Da, stvarno iznenađenje da će da snimaju nastavak jednog od najjačih filmova decenije :)))
Nego, Peter Jackson o Distriktu 9:
"- District 9 was advertised as being a low budget film, but it doesn't look like one at all. Between major CGI scenes and heavy action, this looked like a very expensive film. However, Peter Jackson confirmed it cost only $30 million. That's astounding considering what we saw. The low cost of filming in South Africa, the use of an effects house in Vancouver for all the aliens shots, and no big name actors kept the cost down.
- All the aliens in District 9 were CGI. They had some practical ones made for closeups, but they opted to go entirely CGI.
- Since District 9 was low budget, they decided to cut loose on the action and get the hard R rating on the gore and killed humans."
Ovo će biti opasan sleeper hit, me wants it bad.