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Јаша Томић

The X
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Everything posted by Јаша Томић

  1. http://www.gamegum.com/game/1857/heroin-hero/
  2. Mnogo para za to "gotovo nekorisceno".
  3. Oces sad da ga zoves da drkate zajedno na pamelin pornic?
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqwEJkaKMVI GTA Somalia :P
  5. What Kind Of God What kind of god is senseless and weak A product of mans own disease Tormenting with lust, hatred and envy A product of weakness that is worshipped daily Funeral full of enemies Watch the family gather stones Funeral full of enemies Victimised I'm left alone What kind of god would just overlook this What kind of god is just simply so sick What kind of god could we put our thrust in What kind of god is so ruthless and vain Funeral full of enemies The finger points to only one Funeral full of enemies They shift the blame to only one What kind of god would just overlook this What kind of god is just simply so sick What kind of god could we put our thrust in What kind of god is so ruthless and vain Funeral full of enemies Watch the family gather stones Funeral full of enemies Victimised I'm left alone What kind of god would just overlook this What kind of god is just simply so sick What kind of god could we put our thrust in What kind of god is so ruthless and vain
  6. My dog When you see him,you'll shit bricks I da TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!1111oneleven
  7. -jeo govna -jeo govna -jeo govna -jeo jos malo govana -jescu govna jos 2-3 god minimalno -u ustima mi ukus svih pojedenih govana
  8. Brate kakva je steta coveka od 76 god leba ti?Ja cu biti srecan ako dozivim 46...
  9. Zamolio bih te da se manes slaninarskog naglaska i lepo kazes sta si mislio. Btw fora je bas maximalna.
  10. Odlazak u studio.Studio nam se nalazi u bivsoj klanici BIM Slavije ;) [roflmao] [roflmao]
  11. Neka sprdnja letos u studiju.Turicu i klip kad ga budem konvertovao da zauzima manje od 1MB :)
  12. Sta je ukenjao si se od Pravih Srba a?Neces moci da sprovedes svoje separatisticke planove u delo a?
  13. Sta mu se izvinjavas.Jel su glasali za demokratsku vlast?Jel su glasali za centralizaciju bga?Jesu Neka cute i trpe!
  14. Da li iko zna gde ima ovakav genius g08 da se kupi Znaci da ima 6 tastera sa desne strane i da je USB (onaj sa 4 me ne zanima)> U najgorem slucaju bih uzeo takah (ili stariji model) sa game portom ali to je bzvz...Ocu USB!Hvala
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