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The X
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Everything posted by cali

  1. Ah, to doba jedne frekvencije i monohromatskih ekrana :)
  2. Otprilike, samo što su sitni iza sebe do osmog već imali oružane pljačke, a krupniji su bili punokrvne batice sa asfalta koje su jednom strpale profesora fizičkog u bolnicu jer je pokušao da ih spreči da igraju basket u fiskulturnoj sali
  3. U lepim ste vi krajevima živeli. Kod mene nisu bili Diznijevi likovi koji beže kad im uzvratiš. Grupa od njih 5-6 su bili sitni kriminalci čija su starija braća krupniji kriminalci svraćali na batinanje kad god naiđu na ozbiljniji otpor.
  4. U tom slučaju bi mogle i stripske teme da se sjedine sa knjigama, pošto je to jedna od literarnih formi
  5. Znam za kraj Velikog rata, moguće da je bilo nešto i ranije.
  6. Zato ni nemaš pare za air max i tri androida, da se ne cimaš sa zamenom maski!
  7. hahahahha, Kalvin i Hobs su pobedili Internet :)
  8. cali

    drugi svetski rat šbbkbb

    Why Irish soldiers who fought Hitler hide their medals Five thousand Irish soldiers who swapped uniforms to fight for the British against Hitler went on to suffer years of persecution. One of them, 92-year-old Phil Farrington, took part in the D-Day landings and helped liberate the German death camp at Bergen-Belsen - but he wears his medals in secret. Even to this day, he has nightmares that he will be arrested by the authorities and imprisoned for his wartime service. "They would come and get me, yes they would," he said in a frail voice at his home in the docks area of Dublin. Mr Farrington's fears are not groundless. He was one of about 5,000 Irish soldiers who deserted their own neutral army to join the war against fascism and who were brutally punished on their return home as a result. They were formally dismissed from the Irish army, stripped of all pay and pension rights, and prevented from finding work by being banned for seven years from any employment paid for by state or government funds. A special "list" was drawn up containing their names and addresses, and circulated to every government department, town hall and railway station - anywhere the men might look for a job. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-16287211
  9. cali


    Ako auto ima 2/3 površine u boji iz saobraćajne, ne treba posebna dozvola. Neka me točkofili isprave ako grešim.
  10. Klasični, srednjevekovni i senke su moj doprinos
  11. Kad si već kod klizališta, dajte ime hokejaške simulacije koja je nazvana po vrsti šuta.
  12. Ako ih svi hvale igraj sa svima :)
  13. Seva im paja, završiće fakultet u vojsci pošto im je koledž fond otišao na gedžete :D
  14. Avantura sa pesničenjem?
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