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Everything posted by sunjalo

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPTVQRfjyP8 Pro dancer ...
  2. Holy paladin 85 lvl - Realm Jaedenar HORDA achievements : 8380 titule : Ambasador Assistant Profesor Champion of the frozen wastes Chef Crusader Elder Defender of shattered world Elder Guardian of Cenarius Patron Twilight Vanquisher Of Orgrimmar Of Sen`jin Of Silvermoon of Thunder Bluff of the Ashen Verdict of the Nightfall of the Undercity the Argent Champion the Diplomat the Explorer the Hallowed the Kingslayer the Light of Dawn the Noble the Patient Mounti ( bitniji ) : Swift Zulian Tiger ( Zul Gurub Tigar ) Time lost proto drake Dark Phoenix Albino Drake Amani Battle Bear Black Drake Blue Drake Red drake Bronze Drake Sandstone drake Cenarion War Hippogryph Red Proto-Drake Tan Riding Camel Wooly Mammoth Fossilized Raptor Drake of the West Wind ... i jos preko 50 mounta Profesije : Alchemy 525 / JC 525 + cooking / arheologija / First Aid / Fishing - max skill Ima par altova 85 lvl !!! + paladin u banci ima sve h`loom iteme koji postoje ingame !!! uplacen je jos 2 meseca !!! 065/5318211 ili PM
  3. Holy paladin 85 lvl - Realm Jaedenar HORDA achievements : 8380 titule : Ambasador Assistant Profesor Champion of the frozen wastes Chef Crusader Elder Defender of shattered world Elder Guardian of Cenarius Patron Twilight Vanquisher Of Orgrimmar Of Sen`jin Of Silvermoon of Thunder Bluff of the Ashen Verdict of the Nightfall of the Undercity the Argent Champion the Diplomat the Explorer the Hallowed the Kingslayer the Light of Dawn the Noble the Patient Mounti ( bitniji ) : Swift Zulian Tiger ( Zul Gurub Tigar ) Time lost proto drake Dark Phoenix Albino Drake Amani Battle Bear Black Drake Blue Drake Red drake Bronze Drake Sandstone drake Cenarion War Hippogryph Red Proto-Drake Tan Riding Camel Wooly Mammoth Fossilized Raptor Drake of the West Wind ... i jos preko 50 mounta Profesije : Alchemy 525 / JC 525 + cooking / arheologija / First Aid / Fishing - max skill Ima par altova 85 lvl !!! + paladin u banci ima sve h`loom iteme koji postoje ingame !!! uplacen je jos mesec dana !!! 065/5318211 ili PM
  4. Holy paladin 85 lvl - Realm Jaedenar HORDA Oprema : PVE : 3/5 T12 PVP : 3k+ resi retri i tank pve opreme ima dosta moze da se raiduje u njoj opusteno !!! achievements : 8380 titule : Ambasador Assistant Profesor Champion of the frozen wastes Chef Crusader Elder Defender of shattered world Elder Guardian of Cenarius Patron Twilight Vanquisher Of Orgrimmar Of Sen`jin Of Silvermoon of Thunder Bluff of the Ashen Verdict of the Nightfall of the Undercity the Argent Champion the Diplomat the Explorer the Hallowed the Kingslayer the Light of Dawn the Noble the Patient Mounti ( bitniji ) : Swift Zulian Tiger ( Zul Gurub Tigar ) Time lost proto drake Dark Phoenix Albino Drake Amani Battle Bear Black Drake Blue Drake Red drake Bronze Drake Sandstone drake Cenarion War Hippogryph Red Proto-Drake Tan Riding Camel Wooly Mammoth Fossilized Raptor Drake of the West Wind ... i jos preko 50 mounta Profesije : Alchemy 525 / JC 525 + cooking / arheologija / First Aid / Fishing - max skill Ima par altova 85 lvl ali nista bitno sto se gear-a tiche !!! + paladin u banci ima sve h`loom iteme koji postoje ingame !!! uplacen je jos mesec dana !!! 065/5318211 ili PM
  5. Kao sto pise ... cata acc 2 meseca uplacen pre par dana menjam za pirox bota PREMIUM ... PM za info
  6. Cini mi se da ovi automobili nemaju registracije .. da nije to neka auto kuca, fora sa reklamom !!!
  7. Potreban neko za farmanje honora ... 065-5318211 ili PM !!!
  8. Kome se ne svidja ne mora da uzme , nema potrebe za prozivanjem ... ako 15 ljudi ovde napise da je sve ok a i sam sam se uverio ( plus dechka poznajem irl ) znaci da je to to ... dobili su svi priliku da bukvalno bez para igraju igricu .. zasto se buniti !!! uzivajte ;)
  9. Ponude sa armory linkovima i opisom acc-a na PM !!! ko ponudi najbolji acc za ove pare uzimam (prednost acc sa sto vise achi poena i retkih mounta, gear i lvl likova me ne zanima )
  10. Potvrdjujem , sve odradjeno maksimalno
  11. Holy paladin 85 lvl - Realm Jaedenar HORDA Oprema : PVE : 3/5 T11 ostalo sve iz raid instanci .. 359 Itemlvl PVP : 5/5 Vicious gladiator + weapon 365 itemlvl retri pve opreme ima dosta moze da se raiduje u njoj opusteno !!! achievements : 7300 titule : Ambasador Assistant Profesor Champion of the frozen wastes Crusader Elder Guardian of Cenarius Patron Of Orgrimmar Of Sen`jin Of Silvermoon of Thunder Bluff of the Ashen Verdict of the Nightfall of the Undercity the Argent Champion the Diplomat the Explorer the Kingslayer the Noble the Patient Mounti ( bitniji ) : Swift Zulian Tiger ( Zul Gurub Tigar ) Dark Phoenix Albino Drake Black Drake Blue Drake Bronze Drake Cenarion War Hippogryph Red Proto-Drake Tan Riding Camel Wooly Mammoth Fossilized Raptor Drake of the West Wind ... i jos preko 50 mounta Profesije : Alchemy 525 / JC 525 + cooking / arheologija / First Aid / Fishing - max skill Ima par altova 85 lvl ali nista bitno sto se gear-a tiche !!! + paladin u banci ima oko 30 hloom itema ( ukljucujuci sva 3 back-a ) skoro za sve klase full lvlovanje na acc ima oko 50 000 golda i uplacen je jos 6 meseci !!! Info na PM ili 065/5318211
  12. 40 gb .. mada hdd je nebitan kad mozes da skidas na externi i preko njega igras !!!
  13. Ja licno zaista nemam naviku da nekom bez potrebe tamo odgovaram ali onaj klinac Stevan021 ili tako nesto , zar njega niko ne moze da sankcionise ??? jel samo ja primecujem da je decko blago retardiran !!! http://forum.klanrur.rs/index.php?showtopic=234918415&st=0&gopid=1711694&#entry1711694
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_KS8UeTvSM kralj komentator ;D
  15. sunjalo

    WTS 2 ACC

    Account broj 2 (shadow priest ) prodat ... ostao paladin !!!
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5pJ1tAWQ8s&tracker=False nova sezona .. nikad surovije ;)
  17. http://drze-opice.wz.cz ... odose gace :D
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