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Fallout New Vegas


Fallout Movie?? Fo online is dead?

Interplay recently received notice that Bethesda Softworks, LLC ("Bethesda") intends to terminate the trademark license agreement between Bethesda and Interplay which was entered into April 4, 2007 for the development of FALLOUT MMOG. Despite the fact that no formal action is currently pending, Bethesda claims that Interplay is in breach of the trademark license agreement for failure to commence fill scale development of same by April 4, 2009 and to secure certain funding for the MMOG. Interplay adamantly disputes these claims. Although the potential damages are currently unknown, if Bethesda ultimately prevails and cancels the trademark license agreement, Interplay would lose its license back of the "Fallout" MMOG and any damages resulting therefrom are unknown at this time.






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Bethesda/Zenimax (you know those folks, The Elder Scrolls, Fallout 3, that sort of thing) registered some new trademarks just recently.

On 5 February 2009, Bethesda Softworks LLC applied for the Fallout trademark for "Entertainment services in the nature of an on-going television program" (s/n 77663853) and for "motion picture films about a post-nuclear apocalyptic world" (s/n 77663852). Obviously they already own all the other US trademarks to do with this game property at present.

Eto vam fallout na tvu i filmu






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  bionic.man said:

Here's the problem, Sarah. I know you're smart...and you're telling me what I want to hear. I'm afraid I have no option but to recommend another 6 months....


"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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  G!!! said:
On 5 February 2009, Bethesda Softworks LLC applied for the Fallout trademark for "Entertainment services in the nature of an on-going television program" (s/n 77663853) and for "motion picture films about a post-nuclear apocalyptic world" (s/n 77663852). Obviously they already own all the other US trademarks to do with this game property at present.

Ok, this is getting wrong now... :S

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Auh, sta je ovo, babu im vrag potkovao. Danas objavljeno. Novi Fallout: NEW VEGAS ////// Radi OBSIDIAN na njoj [come]


Bethesda plans to show off the game later this year, with a release pencilled in for 2010. Expect more news as soon as we get it.

"It's not a sequel to Fallout 3, it's just another game in the universe, and it has no impact whatsoever on whatever Todd Howard and his team are working on," said Pete Hines.

"We approached Obsidian and they were, like, yeah. That was a pretty easy conversation. It's not Fallout Tactics, it's not Brotherhood of Steel; it's another RPG."


Fallout New Vegas was announced moments ago during a Bethesda press conference in London.

The new game was revealed by Bethesda's Pete Hines who said that the publisher is working with Obsidian Entertainment on the title.

It will be coming out next year for the PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.

"It is not a sequel to Fallout 3," Hines said. "It's simply another Fallout game in that universe."

It will be the same sort of role-playing game experience seen in Fallout 3, he said. The game's official reveal, with more details and a look at the game down the line.

Hines added that this title will have no impact on what Todd Howard and his team are working on.

Obsidian Entertainment is the development studio that rose from the ashes of Black Isle Studios, responsible for developing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Neverwinter Nights, Alpha Protocol, and Sega's Aliens: Crucible RPG, which is currently on indefinite hold.



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  voodoo_ said:
Gde je problem? Obsidian će napraviti dobar posao. Ekipa iz Black Islea, ovo ono. U sv. slučaju bolje nego Interplay, kojima ja ne bih sad dao ni nacrtane ovce da mi digitalizuju.

pazi kada nema problema

kada sam im ja joshsh. ovde na forumu [:D], predlozio da naprave drugu fo igru samo za hc fanove da bi im svi sve oprostili :P

vazno je da necemo dobiti vishe ono sto Bethesda radi najbolje :]

a ja sinoc konachno izbrisao nezavrshen fo3... TO MORA DA JE NEKI ZNAK!

Josh Sawyer u glavnoj ulozi u developingu yay... no more tod "i like to suck dick" howard ... a i ono sta god bude ne moze biti gore od bethesdine predstave zar ne...


zanimljiv topik sa obsidian foruma http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=51920





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We are still working on V13. The project is moving forward. We've hired more people recently. I wish I could tell you what Masthead has shown us, but I'm not allowed. Bummer, it's really cool.

I cannot comment on anything to do with anything. Almost literally. ^_^








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Fallout High Resolution patch 2.0A - http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/dload.php...mp;file_id=1252

Atari izdaje za Bethesdu u Australiji - http://www.gameplayer.com.au/gp_documents/...tsBethesda.aspx

  cali said:
shta bi sa Afterfall projektom? vidim da im je sajt ugashen






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