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ma zezaj, al nisam od onih arogantnih tipova koji pljuju nesto sto nisu ni probali :

suludo smesno zvuci uz pogled na topic FO3 koji se protegao na 2 god pljuvanja ... pre nego li je igra i izasla :)

Sto potpuno opravdavam, jel'te :)

Aj da postujemo na neki drugi topic ovde, pre no li voodoo skonta sta se ovde prica ;)

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  • 3 months later...

Oce li mi neko objasniti detaljno kako i sta i GDE sve moze i treba da se skine da bi se igrali ovi novi modovi i sve to ?

Konkretno za Homeworld2FX:

1. Potrebna je instalacija Homeworld2 patch-ovana u verziju 1.1.

2. Skines FX_Mod_v1.85.rar.

3. Raspakujes FX_Mod_v1.85.rar i pokrenes installer (odaberes folder u koji je instaliran Homeworld2).

4. Ovaj korak je za crack-ovanu kopiju - potrebno je editovati shortcut koji se pojavio na desktop-u (a i u folderu u kome je Homeworld2 instalacija) tako da gadja na Homeworld2.exe (crack-ovani .exe fajl), a ne na Homeworld2FX.exe, koji je ustvari preimenovani originalni .exe fajl.

5. Poteras shortcut i igras. [:)]

- Homeworld2FX moze najnormalnije da se uninstall-ira iz add/remove-a.

- da bi se na Visti izbegao DEP error, najelegantnije (ako ne i jedino) resenje je German NoCD.

- za custom rezoluciju u shortcut se dodaju switch-evi -w i -h (npr. -w 1280 -h 1024), a za custom refresh-rate, switch -Refresh (npr. -Refresh 85, koji je vec stavljen u shortcut za Homeworld2FX). Anti-aliasing se forsira spolja.

Edited by Death Egg
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  • 5 months later...
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  • 1 month later...

A sad totalni obrt


Secate se najave o nezavisnom razvoju igre HARDWARE Shipbreakers ??  


E pa izgleda da je Gearbox ustupio nedavno kupljenu licencu Homeworlda ovoj ekipi :))




sreca sreca radost!

Igra koja je sada u razvoju je Homeworld: Shipbreakers !!





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Ko je propustio kvaku,


Blackbird is a private, independent game studio headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia. The company was founded in 2007. The founders are a team of experienced and successful video game industry veterans including senior EA staff and founders of Relic Entertainment.

In 2010 development started with an ambitious and original sci-fi game entitled HARDWARE, the newest Free to Play (F2P) real-time strategy (RTS) game from the creators of Homeworld.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A Twitter reply from Gearbox president Randy Pitchford has confirmed that Homeworld: Shipbreakers, the game formerly known as Hardware: Shipbreakers, is no longer planning to use a free-to-play business model. While you could reasonably argue that Twitter isn’t the best medium for divulging information about the funding plans of an anticipated RTS resurrection, realise that it could be worse. He could have done it as a Tumblr gif wall.

Mirise na sranje


Nije bitno da je velik, bitno je da je lep...
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  • 3 weeks later...

ih, svako pravilo ima izuzetak naravno, f2p=p2w je vise strah (iracionalan?) gejmera nego sto postoji bilo sta pokazuje da bi zaista bilo tako


ali ta prica je zavrsena, nece biti f2p dobili su budzet i finansiranje za klasicnu igru (u koju ce da ubace dlc-ove i mikrotransakcije :tf: )





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