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Everything posted by Coyote

  1. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=215799794 :D
  2. @Pekar, Veruj mi uopste nije bilo lako nanisaniti glavu u tom trenutku, jer sam konstantno trcao do te pozicije, i samim tim lik je bio preumoran da bi imao mirnu ruku, morao bih da iskuliram bar 40 sekundi da mi se smiri lik, sto mislim da nismo imali bas toliko vremena, mozda na snimku deluje da se lako moze pogoditi glava :D ali veruj mi, ta puska vileni levo desno i jako je tesko iskontrolisati :(( pokasavao sam veruj mi :(( :D
  3. Dva patch-a je danas spojeno u jedan izgleda: Changelog - 0.34.115106 Community Announcements - MattLightfoot Branch: Stable ETA: Complete (Should be pushing out now) This update was released to Stable as a critical update outside of our scheduled maintenance period. This was because of a serious issue with the connection logic that could trap some players in the "dead" state. There was also a critical bug with looting other players inventory. These have been fixed. Known Issues: - Animations: Right hand twitches during pointing, character twitches once when middle finger is activated/deactivated - Actions: If player puts burlap sack from his head to ground his vision stays black New: - Animations: Ruger 10/22 hand pose - Animations: It's now possible to blend directly between various gesticulation states (pointing,finger,greeting...) - Crafting: Can repair clothes, weapons, and items using specialist items (such as sewing kit) - Gear: Configured sewing kit and its recipes - Gear: Added configuration for durable riders jacket - Gear: Added Cowboy hats to the loot spawns (multiple colors) - Gear: Added Sewing kit to the loot spawns - Gear: Added B95 and 762 speedloader to loot spawns - Gear: Added configuration for durable riders jacket - Gear: Added durable leather jacket to loot spawns - Gestures: Thumbs Up gesture added with default F7 key binding - Server: Optimization of synchronization of textures/materials (minor improvement to server FPS) - Systems: Falling now causes dynamic damage (roughly, fall of >5m break legs depending on equipment, >15m probably death) Fixed: - Actions: Could not cover another players head with a burlap sack - Actions: No longer spawns clones of sack after Remove Head Cover action - Actions: Removing Head Cover (burlap sack) while inventory is full won't leave you blind and without burlap sack anymore - Art: Duplicate geometry in lower resolution LODs of flannel shirt resulted in visual bug at distance. - Animations: Fixed an issue where the player would stay zoomed-in in sights for reload while aiming in prone - Animations: Player should now be force-disarmed when clapping while holding a single-handed weapon. - Animations: Pointing and clapping now works even when initiated from aimed states - Animations: Fixed an issue where the left hand would stay glued to the FNX45 for aimed prone reload - Animations: Default rifle aim stance (stand and crouch) slightly changed to better fit different guns - Animations: Twitches on right hand fixed when holding an item while middle finger and pointing. - Crafting: Cannot combine ruined stacked objects (such as ammo, rags) - Crafting: Cannot chamber/load magazine with ruined ammunition - Crafting: Motorbike helmet visors didn't retain their type when spray-painting the helmet - Crash: Game Crash when using FLUSH command - Crash: Out of bounds crash when no sounds defined - Inventory: Loot would stay on dead character after it is picked up, causing teleporting loot and general chaos - Medical: Cleaning wounds with alcohol tincture doesn't add last stage of infected wounds - Medical: Vomiting/Stuffed was completely broken. Now simplified and streamlined - Melee: Short melee weapons do damage now (hammer, screwdriver, hammer, hacksaw) - Spawns: Lowered probability of Weapon cleaning kit spawns - Systems: Healing system was double processing for blood regeneration - Systems: Notifier messages were not being cleared/reset on within-state changes - Systems: Players position was not saving on disconnect - Systems: Players could get continually stuck in a dead character during load from central server - Systems: Players would not receive any falling damage - Systems: Disconnecting dead player would delete the body after ~30 seconds - Systems: Damage was being equally applied to all objects inside inventory slot when shot/damaged (now items reduce the damage when they take damage) - Systems: Notifier gets stuck on "stuffed" - Weapons: Ballistic parameters of all projectiles tweaked for more realism (special thanks to Gews for his great analysis on weapon characteristics) SHARE: 11:53 Critical Unplanned Update of 0.34 to Stable branch Community Announcements - MattLightfoot Earlier this week we identified the source of a "respawn" bug that would cause players to become stuck in the "you are dead" screen. Because of the extent of the problem, and the difficulty it causes players, we have decided to push the 0.34 update to stable very early. What was the bug? This was caused when two small bugs with existing systems combined together when another bug was fixed. When a player clicked "respawn" for an unconscious character, the game server immediately sends an urgent message to the database asking it to kill the players current character. The the server sets the players game character's damage to full, and proceeds to save the characters current inventory/position one last time to the database. Normally, by the time it has finished that the damage has been set for the character and, again, a message was sent to the server demanding the player was killed. There was an old failsafe in the "save character" system on the central server, that when asked to save a character where no alive one existed, it would make a new one. What this meant was, the respawned character would be killed, then saved new, then killed again. The problem occurs that when a server comes under heavy load... both kill messages occur first. This means that a cloned, already dead, character then exists - trapping the player in a cycle of death. This complex logic state issue was identified and fixed yesterday. What does this mean? This means three things: The 0.34 will not be as extensive as we wanted it to be (just hotfixing) There is increased risk of new bugs creeping in to stable as 0.34 has not been tested long Today the whole stable network will be dropped to deploy the update Why not wait until the scheduled update? We feel that the impact of the bug is too high, and affecting too many players, to wait until we have tested the update more extensively and deploy it during our scheduled maintenance periods (wednesdays). Leading into the weekend, there is the potential for the problem to become worse as the server performance drops as more and more character have the issue and connect/disconnect trying to fix it. When will this happen? 7 February 12PM GMT, the stable branch network will be taken down to deploy the update. Please note: it can take game server providers up to 30 minutes to drop their servers. Players who are connected to a game server while the central server drops, are at risk of losing their progress. How long will the downtime last? We expect it stable to be down for three hours. Will Experimental Branch go down too? No, Experimental Branch will not be affected, although only a small number of servers run this branch.
  4. reader je rec koja bi trebalo da objasni sve :D
  5. dajte kul boje iz unutrasnosti! salim se, ova boja je i meni jako kul, definitivno bih uzeo bas ovaj model sa slike iznad
  6. I mali fajt od sinoc kada su nas napali u toku loot-anja na NWA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_xxXYjz8Pc
  7. Ahaha :D koji carevi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LELeWGM2R8
  8. e bas necu da kliknem na link jer mi nisi dao simse! :P salim se :)) dobija se jedan dlc za dz, sto je kao "kul" od njih :D
  9. mislim da je ovaj poslednji update najlosiji do sada, u sred sume dobijem bleed i padnem mrtav kao da me kamion oduvao mislim wtf!?
  10. Evo sta nas ceka u novom patchu: DAYZ PENDING UPDATE CHANGELOG Branch: Experimental ETA to Stable: 5-7 February 2014 Version: 0.33.114782 Known Issues: - Spawns: Loot is not spawning in military tents - Spawns: Some structures in Svetlo currently do not spawn loot - Server: Servers under load can delay actions from the client - Only 4 dynamic light sources will be rendered at one time currently What are experimental/stable branches? In your steam application settings, you can choose a "beta branch". This allows you to opt in to our experimental branch to try it out. Does my saved character get affected in experimental branch? No. It runs on a different database, so any changes will not affect your character on stable branch. I can't find a slot while on experimental branch! Only a small number of servers run this branch. You will need to change your game back to the stable branch and play on a normal server Can I join a stable branch server wil experimental branch client? No, you would need to change your client back to stable. When will this be in stable? We expect stable to be updated before the end of that week (by 7 February 2014). Why has <insert any bug> not been fixed yet when there is new content coming in? While priorities are very important when assigning work, there is a limit to how many people can work on a complex task without making it even more complex. Also, many of the team are focused purely on content/design so while the important stuff is being fixed, they continue to provide content and design updates. Is mouse acceleration being fixed? It is not fixed in this update, but we plan to make control changes. It is not as simple as turning it "off" as the speed your character turns is not dictated by the mouse itself, but your movements combined with the type of weapon you have, how tired you are, etc. New: - Actions: chambering SKS round from pile, loading 10 rounds from pile - Actions: You can uncuff other players with the hacksaw - Actions: Cannot use an item (e.g. drink/eat) if it is "Ruined" - Actions: Interactions with items reworked. Drinking/Eating/etc... more robust and user-friendly - Actions: Restrained players cannot use inventory or action menu - Animations: Player now can take and hide rifle in crouched run - Animations: SKS reload animations - Crafting: FNX45 pistol can be chambered with single round - Crafting: Opening cans with combat knife added - Crafting: Opening cans with machete added - Crafting: Painting Motorbike Helmets to Black and Green - Effects: Magnum revolver ejecting shells when reloading - Effects: Magnum revolver sounds - gunshots, reloading - Effects: Mosin ejecting shells when cycling - Effects: New Mosin sounds - gunshots, cycling, reloading - Gear: Improvised courier backpack added - Gear: Machete added - Gestures: Clapping Gesture added, default F5 key - Gestures: Pointing Gesture added, default F6 key - Login: Player queuing system introduced. Penalty waiting time added for switching server or disconnecting a server quickly. - Server: Player spawns now cached by engine directly, increasing performance - Spawns: Added Bubble goose jackets into the loot spawns - Spawns: Added SKS rifle, speedloader, ammunition piles and boxes and SKS bayonet into the loot spawns - Systems: Hunger and Thirst slightly modified. - Systems: Notifications added to UI for hydration and high energy - Zombies: Different types of Military zombies now have tougher attack values and improved durability - Zombies: Engine dynamic obstacle checking (zombie, another player) - Zombies: Svetlojarsk zombie spawns added Fixed: - Action: morphine injection can be used on other player effectively fixing his broken legs and item correctly positioned in hands - Actions: Keys won't disappear after uncuffing - Actions: loading ammo works for sprayed Mosin variants - Actions: Read/Writing notes with paper and pen now works again - Actions: reviving with epinephrine or defibrillator works also if player blood is below 500 units of blood - Animations: fixed an issue where reload in prone would leave some residue sound clutter at the end of the reload animation - Animations: Weapon reloading for magazine was not working properly when no magazine fitted - Animations: Rifle Aimed Walk Updated, diagonal animations fixed - Animations: sidesteping through doorway with rifle while crouching should not cause the player to get stuck now - Config: Berries have more nutrition now - Crafting : You can no longer saw off sawed off shotgun - Crafting: Can spraypaint M4 to green or black - Crafting: Damage is now transferred when items are painted - Crafting: Improved Backpack creation only possible when Courier Bag is empty (previously items accidentally deleted) - Crafting: Weapon cleaning kit can't be used when it's "Ruined" and won't reduce condition of a gun - Effects: Dazed effect plays again when a player is hit/damaged/shot - Effects: Some effects were not active locally when a player was restrained - Fixed: Missing texture error dzweaponsdataweapons_damage_metal_smdi.paa - Fixed: Popping up texture error for beret models - Gear: Spraycans won't deplete after relogging - Gear: Book, radio, pot, pan, gas canisters, matchbox, paper, firewood and stone can be placed in hands - Gear: Headlamp beam raised slightly - Gear: Painted items now retain their previous quantities (i.e. Magazine ammo won't reset) - Gear: Various item descriptions and notifications fixed for grammar, typos, more detail - Gear: ZSh-3 Pilot helmet fixed and updated - Gestures: Taunt defaults correctly to F4 key - Graphics: "god rays" could cause overloaded post-processing and graphical corruption - Graphics: fix of removing shining object from hand (switch off) - Graphics: Roads have per pixel lights - Graphics: Dynamic lights should be now defined with "radius" value which is maximum radius of light in meters - Loot: Splint position in hand was wrong now corrected - Spawns: Drastically lowered chance of backpacks spawning on the construction site - Spawns: Loot spawn tweaks in some civilian structures - Weapons: Mosin recoil increased - Weapons: Sawed-off shotgun can be loaded with ammo (was broken due to changed inheritance) - Weapons: Sawed-off shotgun: reduced size in inventory, reduced spread - Zombies: Better filter/check of attack hits directly in engine - Zombies: Military zombies made tougher Hotfixed: - Engine: Irregular crash of server in corpse garbage collector consequence of this is that the bodies will not disappear if other player is in vicinity
  11. glupost, ovaj chart je napravio neki nub koji ne ume da se zabavi u igri
  12. k0baya <3 oprosteno mu je istog trenutka jer je precar precareva! o/
  13. Ua izdajico :D Elem, malo smo se utisali poslednja dva dana, ali sada dolazi vikend i bice pucanja samo tako xD Dominiramo polako igricom!
  14. novi hb: https://www.humblebundle.com/weekly Operation flashpoint o/
  15. ako ne kupis dayz neces sprcati!
  16. da bre ko jos danas pa ima slobodan minut da napise poruku!
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