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My brute

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Hahah sale, razbio te cekicem :D

Zasto ja nemam ni noz, ni peta ni nista :(

Koje su razlike izmedju Pupila(kad ti dovedes nekoga) i obicnog?

A vi sto pitate kako je neko tako veliki lvl

"Your Brute will obtain experience if you recruit new pupils. To do that, give your Brute's web address to your friends. "

Edited by Atelas
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Hahah sale, razbio te cekicem :D

Zasto ja nemam ni noz, ni peta ni nista :(

Koje su razlike izmedju Pupila(kad ti dovedes nekoga) i obicnog?

A vi sto pitate kako je neko tako veliki lvl

"Your Brute will obtain experience if you recruit new pupils. To do that, give your Brute's web address to your friends. "

Imam brate 40 i kusur pupila

poz voz 2011

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