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Ne znam, sve partije su mi trajale po ~7 minuta :D

mene je 5. placement discovao u 3. minutu, a 2. placement je discovao mog protivnika u 2.

to je bilo sinoc, tako da se nadam da sada igra radi :D

smehoteka je ladder atm, igrao sam juce 5 customa sa likom koji je diamond, ne zna mis da pomeri, ocigledno nisu jos svi krenuli placemente

samo je imao srecu da njegove protivnike dropuje iz igre, pre nego sto dropuje njega :)))

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@Neo greska nisam video postove :p

Sto se tice dropovanje. Juce cepao placement i malo ladder i nije dropovao uopste. Imao cak game od preko 15 min!!! (lol)

Danas reko da opikam koji i pukne oma na trecoj probi... Toliko od ladderovanja dok se ne sredi

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Meni sad radi stabilnije, meč od desetak minuta i nije dropovalo nijednom.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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mene u diamond imao sam 2 dropa nije nista uracunalo igrao sam dakle 7 partija 3 su bile ozbiljne 

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Ja na ortakovom accu danas usao u diamond sa 5:0 odigrao jos 15ak mecheva bio na 10om mestu, pa pao na 20to sa 10:8 pa onda ortak dosao da se igra. Onda sam na accu od drugog ortaka usao njemu u diamond opet sa 5:0 ... u 1vs1 mi nije puklo nijednom mada su mecevi svi bili do 7-8 minuta. U 2vs2 nam je puklo ali se nije racunalo.

Dajte neki acc drugari, smara ovo budzenje poena ortacima :|



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Poshalji Remi PM mislim da on ima jedan key vishka?

Ko je remi?

zasto svaki drugi nab oseca potrebu da nas obavesti da je usao u diamond i isprica svoju zivotnu pricu? :p

Da bi smarali jos vece nabove koji nisu usli u diamond.



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Ulete mohi dok sam pisao.

Iz istog razloga zbog koga ti imash potrebu da to iskomentarishesh.


Edited by Sting

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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Evo, da okačimo i ovde:

StarCraft II Beta Test Schedule Update

5.28.10 | by Nebu We previously announced that the first phase of the StarCraft II beta test would be coming to a close in all regions on Monday, May 31. In order to prepare for the final phase of beta testing, we plan to extend the current phase in all regions until Monday, June 7. After this date, the beta test will be unavailable for several weeks while we make some hardware and software configuration changes for the final phase of the beta test and the release of the game. We plan to bring the beta test back online for a couple of weeks prior to the game's launch to complete our testing. We’ll have more details to share about when this final phase will begin at a later date.

Pošteno, s obzirom da je par dana bilo nemoguće igrati posle zadnjeg reseta.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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