Mogli ste iz sopstvenog pamcenja umesto copy/paste sa sajta/skripte. Cheateri :P
Evo malo Goriona sto se secam, sve iz glave
Listen carefuly, if we ever become separated it is imperative that you make your way to the Friendly Arms Inn. There you will meet Khalid and Jaheira, they have been long my friends and you can trust them. *chants a minor healing spell*
Hurry child, we must find shelter soon, don't worry, I'll explain everything as soon as there's time.
Wait, there is something wrong. We'r in an ambush, prepare yourself.
Sarevok: You'r perceptive for an old man. You know why I'm here, hand over your ward and noone will be hurt, if you persist it shall be a waste of your life!
Gorion: You'r a fool if you believe I would trust your benevolence. Step aside and you and your lackies will be unharmed.
Sarevok: I'm sorry that you feel that way old man.
Gorion: Run child, get out of here!
Bandit: *farts* Whoa, now that was a stinker! hahahahah
Slave miner: Get me out of this hell hole... Please dear Sir, save me!
Rat: *squeek*
Dwarf: By Moradin's hammer!
Umberlee priestess: Queen bitch accepts no insolence!
Tanya: You'r trasspassing on my landhome!