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The X
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Everything posted by Coyote

  1. mnogo igriviji nego d3 vanila, totalno druga igra, ovakva je po meni trebala igra da bude od samog izlaska
  2. na foru sto postoji identican sastav o crvenoj zvezdi :D opet jebem li ga koji je od ta dva sastava pravi :D
  3. heh sada imam 2x ds1 :D mislio sam da mi nece dozvoliti jer vec imam igru u library-u
  4. ne znam ni sam veruj mi, nisam se setio u tom trenutku, a i taj wiz je sada 70 i ima 600k dmg za sada sinoc se ulogujem sa namerom da odigram bounty run, ali me cak i to mrzelo da uradim nego sam uzeo dva levela sa dh i pred poslednji wp razbijem cup padne zeleni ring, posle tri metra razbijiem sledeci cup padne i drugi legendary oculus i rose su mi pali.. :D ali bzvz roll bio na oba ringa :S
  5. sinoc odigrah sa wd prvog lika da tako kazem kog sam dingovao na 70, mnogo mi se svidja kako su odradili sve, otkrivao sam svaki detalj mape bukvalno koliko sam uzivao, i sve sam igrao na torment 1 tezini, do poslednjeg bossa kog nisam mogao ubiti pa sam njega na expert mislim, dva puta sam spustao tezinu da bih ga ubio :D inace wd mi je bio najlosije girovan lik oko 120k dmga dok mi je wizard koji je main bio imao 3 puta vise, ali njega cu danas :D
  6. dobio sam key i ubacio, pisalo uspesno ali se ne vidi na onom spisku da je upgradeovan i stoji i dalje da mogu, probacu kad dodjem kuci, uglavnom trebalo im je nesto vise od 12h da mi isporuce key, vala nikad vise! glupi ameri -.- :D
  7. uzeo sam d3 expanziju ili izgleda bar pokusao da uzmem tj kupim, evo jos uvek nista nisu odgovorili, pusticu ih do sutra ujutru, mozda ih i pozovem ako se ne oglase, ali ako ni tada ne budu reagovali probacu dispute na pp ;
  8. Izbegavati sajt www.allcdkey.com jako losa usluga, pateticni, prespori, cekam evo vec vise od 4h da mi proslede key, trazili pre 3h neki info, dao im i sada ih nema, za live chat support cekam vise od 2h i tako, kontam da ce me zajebati na kraju.. :D
  9. Rur polo, Quake 3 polo, one and only space program :D hocu odma sada odma :D
  10. Change Log - 0.42.116181 Community Announcements - Hicks_206 Known Issues: Physics: Item throwing physics is currently disabled Melee: Cannot conduct melee attack from "lowered" melee stance (press space to chance stance to "raised") New: Actions: Vomiting have associated sound effects Actions: Ballistic helmet variants can be painted to black and green color with spraycan Actions: Can check pulse on unconscious players Actions: Searching for berries will now add berries to your inventory Actions: Eat All now supported for consumables Actions: You can catch rain into canteen and water-bottle from inventory Animations: New Ruger 10/22 reload animations Animations: New Ruger MKII Reload animations. Animations: Player now can sit with gun/weapon Animations: Completely new two-handed melee animations. New right-handed poses, moves and attacks for axes, baseball bat, pipewrench, crowbar, fire extinguisher, shovel, farming hoe. "Low" and "Aim" stances introduced for stand, crouch and prone. Crafting: SKS painting recipe Crafting: You can paint firefighter axe black and green Crafting: Blaze 95 painting recipe Environment: New rock textures Food: Sambucus berry item added Food: Canina berry item added Gear: added black and UN ballistic helmet variants Gear: Sickle added into loot spawns Gear: 1911 engraved version configure added to loot spawns Gear: Can opener can be used as melee weapon Gear: Box of 10 bucks shots added configured and added to loot spawns Gear: Wool Coat red/black/brown/blue/green/grey/check variants added Gear: Green and black variant of SKS Gear: Green and black variant of firefighter axe added Gear: Flat Cap red/black/brown/blue/green/grey/check variants added Gear: Rabbit leg, boar steak and chicken breasts added Gear: Fresh and rotten tomato configured and spawning on the server Gear: Fresh and rotten potato configured and spawning on the server Gear: Fresh and rotten Green Bell Pepper configured and spawning on the server Gear: Canned Peaches configured and spawning on the server Gear: Tactical bacon configured and spawning on the server Gear: Hard headgear (ballistic, moto, construction and pilot helmets) cannot be wear together with masks Gear: Sporter 22, CR75, Amphibia S, 1911 and respective magazines and ammo (22LR and 9mm) added to spawns Gear: Wool Coats and Flat Caps added to spawns Gear: Farming hoe configured and spawns Gear: Long wooden ash stick Gear: M4 attachment green variants added Graphics: Adding lights to currently rendered scene changed Graphics: Lighting from objects now is rendered during daytime also Graphics: HDR improved and tweaked slightly to perform better with bright lights in scene (i.e. flashlights etc...) Graphics: Engine supported point source light objects (e.g. Gaslamp) now working correctly Map: Olsha has been updated Map: Khelm has been updated Map: New rock formations outside Svetlo have been created Map: New Orthodox Chapel has been created Map: Police Stations & Medical Centers have been placed across the map Map: Village pub configured for spawning loot Map: New villages surrounding Svetlo Map: Chernaya Polana town + surroundings added Map: Signs for "Chernaya Polana" added Medical: Players can have a heart attack (declared as "irregular pulse" with pulse checking actions) Weather: Rain, Clouds, Wind, calculated on server and distributed to clients Weather: Rain now causes items and player to become wet Zombies: Simple respawn mechanic implemented for zombies, pending more robust method Fixed: Actions: Added 'inUseItem' back to action on target function Actions: Proper nutritional value will be added when eating near empty food Actions: Berry picking script messages to player improved. Actions: Removed duplicate option for crafting splint in action menu Actions: Fixed force drink message for action with waterbottle Actions: Eat all rice animation length modified Actions: Force feeding action now depletes right amount of food/drinks Actions: Water Bottle stays in hands after force drinking Actions: Eating cereals won't leave you with 0% box in your inventory anymore Actions: Fluids deplete properly after force drinking action Actions: Removed force feed action for disinfectant and alcohol tincture Actions: Crafting splint from bandages now uses whole disposable bandage and half of dressing bandage Actions: Ruined rags/bandages and wooden sticks doesn't produce infinite splints Actions: Clicking on Eat All action if amount of food is below 1/4 will result in playing only short eating animation Actions: Edited player messages in force drink action and fixing broken limbs Actions: Force feed/drink doesn't use whole quantity of some food/drink items also canteen is not destroyed after action Actions: Player message for drinking from well Animations: Bandage and eating pills animation glitch fixed. Animations: Holding animations of various weapon magazines correctly linked Animations: Player can now be properly knocked out while in water. Animations: New M4A1 reload animations. Animations: Various glitches when moving / changing stances fixed. Animations: Rolling left/right while zoomed in sights makes player zoom out for the duration of the roll. Animations: Evade animations in prone (Q and E) are faster now. Audio: Subsonic projectiles no longer emit supersonic crack Balance: Buffed damage of 762x39, 9mm, .22LR. Slightly nerfed shotgun pellets Gear: Added color variants of ballistic helmets into loot spawns Gear: Purification tablets package contains ten tablets now. Cholera removing functionality added. Gear: Painted SKS chambering Gear: Even lower chance of backpacks spawning on construction sites Gear: Changed inventory view of pitchfork Gear: Removed quantity value from burlap sack tooltip Gear: Display name for t-shirts with stripes Graphics: SSAO in options saved Graphics: Rain effect settings changed Graphics: Rain geometry optimized (28 bytes vs 12 bytes per vertex) Graphics: Spot light culling fixed Graphics: Fix of terrain intersections Graphics: Fix of geometry trace for flares Graphics: Rain now does not fall inside buildings for those on Lower/Disabled shadow settings Login: Failure during new character creation could cause player to get stuck as unconscious Map: Optimizations for Svetlo performance Map: Forests surrounding Svetlo bugfixes Medical: Would never actually die from zero health or blood due to medical conditions Medical: Epi-pens will now wake anyone (briefly) from unconsciousness even if blood very low Medical: Defibrillator used for restarting the heart of players who have a heart attack Medical: Unconsciousness had irregular and unpredictable behavior (epi-pens will now always wake an unconscious player, unless they are having a heart attack) Medical: Melee damage application system changed to better balance Medical: Chance of bleeding from fists reduced significantly Medical: Arm and leg ache messages fixed Medical: Disconnected players avatars did not take shock or blood damage Medical: Falling from height while sprinting did not kill player when it should have Medical: Player could vault with broken legs Network: Dropped items appeared only after a delay (now instant) Network: Inventory items causing desync due to non-guaranteed update spam (hotfix currently until guaranteed message change is complete) Network: Optimizations to network messaging updates should result in reduced bandwidth and some increases in FPS for clients/server Structures: Changed inheritance of barrier structures (due to errors in logs) Structures: Item disappearing when dropped from inventory on stairs or near walls Weapons: Long-range scope reticle properly centered Zombies: Zombies aims mostly for chest area now when attacking (stops the "helmet of armor" change)
  11. khm khm Ma gde je zlopamtilo, vidis da ne moze da upamti ni drugare sa kojima igra! :D
  12. Sevaju popusti na Steamu, obavezno procesljajte onaj special tab pod featured games imma zanimjlivih naslova i lepih popusta
  13. Dajem kupon od 50% za igru 140 http://store.steampowered.com/app/242820
  14. Juce smo ubili 6 likova, ja pado u nesvest na kraju :D ali dva selina i zavoji resili problem, samo jurim morfijum da se povratim skroz
  15. bas te vole: TELMi @ BF4 14 Oct, 2013 @ 4:27am reported fucking bastard, dont spam your fucking radiocommands, i send a video to valve, i hope u become a cs:go ban !
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