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Samo da dodam da imaš mnogo bolje tiplove od onih iz članka - uzmi neki poput ovog sa slike, ima nekoliko varijacija na tu temu. Manja šansa da se gips vremenom okruni jer kad se zavrne do kraja krila se rašire i odupiru o unutrašnju stranu gipsanog zida.
Pričajte šta ste gledali u poslednje vreme
cali replied to Pipboy's topic in Film, TV, Muzika & Podcast
PotC: On Stranger Tides Manje-više ono što se i očekivalo: Kvalitetni glumci, scenario koji neko naškrabao za jedno popodne na salveti, i dužina trajanja pola sata veća od željene, pa ipak na kraju steknete utisak da nedostaje pola sata objašnjavanja da stavi sve što se dešavalo u kontekst. Sa pozitivne strane Ian McShane i Penelopa Kruz su se sjajno uklopili sa Depom. -
Arrested by the US occupation authorities at the end of World War II, Ishii and other Unit 731 leaders received immunity in 1946 from war-crimes prosecution before the Tokyo tribunal in exchange for germ warfare data based on human experimentation. On 6 May 1947, Douglas MacArthur wrote to Washington that "additional data, possibly some statements from Ishii probably can be obtained by informing Japanese involved that information will be retained in intelligence channels and will not be employed as 'War Crimes' evidence." The deal was concluded in 1948. Ishii was never prosecuted for any war crimes. According to Richard Drayton, a Cambridge University history lecturer, Ishii later moved to Maryland where he conducted research into bioweapons. But according to Ishii's daughter Harumi, he stayed in Japan, where he died of throat cancer at the age of 67. Skoro pola miliona žrtava i nikom ništa.
hahaha, sjajno :)
Pa i počeli su sa zaobilaženjem bana izgradnjom Hjuge - nosača helikoptera koji su klasifikovali kao razarač iako sa 20.000 tona (sa punim borbenim kompletom) prelazi dvostruko granicu razarača (10.000) i ulazi u zonu lakih nosača aviona. Bila je priča da će nabaviti još jedan nosač, ali ne znam šta se dešava u svetlu Fukušime.
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cali replied to Pipboy's topic in Film, TV, Muzika & Podcast
Hesher Teška drama o klincu kome se život raspada. Odlična gluma Portmanove i Levita, scenario je malo podbacio jer se neke stvari nedorečene i pojedine scene su inertne, ali je ukupan utisak pozitivan. -
Jedno pitanje u vezi prve knjige
About $1 billion was taken from Iraq's Central Bank by Saddam Hussein and his family, just hours before the United States began bombing Iraq, the U.S. State Department said Tuesday. Spokesman Richard Boucher said the government doesn't know yet where the cash might have ended up, and U.S. agents are hunting down these and other "assets stolen by the regime." "We do know from Treasury Department officials in Baghdad that approximately $1 billion was taken from the Iraqi Central Bank by Saddam Hussein and his family just prior to the start of combat operations," Boucher told reporters. "We'll actively follow up on all the leads," he said. In Baghdad, George Mullinax, a U.S. Treasury Department official who's in Iraq to help in the rebuilding of the Iraqi economy, said the incident took place March 18, just before the United States launched its bombing campaign to remove the Saddam Hussein regime. His main sources of information are Iraqi banking officials. Residents of the area around the Central Bank in Baghdad told CNN they saw three or four trucks backed up to the bank at that time and that people appeared to be loading money onto the trucks. Large amounts of money have been found in the war's aftermath, including $650 million recovered at one of Saddam's palaces. However, it is unclear if that money was from the Central Bank. Citing an unnamed bank official with knowledge of the removal, The Times reported that Qusay and Abid al-Hamid Mahmood, Saddam's personal assistant, were involved in the withdrawal from the Central Bank. The newspaper quoted the official as saying Qusay and Mahmood carried a letter signed by Saddam authorizing the removal. Fears have been raised that the money is helping finance senior members of Saddam's government, many of whom are believed to be in hiding in Iraq, according to the Times. Vest sa CNN sajta
Australia WWII heroine Nancy 'White Mouse' Wake dies One of the most highly decorated Allied secret agents of World War II, Nancy Wake, has died in London aged 98. Born in New Zealand but raised in Australia, she is credited with helping hundreds of Allied personnel escape from occupied France. The German Gestapo named her the "White Mouse" because she was so elusive. Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard said Mrs Wake was "a truly remarkable individual whose selfless valour and tenacity will never be forgotten". "Nancy Wake was a woman of exceptional courage and resourcefulness whose daring exploits saved the lives of hundreds of Allied personnel and helped bring the Nazi occupation of France to an end," Ms Gillard said in a statement. Working as a journalist in Europe, she interviewed Adolf Hitler in Vienna in 1933 and then vowed to fight against his persecution of Jews. After the fall of France in 1940, Mrs Wake became a French Resistance courier and later a saboteur and spy - setting up escape routes and sabotaging German installations, saving hundreds of Allied lives. She worked for British Special Operations and was parachuted into France in April 1944 before D-Day to deliver weapons to French Resistance fighters. At one point, she was top of the Gestapo's most wanted list. "Freedom is the only thing worth living for. While I was doing that work, I used to think it didn't matter if I died, because without freedom there was no point in living," Wake once said of her wartime exploits. It was only after the liberation of France that she learned her husband, French businessman Henri Fiocca, had been tortured and killed by the Gestapo for refusing to give her up. "I have only one thing to say: I killed a lot of Germans, and I am only sorry I didn't kill more," she once said. She was Australia's most decorated servicewoman, and one of the most decorated Allied servicewomen of World War II. France awarded her its highest honour, the Legion D'Honneur; she also received Britain's George Medal, and the US Medal of Freedom. In 2004, she was made Companion of the Order of Australia. She returned to Australia in 1949, where she failed several times to win a seat in parliament. In 1957 she went back to England, where she married RAF fighter pilot John Forward. Wake died in London. She had been a resident at a nursing home for retired forces personnel since 2003. She is expected to be cremated and her ashes spread in Montlucon in central France, the scene of much of her heroism. Her story inspired Sebastian Faulks' 1999 novel Charlotte Gray and a 2001 film by the same title, with the lead role played by Australian actress Cate Blanchett. Linkage
Za sta sve moze da se koristi ventilator
cali replied to dvnityCker's topic in Rastibudjilizovane klejbezable
Hlađenje mace. -
U Kanibalu u Piramidi to rade po porudžbini
AI je prilično loš. Moskva 1941. je bila prilično laka kada sam shvatio da su Rusi sasvim zadovoljni da stoje u rovovima fronta dok ja guram dalje ka cilju. Čak je jedna pešadija ostala na dva polja od nebranjenog grada i rešila je da nije vredno pakovanja pešačenja. Još jedna stvar koju sam primetio je da im se diže patka na AA topove. Spremni su da izjure iz odlično branjenih mesta samo da bi pripucali na PVO jedinice.
Mene su oduševili lovci-bombarderi. Onaj Bf110D sabija ruske lovce, i ne treba mu pratnja.
Kijev je prilično lak, ali će te onda sačekati zajebanija Moskva. Ako ti treba prestiž idi na Kijev.
Nikako nije sranje, ali po meni MW je napravio FPS verziju uspeha kakav je imao StarCraft - jednostavno sve je na mestu. MW2 mi je odlutao iz "sweet spota" u arkadnom pravcu, a to meni lično ne leži.
Pričajte šta ste gledali u poslednje vreme
cali replied to Pipboy's topic in Film, TV, Muzika & Podcast
Your Highness Generalno volim stonerske komedije poput Pineapple Express, ali ovaj film sa modernim forama u srednjevekovnom okruženju mi je, sem u par scena, bio dosadan. Jedina pozitivna stvar je Natali Portman.