки 2: Гражданская война

A za Evropu i Amere ovo je preimenovano u Star Wolfs 3: Civil War.

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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i ja sam je juce malo probao, i dalje je sve niskobudzetno do bola. ne znam koji djavo ih je naterao da rade uopste voice over

kakav je tip igre?

pa nista imas 100 sistema imas glavnu misiju i tonu sporednih koje dobijas po stanicama koje mozes da obidjes, imas pilote koje angazujes kao npc-e, imas frakcije i sukobe izmedju njih, mozes se prikloniti nekim, imas razvoj likova koje vodis preko perkova koje se odslikavaju na ponasanje u borbi, imas opremanje brodova, kupovanje drugih tipova brodova, mozes da se bavis trgovinom, kao placenik ili pirat i tako to :)

morao sam da utisam muziku na minimum a efekte na maximum jer su po defaultu u velikoj disproporciji pa vam se moze uciniti na startu da nema zvucnih efekata uopste :)

u rusiji je ovo bila ekspanzija, a posle lokalizacije i patchevanja izbacili su je kao treci deo jer je razmak izmedju izlaska u rusiji i ostatku sveta godinu dana pa kapiram da niko ne bi ni pogledao

ne znam kako cu sad uopste stici da igram kada sam dobio sc2 betu :)





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