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The X
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Everything posted by sunjalo

  1. Race - Orc Class - Warrior Level - 60 Professions - First Aid (300) Mount - 60% mount Gold - 220 gold on account Email - new 0641383333
  2. http://draganpetrovic.rs.. ako se neko zeni/udaje uskoro evo preporuke ... sjajan set fotografija :)
  3. http://instagram.com/p/pG-u9zCynT/ Vezano za Vucica :)
  4. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=528888710537043
  5. Stariji klip odlican, mozda neko nije gledao :) ludi rusi naravno http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKxpzTYNBhE
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFkhUWacyok&feature=player_embedded
  7. https://www.facebook.com/house.majstor.3?ref=ts&fref=ts javis se ovom liku i on ti sve to izracuna i kaze cifru ... mnogo dobar majstor meni je radio !!!
  8. sunjalo

    30 keyeva za dz.

    Ako moze key .. hvala unapred
  9. Kao sto pise u naslovu ... http://www.wowhead.com/item=33225/reins-of-the-swift-spectral-tiger ponude na PM ili 0655318211
  10. Ljudi su bukvalno shvatili vezu izmedju racunara i miseva :)
  11. Kao sto pise , nisam igrao na njemu par meseci ima dosta finish stvari kojih vise nema ingame ... titule/mounti ... info na PM
  12. Kao sto pise prodajem acc na kojem nisam igrao par meseci ... main paladin ima blizu 9k achi poena , ZA tigra , time lost proto drake-a i jos gomilu mounta ... imam sve hloom iteme koji postoje ingame ... acc je uplacen jos 2 meseca ... cena 120 e ... dobijate sav info od acc + skeniran ID info na PM ili 0655318211
  13. Info na PM ... kolicine do 1m
  14. Odradio juche, sve ukupno trajalo 2-3h ( cekanje na prebacivanje lika i cekanje da SOR stigne ) , bez ikakvih problema ... !!!
  15. Holy paladin 85 lvl - Realm Jaedenar HORDA achievements : 8380 titule : Ambasador Assistant Profesor Champion of the frozen wastes Chef Crusader Elder Defender of shattered world Elder Guardian of Cenarius Patron Twilight Vanquisher Of Orgrimmar Of Sen`jin Of Silvermoon of Thunder Bluff of the Ashen Verdict of the Nightfall of the Undercity the Argent Champion the Diplomat the Explorer the Hallowed the Kingslayer the Light of Dawn the Noble the Patient Mounti ( bitniji ) : Swift Zulian Tiger ( Zul Gurub Tigar ) Time lost proto drake Dark Phoenix Albino Drake Amani Battle Bear Black Drake Blue Drake Red drake Bronze Drake Sandstone drake Cenarion War Hippogryph Red Proto-Drake Tan Riding Camel Wooly Mammoth Fossilized Raptor Drake of the West Wind ... i jos preko 50 mounta Profesije : Alchemy 525 / JC 525 + cooking / arheologija / First Aid / Fishing - max skill Ima 4-5 altova 85 lvl !!! + paladin u banci ima sve h`loom iteme koji postoje ingame !!! uplacen je jos 2 meseca !!! 065/5318211 ili PM
  16. Nesto me zeza ovaj YT tag uglavnom likovi se sprdaju na snegu :D
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