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Everything posted by voodoo_

  1. Nađi konkretnu igru koja te interesuje OVDE i primeni proceduru. Sve što tu piše radi, često potežem za takvim metodama kad režem nekom igre jer mi je lakše da skarabudžim retard-friendly instalaciju umesto da pravim uputstva nekom ko nije čuo za DT. Ko nije rezao ženama 4 CD verziju Simsa 2 (za koju nema validan krek nego mora mini imidž), taj ne zna šta je patnja.
  2. Zadnji NT koji je radio na ne-x86 je NT 4, prema tome - ne može.
  3. voodoo_


    Instaliraj Visual C++ runtime apdejt iz vcredist foldera sa DVD-a.
  4. Jebeš to, bolja je vest što Sony Ericsson planira PlayStation+mobile kombo.
  5. Ovde neće. Ne vredi, probao sam i PacSteam, svi traže izlaz na net. Jebo ih Steam :(
  6. Ovaj ne možeš. Tj. po prvom startovanju traži izlaz da apdejtuje Steam i ako ne uspe, ne ide dalje.
  7. Dobavio sam Half-Life Anthology koji sadrži HL, Opposing Force, Blue Shift i Team Fortress Classic, međutim ceo paket koristi Steam za launchovanje sve četiri igre. Igre ne koriste net u single player modu ali steam traži izlaz na net pri startovanju i traži da se apdejtuje, što ne volim. Pošto znam da postoje razni patchovani offline steam klijenti koji dolaze sa HL2 i slično, postoji li neki samostalni offline steam paket koji može da posluži kao offline launcher? Čuo sam da ima neki DarkSteam i PacSteam al ne mogu nigde da ih nađem.
  8. voodoo_

    sony ps2

  9. bolje nova pazova, šta ćeš u slovačkoj?
  10. Odlična je naslovna, te plavo-crveno-braon kombinacije su just perfect :)
  11. Bilo! :) Ovo mora da su planirali da puštaju i na TV-u, nisam čuo ovako sporu pesmu od njih ima sto godina :)
  12. ovo je oblivion, govoriš tiho i nosiš mač sa sobom! ha!! :)
  13. Brate mili, kad imaš 30 godina i privodiš ribu, onda ne kažeš njoj da ćuti da ne probudi roditelje, nego roditelje pošalješ na kabezu ili im kažeš da ćute inače će leteti napolje. Jer ako si doživeo da te sa 30 godina roditelji tretiraju kao da imaš 20, nevezano što živiš s njima, onda si ti sam kriv. Ja s mojima zdravo komuniciram bez obzira što sam daleko od tridesete, a oni u klimaksu.
  14. Kojih crnih devedesetih, jel se sećaš ti uopšte našta je ličila tad grafika? :) Ovo izgleda sasvim fino i koloritno, ko interaktivni strip.
  15. Nevezano za temu, taj zec je odličan! :)
  16. Exploited - Beat The Bastards
  17. de znam, vidiš da ima 100 MB a ja siroma na sporom kablu.
  18. Will The Witcher be making its way to the consoles? Find out in this interview. In other news, The Witcher's official website has word that a music video clip from the band VADER which combines some trailer footage with performance video and music composed by the band has been released, along with a link to a streaming video at Wirtualna Polska.
  19. SOULFLY mainman Max Cavalera recently spoke to Holland's Toazted about his new project with his brother Igor (tentatively dubbed THE CAVALERA CONSPIRACY) and the much-rumored reunion of the classic SEPULTURA lineup. Asked for his thoughts on the possibility of him playing with his former SEPULTURA bandmates again, Max said, "My approach [to the reunion idea] hasn't really changed from… let's say now… two or three years since this thing kind [the rumors] of started. So it's not really up to me. Everybody knows my position is I'd like to do it for many reasons, but the best reason is music — I'm a fan of music, I love music, and for me to do SOULFLY, to do [THE CAVALERA] CONSPIRACY, to do SEPULTURA, it's always music things. As long as I'm doing music, I'm happy, I'm doing what I like to do — everything else I suck at. I'd like to do the reunion, I've said that, but [i'd like to take] a little bit of a different approach. The other guys, I think — especially, I think, Andreas [Kisser, guitar] and Paulo [Xisto Pinto Jr., bass] — wanna only do the four-guy reunion. I'm against that idea — I think it should be the entire reunion of even the older members, the guys from back in the death metal days [presumably referring to guitarist Jairo 'Tormentor' Guedz (who never played with the band outside Brazil) and guitarist/vocalist Wagner 'Antichrist' Lamounier (who never appeared on a single SEPULTURA release) — Ed.]. To me it's more fair — more like a real reunion. SEPULTURA was not only four guys — it's been more than four people. If I had my way, it would be a reunion with the old members, the classic lineup… yeah, inviting everybody [for] a big jam." Asked if he would consider quitting SOULFLY in favor of a SEPULTURA reunion, Max said, "No. 'Cause SOULFLY is something completely different from everything else I'm doing. I like all of them very much, but SOULFLY is really my way of expression that I use for anything — positive or negative. So, no, there's no reason to… That's actually insane, 'cause SOULFLY is getting more and more popular but with more integrity all the time because we get heavier — 'Dark Ages' [the latest SOULFLY album] was heavier, so we got more credibility, I like it more, so why quit SOULFLY? That [would be] stupid. If I can do all of them, yeah, it's alright. Fuck, I'll rest when I'm dead. [Laughs]"
  20. 1. kupi kapu lol :) 2. probao sam, smetaju mi dlake iza/preko ušiju i šiške na čelu :| da imam frizera u rodbini, lindrao bih se na nedelju dana :) nego kad smo kod toga, jel ste izvalili cene u nekim nazovi salonima po centru? znači ne tamo gde se šiša tadić, nego običan malo jači salon, cene udaranje po ušima...
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