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Company of Heroes:Tales of Valor


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To je mozda req za Starcraft ali ovo nece terati =)


* Windows® XP or Vista

* 2.0 Ghz Intel Pentium IV or equivalent or AMD Athlon XP or equivalent

* 512 MB RAM

* 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 64MB video card with Pixel Shader 1.1 support or equivalent and latest manufacturer drivers

* DirectX® 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card

* 8x or faster CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive

* Keyboard, Mouse

* 6.5 GB of uncompressed free hard drive space (We recommend having 1 gigabyte of of free space after installation)


* 3.0 Ghz Intel Pentium IV or equivalent

* 1 GB RAM

* 256 MB NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series or better


* 1 set of discs per computer

* For 6-8 player multiplayer or skirmish matches, the Recommended System Requirements are strongly suggested

* Internet (TCP/IP) and LAN (TCP/IP) play supported. Internet play requires broadband connection and latest drivers. LAN play requires network interface card and latest drivers.





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I ja sam mislio da ce sve biti ukljuceno u ToV, ali sam sad uzeo i pregledao preview-ove i sam sajt CoH-a i stoji da ce imati samo svoje tri kampanje:

1) Tiger Ace - The Campaign

2) Causeway - The Campaign

3) Falaise Pocket - The Campaign

Tako da Leisure moj ti je savet da sacekas jos dan, dva, da izadje ToV i da se uverimo koja je situacija sa kampanjama, pa tek onda da odes u nabavku. No, nece ti skoditi ni da skines CoH vanilla i OF u medjuvremenu :)

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Ja bih to resio kupovinom originala :P


Instead, download the CLONEDVD-PROCYON version then follow the instructions below, be sure to patch to the latest version!


Install the game with the serial in the nfo

Then open the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc and open the file ?hosts? with notepad

Insert the following lines into the hosts-file: cohlive-1.quazal.net cohlive.quazal.net

Then load the mds from IMAGE folder in Deamon tools 4.10 and start Yasu 1.04.(Copy Yasu to Daemon Tools Folder!)

Then start the game. The game will validate the DVD and you should now be able to play lan/skirmish/single player.


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skinuto danas cu malo da sednem :)

prema snimcima sa youtubeta dosta zanimljivo izgledaju novi modovi za multi

edit: odigrao sam samo prvu misiju, tiger ace, ono zanimljivo je ali lako i kratko :(

btw ako ne mozete da pokrenete clone verziju kao sto ja nisam mogao, ima i crack za nemacku verziju koji fino radi na engleskoj :)





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koji je bre ovo kurac...znaci prvo se iscimao dok sam extractovao dva puta da bi dosao do image, onda instalirao pola sata i sad se tripuje kad pokrecem, cak pokrece tov cas of...i kad sam konacno pokrenuo poceo da mi skida neki patch sa relic downloaderom, sad cu da vidim dal ce raditi...ako ne potrazicu taj crack da skinem

ma koji je ovo kurac...sknuo sam patch i kad sam pokrenu igru izbaci mi odmah multiplejer skrin i trazi da registrujem akaunt sto jelte ne mogu zbog cd kija...a ne postoji nikakvo back dugme, vec samo exit to windows...a sad kad probam da ga pokrenem stalno mi pokrece opposing fronts i trazi disk...nema nikakvog kreka u ovome sto samskinuo, da skinem nesto sa gcva...jebote dva sata se drkam sa instalkacjom, popizdecu i izbrisati sve na kraju


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