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ne kontam sta se to desava u pvp-u/areni. Imam 4900ap unbuffed, 900 resija i 245 rele sword (djubre realno) i hituje judgment na 0 resi ljude 3k. Crit ide 5500 max na 0 resi a kad neko ima 300+ resi nemogu da kritujem vise od 3500. Hitujem rogove beli dmg 700 a ostale sa malo vise armora 500. Isto tako me boomkin hituje 6500 starfire, ko zna kolko bi bilo da je bio crit. Crusader strike stiskam eto tako bezveze da popunim rotaciju :S I opet posle svega pogledam scor u battlegroundu i vidim da imam 25:0 i ljudi me u cetu prozivaju da sam op retlol... Eh kad se samo setim dobrog starog seal of blooda i 145% crusader strike , vadjenje ociju ljudima

Edited by moyo

"U dresu Redzi Millera idem do svog dilera, vutre puna kesa al' ost'o sam bez dresa"

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Poludetju. Krenuo sam opet malo da "igram" WoW i blizu sam nervnog sloma. Rekoh "igram" jer trenutno ovo je apsolutno neigrivo. Latency 250-500+ (pre sam imao 40-80), lag spikes, diskovi svakih 15 sek u raidovima pa chak i u 5 man instancama. Jel ima josh neko ove probleme? Dunemaul / ADSL Telekom 4Mb (isti ovaj realm, isti ovaj net, isti PC sam koristio i pre, sve je radilo savrsheno.)

Ne koristim addonove (ni jedan). Brisao sam WTF/Cache/Interface foldere 100 puta. Proveravao ruter. Radio Speedtest/Pingtest. Komp 100% chist od virusa i ostalih sranja. Drzim ping ka guglu dok igram WoW ni jedan request timed out za 2 sata a WoW 150 discova za to vreme. Radio sam i tracert ka Dunemaul serveru dok igram, tu su pingovi ispod 50 isto, a opet u isto vreme u igri imam 500+ latency dok par ortaka na SBBu ima 40...


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  On 2/19/2010 at 12:52 AM, moyo said:

ne kontam sta se to desava u pvp-u/areni. Imam 4900ap unbuffed, 900 resija i 245 rele sword (djubre realno) i hituje judgment na 0 resi ljude 3k. Crit ide 5500 max na 0 resi a kad neko ima 300+ resi nemogu da kritujem vise od 3500. Hitujem rogove beli dmg 700 a ostale sa malo vise armora 500. Isto tako me boomkin hituje 6500 starfire, ko zna kolko bi bilo da je bio crit. Crusader strike stiskam eto tako bezveze da popunim rotaciju :S I opet posle svega pogledam scor u battlegroundu i vidim da imam 25:0 i ljudi me u cetu prozivaju da sam op retlol... Eh kad se samo setim dobrog starog seal of blooda i 145% crusader strike , vadjenje ociju ljudima

svi itemi ispod 251 ilvl ne sluze nicemu i mogu se svrstati u kategoriju sivih itema.

evo objasnjenje moyo mrzelo me da crtam u paintu pa cu da kucam malo :

2 cikice igraju igricu i obojica su ret paladini. Jedan ima nesto bis pve geara 5.8k gearscore i 800 resi i zvacemo ga u daljem tekstu A dok drugi cikica ima 1300 resi 5800 gs full pvp gear u daljem tekstu cemo ga zvati B

radi se o tome Da B udara mnogo jace po A nego sto A udara po B

razlog 1300+ resilance daje malo manje od 60% reduced crit dmg takena i malo manje od 30% dmg reduce od hitova a pve gear koji nosis ne nosi dovoljan procenat dmg boosta da bi se isplatio i tako je bar za ret paladina matematika je jako jednostavna uzmi ring sa repa trinket na proc i libram sa ap boostom ostalo pvp gear i obrnuo si igricu

evo jedan primer ele samani koji su me udarali prosle sezone za 10-11k lvb crit na 950 resi sada me udaraju 5600-5800 na 1300 res. razlika je ogromna

naravno nije ovako za svaku klasu recimo war ce morati u pve gear zbog arpena i nacina kako klasa funkcionise ali eto...

Interrupts better than Kanye

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We have several changes planned for Battlegrounds in the next minor content patch and would like to share them with you now. This patch will be available for public testing and we encourage you to participate, queue up and provide some feedback on these changes.

* Firstly, say goodbye to Battleground Marks of Honor. We feel this currency system is a bit outdated and are getting rid of it. Any items which require these marks as currency will have their costs adjusted appropriately to remove this requirement. The quest NPCs will still be available to award players Honor for turning in leftover marks, including individual Marks of Honor if a player has more marks from one Battleground than another, but this is only to help players clear this expired currency.

* Next, the Battleground holiday weekend will now be denoted as "Call to Arms" in the Battleground tab and Calendar. If you prefer a specific Battleground over all others, look for those words next to its name to determine whether or not you'll receive bonus Honor. The bonus awards for Call to Arms Battlegrounds have been adjusted.

o Winning a Call to Arms Battleground for the first time in a day will award players with 30 Honorable Kills worth of additional Honor currency and 25 Arena points.

o Additional Call to Arms Battleground victories after the first win for a player that day will award them with 15 Honorable Kills worth of additional Honor currency.

o Losing a Call to Arms Battleground will award players with 5 Honorable Kills worth of additional Honor currency.

* To bring the rate at which players obtain PvP rewards with Honor more in-line with the rate at which players obtain PvE rewards via the Dungeon Finder, we'll also be increasing the amount of Honor awarded for an Honorable Kill by 100%. In light of this, the amount of experience provided from an Honorable Kill, and the amount of Honor awarded for completing the Wintergrasp weekly quests, have been reduced by 50%.

It's important to note one thing about these 50% decreases. All Honor awarded for completing objectives in Battlegrounds and Wintergrasp is actually based on an Honorable Kill conversion rate. So if you destroy a tower in Alterac Valley for example, the Honor you're awarded is actually based on a flat number of Honorable Kills. Since Honorable Kills will now award 100% more Honor, completing such objectives will also award more Honor. This is why experience gains based on completing Battleground objectives and Honor awarded from the Wintergrasp quests are being decreased by 50%.

* Now that we hopefully have your attention, we're pleased to announce the implementation of the Random Battleground system! This system will work virtually the same as the Random Dungeon option in the Dungeon Finder and will replace the Battleground daily quests. Players can queue solo, or with a group of up to five players for a Random Battleground in the Battleground tab. As with the Random Dungeon option, the Battleground chosen will not be revealed until players zone into the Battleground for which they are selected. The bonus rewards for this system are identical to the updated Call to Arms bonuses.

o Winning a Battleground using the Random Battleground option for the first time in a day will award players with 30 Honorable Kills worth of additional Honor currency and 25 Arena points.

o Winning additional Battlegrounds using the Random Battleground option after the first random win will award players with 15 Honorable Kills worth of additional Honor currency.

o Losing a Battleground using the Random Battleground option will award players with 5 Honorable Kills worth of additional Honor currency.

o When using the Random Battleground option, players will not receive additional rewards if the Battleground chosen is under the effects of the Call to Arms bonuses. In other words, the bonuses do not stack. In addition, if a player has been rewarded 30 Honorable Kills worth of bonus Honor currency and 25 Arena points from either the Random Battleground system, or the Call to Arms Battleground, he or she will be rewarded 15 Honorable Kills worth of bonus Honor currency and no Arena points that day for each additional victory. This applies whether the Random Battleground system is used, or the Call to Arms Battleground is chosen specifically, as a player cannot be rewarded the full amount of bonus Honor and the 25 Arena points more than once per day.

All of these features and changes will be available in the next minor patch which should be hitting the public test realms in the near future. Please help us out by testing this system and providing your feedback so we can make some fine-tuning adjustments before the patch's release.

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  On 2/18/2010 at 8:24 PM, Capma said:


izvolte spec i gear nosim toc25 shield trenutno je equiped neko achivment sranje umesto njega.

posto sam planirao arms prot druid stavio sam meta -10% fear gem i 7 talenata u holy posto sam dobijao nervne slomove od feara koji nema ko da mi dispeluje.

ako imas koga da te dispeluje idi 0 53 18 sa 3/3 crusade.

2 dela seta da verovatno

sve sto radi sa ret paladinom u 2v2 i 3v3 radice i sa protom

Hvala ti lepo.

Go then. There are other worlds than these.

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  On 2/19/2010 at 12:47 PM, Dr. Steinman said:

dobro bar necu cekati que 20 minuta

tbh ne bih se kladio u ovo, evo meni je sad mag 68 danas ulazim u north, na 80 cu da isfarmam ko budala heroice da skupim furious, ne pada mi na pamet da grindam to kroz bgove... jednostavno ne ide, kod mene alijansa umire, gubimo svaki bg i shto je najgore q je MRTAV! jbg :)


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imao sam skoro 60k pre 5 dana :)

a to sam jos igrao 3h dnevno dok sam to skupljao

tako sto sam prodavao frost badgeve sve koje sam dobio ikad do sad

sve dok je kostalo preko 2k za primordial i dok je bilo ovci koji se loze na nove pve iteme


nadam se da ce konacno posle toga uvesti da exalted ab i wsg budu fits of strenght :)

zabo sam wrathfull ruke u voi \o/

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nadam se da ce konacno posle toga uvesti da exalted ab i wsg budu fits of strenght :)

Ne kapiram sta je tolko bitno da bude AB / WSG / AV exalted fits of str. Ja prosto se nerviram kad vidim ko sve ima battlemaster titulu, jednostavno mi se prikenja. A skoro sam dobio of the alliance i kad vidim da pve geek koji nema pojma da igra pvp ima to sranje. Onda batcim switch na loremaster i tu ga ispusim, nosio sam i The Exalted, ali je blizz tako fino odradio sistem farmovanja reputacije da i to svako ima, realno ili da stojim na Commander ili da nosim Champion of the Frozen Wastes.

Gratz btw za ruke ;)

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to me jako interesuje zato sto su vec vise puta pominjali da ce to i biti FOS

a treba da bude jer postoji od kad postoji igrica i mnogo ljudi koji to imaju su to uzeli jos u vanili

a postoje naravno i dkovi koji su to farmovali koji su hc do sad mogli i vise puta ako treba

kao sto mislim da achivment treba da bude i koliko slotova imas za inv+banku = sto vise torbica 24 slota

ako postoji takodje achviemnt za skupljenu kolicinu pve markova, zasto nebi bilo i za skupljene pvp markove(bez obzira na sledece patcheve sa time sto ih gase to sam i pre toga mislio da treba da bude

ili recimo zasto gear score 6k nebi bio achviemnt isto, ako je mogo da bude "epic" acvhivment za lvl 213 gear

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  On 2/19/2010 at 2:15 PM, Silencer said:

Ne kapiram sta je tolko bitno da bude AB / WSG / AV exalted fits of str. Ja prosto se nerviram kad vidim ko sve ima battlemaster titulu, jednostavno mi se prikenja. A skoro sam dobio of the alliance i kad vidim da pve geek koji nema pojma da igra pvp ima to sranje. Onda batcim switch na loremaster i tu ga ispusim, nosio sam i The Exalted, ali je blizz tako fino odradio sistem farmovanja reputacije da i to svako ima, realno ili da stojim na Commander ili da nosim Champion of the Frozen Wastes.

Gratz btw za ruke ;)

insejn bratori insejn

Ko laze taj i krade ko krade ima cokolade

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Bah kako god. Kao sto ja mislim da battlemaster + 100k treba da daju neki meta achiv.

Elem nasao sam svoj spas promenivsi Relentless Chest sa Gendarme's Cuirass http://www.wowhead.com/?item=49951

8% Hit capped vidi se promene kad tucem :P


Inace moj kranji debilizam o nerazmisljanju, je bio Paladin Hand of reckoning... Muke zive sam imao sa RMP, kada jure da me sapuju... I setim se jebote da ulazim u combat kad koristim taunt -.- 30 yardi gg rogue ga duva sada :D

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