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Everything posted by Sa1Nt

  1. to je samo shkolovanje, a gde cesh da zhivish i shta cesh da jedesh ? preteruje ali bash ;)
  2. agencija kao agencija :) nisam siguran kako je sad tamo :)
  3. multipwn by dovla inache, dopada mi se auto, al' bih ipak pre uzeo C4 kad bi bila trenutna razlika u ceni, a ja bih imao pare:)
  4. shta cesh u burnetu :-)
  5. kakav sam ja car :) btw. uspeo sam da namestim tunelling sa mog linuxa na server u usa imam USA ip kad hocu bez proxa olol
  6. 1, kad browseujem rur sa fona, da ne pojebem cookiez ;)
  7. I've heard that you're acting in a new vampire movie? Right? Goood, finally a role that requires you to suck!
  8. dzokermane ako ti je stalo do energije, skupi keshericu pa u moskvu kod chumaka
  9. Faith No More - Zombie Eaters You're everything That's why I cling to you When I emerge My thoughts converge to you To you The world is so small Compared to you And everybody's wrong Compared to you To you I begin to see through your eyes All the former mysteries are no surprise So now, you listen Cuz I'm omniscient Hey look at me lady I'm just a little baby You're lucky to have me I'm cute and sweet as candy As charming as a fable I'm innocent and disabled So hug me and kiss me Then wipe my butt and piss me I hope you never leave Cuz who would hear me scream? Nobody understands Except the toys in my hands So now you listen Cuz I'm omniscient Hey look at me lady I'm just a little baby If I smile, then you smile Then I'll get mad for awhile I melt in your mouth And in your hands whenever I can But I really do nothing Except kickin' and fussin' I like to make a mess I laugh at your distress I sit all day in my crib Absorbing all you give I'm helpless I'm flawless I'm a machine Give me, I need my toys... Keep me hot Keep me strong Keep me everlong So now you listen Cuz I'm omniscient
  10. :))))))))))) mogu ja da potrchim, i to brzo, al' ne mogu dugo :-P
  11. ^ tako je, zavisi, negde je 3 dana mesechno, negde 2... ali tri meseca godisnje nije sigurno :)
  12. ne brini, mentalne funkcije ti nece biti ugrozhene :P:P
  13. vudu, to si ti pisao? katastrofa..
  14. vrlo rado, ali ti si na poslu tada? dovozim kevu oko 10 ujutru u vrshac, i vec oko 12 krecem nazad na posao ;)
  15. ortakinja mi je u londonu sa muzhem vec 3 meseca, i rekla mi je koliko placaju stan u predgradju, dvosoban :) ona i muzh su pravnici, a tip ima neku stipendiju pa tako zhive tamo :)
  16. jao brate, dolazim u vrshac u chetvrtak, nemo' te jurim po bregu
  17. statore, a porez? a troskovi? heh, 1.5k funti ti je stan van londona :)
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