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Starfarer pisa po SPAZu.

Kul je SPAZ i sve to, kupio sam i njega, aliii.. *kisela faca / neodredjeno pokazivanje rukama* nije to to, plus deo sa storytellingom je ocajno amaterski.

Zapravo, da ostanem dosledan hronologiji, kupio sam SPAZ, odusevio se i pre i posle kupovine, igrao ga malo i branio po netu. Solidan je! Escape podovi FTW

Onda se pojavio Starfarer i bio sam u fazonu "vidi ih sad ovi, sad su svi otkrili top-down svemir, pa zajashili" i furao sam taj princip bez da pogledam o cemu se radi jedno par meseci.

I onda ne znam kako i zasto, nesto me poteralo da proverim jos jednom Starfarer, valjda da se uverim u to da je "sranje" i realno, od tada idem i teram ljude da kupuju.

Predobra grafika, zvuk, opsti dizajn i gameplay. Kada zavrse kampanju bice to sveopste bolja igra od svega svemirskog do sada sto sam igrao (a cepalo se od Elite '86).

Sve je tu: nosaci, dronovi, fajteri, bomberi, fregate, razaraci, transporteri, krstarice, capital brodovi...

Hardpointi, hull modovi, stitovi, flux, subsystem damage, ja ne volim mnogo twitch-based i realtime igre, ali ovde je svaka odluka precious, svaka bitka epic.

Ako bih morao da poredim sa nekom igrom, onda je to pre Mechwarrior nego SPAZ.

Naravno pricam o player iskustvu (easy to learn hard to master), jer definitivno nije 4X, al aj sad ontopic

Nisam igrao SotS jean, moram da priznam. Nekako se provukao ispod radara. Ali te dve recenice su sasvim dovoljne da mu dam sansu.

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Ma SPAZ je pre svega odlično zezanje, to nikada nije ni trebalo da bude preterano ozbiljna igra :)

Al' da je zarazan, jeste. Obrnuo sam ga par puta i svaki put me prikuje dok ga ne završim. Još uvek ga i dorađuju, pa sada ima i bounty hunter frakcija koja dodatno muti čorbu :P

Slažem se da Starfarer mnogo obećava, ali treba prvo da ga dovrše.

SotS obavezno probaj i to Complete Collection. Ima ga trenutno na Steam-u za 5 evra. Vredi itekako.

Dandy [RUR]

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Critical fixes:

+ Newsletter for Dandy about upcoming patch info


Da slazem se, igre nisu identicne, ali uostalom tako i treba.

Ja nisam neki fan takticke borbe u grand strategijama, jer oduzimaju puno vremena (a i MP je cao u tom slucaju), ali iskreno voleo bih da je u combat view inkorporiran Starfarer* :)

SotS mi je nekako ruznjikav, i uzasno izbagovan (trazite rec crash samo na ovoj strani, ja to vidim kao veliki problem).

* Jos jedna epic svemirska igra koju preporucujem, a za koju necu napraviti temu, i zatim je linkovati, da bih kasnije morao da obrisem link, jer je to no-no.

Nije 4X, ali je prelepa indie hardkor takticka twitch-based simulacija. Takodje u alfi. Igrac vodi u pocetku jedan brod, a kasnije komanduje celom flotom, svaki brod je platforma koja se konfigurise. Newtonian physics. Top-down. WSAD+mis.

Napravi temu i za Starfarer. Najozbiljnije.

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Tako i treba, jedna igra, jedna tema, sav info do tada i redovni update sa novim stvarima. Tako se stvara hayp i informisu zainteresovani ljudi a ujedno i da zainteresujes nove ljude. Evo, ja redovno citam ovu temu i cekam da cujem da je igra gold pa da je uzmem. A ono, ja isto volem 4x, simulacije i strategije. Pa kad sam igrao Starfury, a ko je cuo za taj indi naslov :D

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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Critical fixes:

+ Fixed a crash that could occur if no enemy was present in combat.

+ Fixed a crash that could occur if a colony support mission was cancelled.

+ Fixed known crashes related to recent news events.

+ Fixed a crash related to invalid station modules.

+ Fixed a crash that could occur by entering certain characters into the encyclopedia search box.

+ Fixed a treaty generation related crash.

Other fixes:

+ Fixed some known issues with System Killer news event handling.

+ Tomb rewards work again.

+ Retrofitted defenses are now returned to defense fleets.

+ Platform retrofitting is no longer linked to the station retrofit dialog.

+ Fixed black color for non-player empires.

+ Defense and reserve fleets are no longer disbanded when the last ship is scrapped.

+ Addressed the issue of locusts not attacking planets and stations in combat.

+ Mining stimulus is now disabled until mega-strip mining is acquired.

+ Fixed the white cubes in the research screen.

+ Fixed the intermittently missing Political Science family button at the bottom of the research screen.

+ Morrigi Crow firing now works again.

+ Planet sensor volumes are now affected by jammers.

+ Fixed design screen right-click retrofit loophole.

+ New admirals now display correct empire color.

+ Zuul fleets lacking bore ships no longer cause a request to bore node lines when issuing missions.

+ Stations are now removed appropriately if their attached colonies are destroyed.

+ Boarded ships no longer fire at unusually high rates.

+ Fixed Gardener suitability calculations.

+ Fixed an issue that could cause planets to share the same orbit.

+ The open/close star system button is now correctly synchronized in both star map and star system screens.

Other changes and additions:

+ Engrams fully functional.

+ Improved combat sensor graphics.

Dandy [RUR]

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Ne znam samo gde bi išla Starfarer tema... strategija nije... verovatno u "Ostalo".

Ma to je bar prosto:

Top-down twitch-based takticki simulator svemirskih okrsaja, sa RPG elementima, i metagejmom u vidu perzistentnog sandbox univerzuma u kojem se odluke igraca mogu okarakterisati kao strateske.

Napravi temu i za Starfarer. Najozbiljnije.

Onda moram i za FTL :(

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Critical fixes:

+ Fixed a crash that could occur when building both a Naval and Science station in the same system.

+ Fixed a Suul'ka Hoarder crash that resulted from relocating assets.

Other fixes:

+ Fixed phantom mouse-over effects in combat.

+ Fixed a case where asteroid monitors were not being removed.

+ Fixed a case where selected ship changes were not being reflected in the combat UI.

+ Slaves are delivered to colonies on ship arrival.

+ Made some improvements to star map UI stalls.

+ Network packets are now more respectful of less common MTU limitations.

+ Shield graphics are now disabled when associated ship sections are destroyed.

+ Fixed grappling hook lag.

+ Fixed assault shuttle behavior after the target colony is defeated.

+ Pirates will now prefer to attack nearby freighters.

+ Life- and psi-drain now works on enemy planets.

+ Fixed reaction opportunity spam.

+ Can no longer retrofit ships in a system without a colony.

+ Fixed an issue that would cause automatic station placement not to consider planets orbiting other planets, or independent system limitations.

+ Added missing weapon icons.

+ Fixed cases where station placement was not possible in independent systems.

+ Fixed the bug that prevented retrofitting in networked games.

+ Fixed a bug that was delimiting relocation range.

+ Fixed various missing text strings.

Other changes and additions:

+ Combat double-left-click now makes ships move to their destination without holding formation.

+ Added War Mind effects.

+ Improved free turret and spinal mounted weapon accuracy.

+ Combat AI now makes use of Psionic powers.

+ Defenses and Reserves can now be relocated.

+ Introduced advanced network configuration options, which can be accessed from the game launcher.

+ Introduced new strategic AI research and colonization algorithms.

+ Reaction dialog is now an overlay.

+ Default initial savings is now 500,000.

+ Police cutters now default to the reserves fleet and must be placed as defensive assets, but are now capable of traveling with fleets and/or be relocated.

Dandy [RUR]

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Critical fixes:

+ Fixed a weapon firing race condition that could lead to crashes in networked combat.

+ Fixed the excessive strategic AI tax rate leading to economic suicide at the start of a game.

Other fixes:

+ It is no longer possible to modify caravan fleets in transition.

+ Fixed an issue that could cause the strategic AI to redesign constructors and freighters each turn.

+ AI ship designs now consider armor and other available options.

+ Fixed sporadically missing Zuul battle music.

Dandy [RUR]

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Critical fixes:

- Fix retreat crash

- Fix combat freeze

- Fix crash for null AI designs

- Fix move order crash

Other fixes:

- Fixed AI equipping the wrong modules on the wrong sections

- Fixed AI building stations in un-owned worlds

- Fixed using psionics on menaces (eg: fear on swarm queen)

- Fixed Suul’ka fleets not storing their Suul’ka as an admiral

- Fixed display issues with relocating reserve assets

- Fixed diplomacy UI buttons

- Fixed being able to build stations in indy systems unless system was selected

- Fixed getting a combat if both players ONLY have a colony in a system (colony vs colony and no fleets)

- Fixed auto firing not always finding a target

- Fixed Morrigi LV not assigning all riders proper indexes, which leads to riders entering combat "launched"

- Fixed Hivers using node races pathing in some cases

- Fixed fleets in fleet widget properly displaying their base system instead of current location

Other changes and additions:

- Implement new player list UI in combat

- Implement ionic thruster tech

- Implement display for colony pop/infra info

- Implemented internal kinetic dampening tech

- Implement Morrigi traps

- Gave Morrigi abilities to instantly defeat Morrigi relics and traps

- Added notches to sliders in Empire Manager and for trade/construction sliders

- Starmap now properly shows Zuul slave and civilian count


- Morrigi trap combat does not carry over into combat (will be Fixed in next patch)

Dandy [RUR]

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Critical fixes:

+ Fixed new population growth issues.

+ Fixed a crash related to dragging fleets in the relocate mission screen.

Other fixes:

+ Favorite invoices no longer revert to Cruisers after submitting an order.

+ Spectre attacks now have a range limit in combat.

+ Trade sliders no longer override settings for other colonies.

+ Trade sliders no longer get stuck on last notch.

+ C3 and Psi research bonuses now displayed.

+ AI now includes psionic abilities in ship designs.

+ Fixed a case where drones belonging to NPC factions would not fire weapons.

+ Adjusted implosion mine health.

Other changes and additions:

+ Queued station modules are now highlighted in orange.

+ Added auto-upgrade button to the station manager. This automatically queues a minimal number of modules to enable upgrading.

+ Station level is now displayed on the icon in lists.

+ Systems in lists now display station icons where applicable.

+ Planet manager items are now alphabetized.

+ Various racial attributes tuned.

Dandy [RUR]

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Pošto update-ovi izlaze par puta nedeljno, sve grupe su odustale od izbacivanja patch-eva do daljnjeg.

Kapiram da će se pojaviti neka verzija kada konačno igra bude feature complete, što bi trebalo da bude uskoro.

Ja imam original, ali ne igram jer ne volim nedovršene stvari, već samo probam po malo kada izađe neki krupniji patch. Igra je sada u mnoooogo boljem stanju nego kada je izašla, ali i dalje ima problemčića i nedovršenosti.

S druge strane, prvi deo je savršeno ispoliran i meni još uvek mnogo zabavniji za igranje, tako da slobodno furaj keca još uvek :)

Inače, čak i kada dvojka bude sređena potpuno, kec će i dalje imati svoju ulogu, pošto je dvojka dosta različita igra od prvog dela i igre više se nadopunjuju nego što se nasleđuju.

Dandy [RUR]

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Critical fixes:

+ Fixed a battle manager crash.

+ Fixed a combat crash.

+ Fixed a Zuul slave station upgrade crash.

Other fixes:

+ Fixed Suulka beam not reaching planet.

+ Fixed launching bug with Wraith Abductors.

+ Stations no longer become constructed when construction fleets are absent.

+ Station slots are no longer shown for unsurveyed systems.

+ Fixed Reflector psi power after-image.

+ Fixed re-base loophole that was causing fleet support limits to be bypassed.

+ Node tracking techs no longer display innapropriate node line types.

+ Fixed an issue with incorrect assignment of empire colors to star systems.

+ Fixed sticky province effects.

+ Fixed an issue with certain drone types getting stuck when their targets were destroyed.

+ Fixed a rare instance that was still allowing freighters to be built in closed systems.

+ Fixed an issue that was causing the Hiver AI to stop sending gate missions.

+ Improved reflective coating ricochets now work as designed.

+ Planet lists are now refreshed when multiple colonization missions are committed in sequence.

+ Fixed the missing Fusion Enveloping Torpedo icon.

+ Destroyed ship sections in combat no longer spam turret destroyed messages.

+ Fixed audio cue spam caused by adding a favorite invoice.

+ Asteroid monitors no longer disappear from systems when research is complete.

+ Plasma Focusing now updates correctly.

+ Liir battleriders no longer cause their fleet to be affected by gravity wells.

+ Ship groups in fleet lists now display the correct icons.

+ Asteroid monitors can now be repaired.

+ Fixed an issue that was causing multiple swarm queens to focus on one star system.

+ Fixed many varied art issues fixed.

Other changes and additions:

+ Polaris missiles now retarget.

+ Defeating the VN Homeworld now causes all related encounters to be removed and awards all players in combat with a 5% increase in research.

+ Added a popup dialog when the VN Homeworld is defeated.

+ Optimization of AI adjustments to empire and colony economic sliders.

+ Stimulus-generated colonies no longer claim combat zones when added.

+ Added a fleet creation button to most fleet lists.

+ Improved AI weapon selection to address issues that were causing it to avoid beam weapons.

+ AI now makes use of more ship section types.

+ AI now builds and places some defensive assets.

+ Targeting controls in combat have changed; A single click now isolates the hull or object on a ship, and a double-click targets a specific position on the surface.

+ The fleet manager has been updated.

+ Generated fleet names are now unique.

+ Shield Breaker ballistic weapon added.

Dandy [RUR]

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Other fixes:

+ Corrected some VN-related news events.

+ Initial designs are now consistent again.

+ Fixed some news event speech cue timings.

+ Fixed Morrigi PD weapon art issues.

Other changes and additions:

+ Design prototyping is now free on the first turn.

+ Freighters can now be moved between star systems.

+ Player-built freighters now display in empire color in the trade view.

Dandy [RUR]

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Critical fixes:

+ Fixed reported crash bugs in combat.

+ Abandoning a colony in the Colony Established dialog no longer causes a crash.

Other fixes:

+ AI no longer executes diplomatic actions without sufficient diplomatic points.

+ AI now builds various station types again.

+ AI no longer redesigns platforms continually.

+ Battleriders can now be targeted specifically.

+ Security slider no longer jumps to a notched position when the research slider is moved in the star map.

+ It is no longer possible to retrofit stations with pending modules.

+ Mining stations can now be built on asteroids.

+ Fixed absorber ship section effect.

+ Asteroid monitors now have Polaris missiles.

+ Ship targets in combat are no longer lost when turrets are lost or a

section is destroyed.

+ Fixed a corner case that could result in ships rolling continually in combat.

+ Meson Projector now aims at the intended target and applies damage correctly.

+ Ships turned over to a different player in combat now are now correctly removed from hotkey groups.

+ Fixed torpedo retargeting.

Other changes and additions:

+ Added Leech Driver.

+ Added population manager.

+ Added comparative analysis screen.

+ Changes to the All Stop command mean that a ship issued All Stop

will return to Normal Stance. If a ship is answering All Stop and

another stance is selected, it will start moving again.

Known issues:

- Existing sync errors in multiplayer turn updates are still being addressed.

Dandy [RUR]

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Ali i dalje kad uzme covek da cita sta oni tacno ispravljaju, ne core nego core od core gaming-a. Fundamentalne stvari. Covek da se zapita jel igra bila uopste igriva onog prvog dana. Mislim, jedan fix je bio tipa "Napad flote u orbiti omogucen" WTF!!!?!

Mental note, Dandy, you 4x you, jel imas neko misljenje o Legend of Pegasus, izlazi za 3 nedelje a bas izgleda kao SoTS rival.

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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Šta znam... lomio sam se da li da uzmem taj Legend u preorder-u, ali mi je bio preskup, a uz to mi je nekako meh na prvi pogled...

Videćemo kada se pojavi, za sada praktično nigde nisam video neki pravi gameplay, tako da ne mogu ništa konkretno da zaključim.

Meni je i dalje alfa i omega za space 4X prvi deo SotS-a.

Drugi deo jeste bio u totalnom raspadu kada se pojavio. Sada je to već mnogo koherentnija igra, ali je problem u tome što stalno dorađuju neke stvari i onda se nešto drugo zezne, pa to isto moraju da srede.

Mene samo teši činjenica da je i prvi SotS bio katastrofalan kada se pojavio, pa su ga doterali do maksimuma negde u vreme kada je izašla druga ekspanzija.




Critical fixes:

+ Fixed a Comparative Analysis UI crash.

+ Addressed a weapon bank related crash.

Other fixes:

+ Fixed recent mission screen UI issues.

+ Fixed loophole that was allowing station construction to exceeed the

number of each type of station allowed.

+ Engrammed admirals with the Inquisitor trait no longer gain extra traits.

Edited by Dandy

Dandy [RUR]

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Critical fixes:

+ Fixed a post-combat crash related to node cannon effects.

Other fixes:

+ Made general optimization passes to speed up turn times, AI processing and star system selection responsiveness.

+ Zuul no longer immigrate to other factions.

+ Population Manager and Comparative Analysis buttons are now disabled between turns.

+ Corrected 'pirate encounter freighters destroyed' news event messages.

+ Fixed graphical glitch caused by moving defense assets.

+ Battle riders destroyed by node cannons no longer continue to tie up

carrier space.

+ Fixed ownership display of systems in sensor range.

+ Corrected intel result rolls.

+ The intel success rate is now correctly reflected in the UI.

+ Fixed some cases where fleets were spawning at the wrong locations in combat.

+ Diplomacy panels are now disabled for defeated empires.

+ Fixed some odd behavior with ship rolling in combat.

Other changes and additions:

+ Factions now get population bonuses when immigrating.

+ The F key now functions as an alternative button for focusing on the

object under the mouse pointer in combat.

Dandy [RUR]

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