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Everything posted by ZeRoQL

  1. Prodajem podloge 3x SteelSeries QcK+ Limited Edition (Fnatic) 2000din saljem city expresom
  2. E ovako nasao sam sajt koji pretvara demoe u video zapise, samo uploadujete demo i za dan ce vam namestiti video na youtube-u :) http://www.qldemos.com/ evo par mojih vodova TDM on Dreadful Place by coolleR, FanZhibo, mikess, evil vs zeroql(PoV), V1UM, juven1le, s7ry TDM on Bloodrun by colwn tox, colwn l1nkje vs DEN juven1le, metsu zeroql(PoV) gl & hf
  3. Thanks :D http://www.sk-gaming.com/content/32557-Gaming_at_the_movies_13_still_MOVIE
  4. ZeRoQL

    GTX470 problem

    ja sam isto dobio zamenu, nisu mogli da nameste.... dobio sam ovo cudo http://www.dl.rs/prod.php?&IDPRO=3571&IDB=20&IDG=22&IDPG=52&p=g
  5. Serbia 2-0 UK Serbia manages to make this NC looks like last one, when they were also defeating team UK throughout the cup and taking 3rd place in front of them. http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?nid=354986&lid=11592&setlanguage= VOD: http://www.own3d.tv/lvlup#/watch/81464
  6. Rezultati :) Serbia vs Sweden http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?nid=354315&lid=11592 Serbia vs Slovenia http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?nid=354318&lid=11592 i malo ownage-a od mene!:DDD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi0gbCnkIP8
  7. 13/02/2011 SERBIA vs SWEDEN 20:00 SERBIA vs SLOVENIA 21:00 stream http://levelupyourgame.net/
  8. ZeRoQL

    GTX470 problem

    I sta je na kraju bilo Sa1Nt ? ste resili ?
  9. Slovenia vs Team Serbia Sunday 6 February 2011 21:00 steam: http://levelupyourgame.net/
  10. http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?lid=11592&nid=353716&Source=hpcn http://www.own3d.tv/lvlup#/watch/61895
  11. http://www.esreality.com/?a=post&id=2014544
  12. ajd ajd sad cu vam postovati moj novi film da vidite jumpove :) samo da moja firma sredi news na njihovom sajtu etc....
  13. odbio sam i coollera,cyphera i stermy-a :D boli me kita kad nece da plate za film :) nek im nubovi prave filmove :D
  14. ZeRoQL

    GTX470 problem

    ako se ponovo desi PROBLEM SOLVED: I had the same problem with an HP HDX18 with the nVidia GeForce 9600M GT.. First with Vista 64 and then with Win 7 64 in-place upgrade, then with a clean disk install, when I would install any nvidia driver dated after July 2008, the display would flicker, freeze, go black, then come back showing the message "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered". tBasically the driver crashes every minute or so. I ran across this thread on the nVidia forums and it completely fixes the problem. According to the posters, it's totally an nVida issue because the chip does the same thing on Macs too. It's a little complicated to implement in that you have to add 4 keys to the system registry. But in 10 minutes I had solved my problem with the only side affect that my display GPU runs 5 deg. C hotter. (The fix has something to do with system that slows the GPU to keep the temps down. You can find the thread here: http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=152956 I'm a computer expert who was so disheartened by this issue because i figured i'd never figure it out. I couldn't believe that it worked just like that. I'll paste the guts of the fix and add my hints in CAPS. 1.Open up Regedit and go to \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\********\0000\ The *'s will be random numbers. There will be a few of them, pick the one with the most stuff in it. [THIS SEEMED A LITTLE VAGUE, BUT THERE WERE IN FACT SEVERAL KEYS **** AND BENEATH THOSE, A COUPLE OF THEM HAD \0000\ AND \0001\. FEELING AROUND A BIT, IT WAS EVIDENT THAT ONE HAD SOME NVIDIA-SOUNDING CLUES AND CHOSE THAT ONE] 2.Create the 4 Powermizer keys (these will all be DWORD): [JUST RIGHT-CLICK TO THE RIGHT OF THE CHOSEN SECTION AND YOU'LL HAVE THE OPTION TO CREATE A NEW KEY.] PerfLevelSrc PowerMizerEnable PowermizerLevel PowermizerLevelAC 3.Change the values (double click on them) to: [i CHOSE HEX, NOT DECIMAL, HERE WHICH OBVIOUSLY WAS ONLY RELEVANT TO THE FIRST VALUE] PerfLevelSrc 3322 (I changed to 2222 to completely disable PowerMizer) PowerMizerEnable 0 PowermizerLevel 1 PowermizerLevelAC 1 4.Reboot and Powermizer will be disabled! [NOW HERE'S A WEIRD THING. FEARING THE POTENTIAL OF INCREASED HEAT, I WENT BACK IN TO PLAY WITH THE NUMBERS. i EVEN SET POWERMIXERENABLE TO 1 AND THE PROBLEM IS STILL GONE. LET ME KNOW WHAT HAPPENS.]
  15. si probao Intezinu internet platnu karticu ?
  16. Ako nekom treba QL OFFLINE u prevodu da igra quake live offline sa botovima itd, neka mi posalje PM i poslacu mu link da skine. btw skontali smo i kako da namestimo lan server :)))
  17. Logitech G110 Gaming 6.499 sa PDV-om http://www.emmi.rs/tastature-crne-srebrne-u-boji-tastatura-usb-us-logitech-g110-gaming.11.html?productId=13438 ako si na budzetu, ona idi uzmi ovu http://www.itsvet.com/proizvod/microsoft-wired-keyboard-500/comp_comp_keyboard/43/684
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