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Everything posted by SavKe

  1. Igra mi se malo RoC kampanja,ali me smara deo sa HMN, a znam da sam pre imao neki fajl ili tako neshto shto otvara sve misije,pa bi bilo fino ako neko zna kako se to zove,ili josh bolje da mi da link gde mogu da to nadjem. :)
  2. Koliko glupi ljudi mogu da budu...Ovo podrzavam jedino ako ide sa vishkom adrenalina u kombinacij sa vihskom novca.
  3. SavKe

    (Srpski) Tenis

    To sam i ja hteo da pitam,ali reko ajde bolje da tjutim :)
  4. NE znam da li ste primetili ali pre par dana je izashao Karunov batch 14,ima par zanimljivoh stvari: "Chat with Devs: The StarCraft II team is trying out what it would be like to have the Ghost as a Tier 1.5 unit without stealth, keeping the stealth ability as an upgrade at a later Tier. This will be quite interesting since their snipe ability could provide much support to a group of Marines, picking off key units such as Medics, Templars, etc. 1) Will there be Vespean Gas deposits that yield better rates, the same as yellow crystals? (starcrafttwo.com) It is very likely that there will be higher yield Vespean Gas deposits, though we are being very careful in balancing this, since gas collection is based on a more linear rate of collection (3 collectors) versus mineral collection. 2) What happens if you initiate the warp-in of a Protoss Stalker but the pylon providing power is destroyed before warp-in completes? If you lose the pylon providing power for the unit warping in, you will lose that unit, and the purchasing credits will likely be refunded. 3) Could the Colossus be transported by the Phase Prism, since the Prism's crystal can turn any matter into energy? (mymym.com) Yes, the new Phase Prism now transports by changing the unit they wish to transport into energy, which is stored in the Phase Prism for transport. This allows the Phase Prism to be able to transport even gigantic units such as the Colossus. 4) What happens if a Terran Battlecruiser targets a Protoss Stalker with the Yamato Cannon but the Stalker blinks away before the shot is completed? Currently, the shot from the Yamato Cannon will still track and hit the Protoss Stalker. 5) Will Dark Templars be invisible when warping in, or susceptible to attack for a few seconds before it fades out? No, currently the Dark Templar will be invisible the instant it begins to warp-in, though of course we are still testing this for balance as it makes the Dark Templar quite strong in back door drops. 6) Do the bunkers have any visual indication as to whether or not they're occupied? Currently the bunkers do not have any visual indications to whether it is occupied or not, but this is something we would like to change."
  5. Pa to mu je nadimak,fazon kad je bio klinja po ceo dan(doruchak,ruchak,vechera,uzine) samo je burek jeo
  6. SavKe

    (Srpski) Tenis

    Vec vidim kako koshtunjavi iskorishtjava tu "ovo je nasha teritorija" izjavu :)
  7. Zato shto na njenom chelu mozemo da se skupimo da igramo fudbal.
  8. SavKe

    (Srpski) Tenis

    Jankoviceva izgubila http://www.b92.net/sport/tenis/vesti.php?y...p;nav_id=264771
  9. Rekao bih 3-pandurka,bosanka i nislijka :)
  10. Evo vam lepo cela(trenutna) ekipa: http://www.velikibrat.co.yu/housemates/index.html
  11. SavKe

    (Srpski) Tenis

    AHAHAHAHA Lejton pichkica pobego,igra neki zutac umesto njega :)))
  12. Jedna je ex striptizeta, neka bodibilderka ima ramena ko Shapic. Druga je simpatichna pandurka i ona mi deluje skroz OK. Treca je neka sa velikim chelom,pravnica iz Nisha,skorz m je apatichna. Zatim tu je bosanka koja mi je isto onako simpa. Tu je i ona mala fensi bg kurvica. Pa zatim onaj slon od 2 metra. Tu je i ona sa kikicama,ona mi najvishe ide na kurac. Naravno naivni burek sa facom koja govorim "dobar sam ki leba,al nemam veze sa zivotom" I onaj fan Lepe Brene "Mishel"
  13. Kao odgovor na zadnji post pre mog?
  14. Sam nachin na kako je scena snimana je veoma zanimljiv,ali shto se samog fajta tiche,jebote lepshe(i uverljivije) poteze sa video na onom turskom rambu nego ovde...
  15. Ja mislim da ti je zbog te ironije i rekao da lupash
  16. SavKe

    (Srpski) Tenis

    Pa nece da ga sigurno oslovljava sa Bugarin, kada je on Srbin,sasvim je normalni komentari tipa "Mladi Srbin..." i sl,ne razumem gde ti tu vidish neki nacionlaizam.
  17. SavKe

    (Srpski) Tenis

    Dorbo, izvini trebali su da sede i da se smaraju. Meni je bash do jaja atmosvera bila,vidi se da je Djokovicu jako drago shto igra za repku i emocije su na mestu.
  18. SavKe

    (Srpski) Tenis

    Ma jebes to tenisko navijanje, ja sam vishe za dobro, staro gadjanje flashama i novcicima protivnihckog tenisera dok ovaj servira :)
  19. Upravo to,ali je svejedno smeshniji SP serijal ;) Inache Futurama FTW!
  20. Extra su slike posebno mi se svidja ona druga. Btw:http://www.spacepaintings.com/video_clips_art.html
  21. Lupash,meni otvara sa operom...
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