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I miris i ukuz iz vaše konzole


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U razvoju je tehnologija koja će, ako sve prođe kako treba, biti iskorišćena na aktuelnoj generaciji konzola i davaće "mirisne" efekte u igrama, kao što su znoj, prašina, miris napalma rano ujutru i slično. Razvoj je prvobitno počeo za trening sisteme za vojsku, a detalje možete videti ovde.

During a demonstration in Professor Stone’s office, PhD research student Mark Blyth presses the 'raw sewage' smell button as 3-D images flash across the screen of a Toshiba laptop. Visitors look longingly at a gas mask hanging on a coat stand, wondering whether it will fit. A colleague from another department pops his head round the door, sniffs disgustedly and leaves with a muttered excuse.


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