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The X
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Everything posted by [BMF]Psycho

  1. wow ur the man, placas porez...smor. a sto se rastenja tice...jos mnogo treba da porastes pa da ne placas porez.
  2. Okej mozda ja nisam u tom fazonu al opet ovaj beep is beyond me. Jel moze neko da objasni sta je smesno? http://www.klanrur.rs/vesti/1113553227_ft050413.gif Aj u zdravlje
  3. AJAOoooo zivot mi se zgadio, kako je odvratna
  4. hahah nevera da sam ispustio to, jebiga nisam ga preso ima dugo, izgleda da cu morati opet da ga obrnem.
  5. riba ocigledno nije skontala da je u modi brijanje medjunozja, kad sam vido zbun odma flashback is scary movie 1, ono kad slepi misevi izlecu iz afro frizure
  6. Gorax the Ghoul: Gorax thinks you look very tasty today.
  7. Priest: The Lord of Murder shall perish...in his wake he will spawn a score of mortal progeny...chaos will be sawn fromt heir footsteps...so sayeth the wise Alaundo.... Windthrop: My hotel's clean as an elven arse (nisam siguran da je arse) Flaming fist enforcerer: I serve the Flaming Fist! Shar-Tel: Eat steel, scum! Imoen: My arrow will cut you down to side. Ogre mage: Mwahahahahaha! Thalantir: Greetings travelers, I am Thalantir, mighty mage of Beregost! Random foe: Surrender and your passage shall be...quicker. Xvart: Ataaaaaack!
  8. promenite topic u "odjel za umorstva"
  9. Mogli ste iz sopstvenog pamcenja umesto copy/paste sa sajta/skripte. Cheateri :P Evo malo Goriona sto se secam, sve iz glave Listen carefuly, if we ever become separated it is imperative that you make your way to the Friendly Arms Inn. There you will meet Khalid and Jaheira, they have been long my friends and you can trust them. *chants a minor healing spell* Hurry child, we must find shelter soon, don't worry, I'll explain everything as soon as there's time. Wait, there is something wrong. We'r in an ambush, prepare yourself. Sarevok: You'r perceptive for an old man. You know why I'm here, hand over your ward and noone will be hurt, if you persist it shall be a waste of your life! Gorion: You'r a fool if you believe I would trust your benevolence. Step aside and you and your lackies will be unharmed. Sarevok: I'm sorry that you feel that way old man. Gorion: Run child, get out of here! Bandit: *farts* Whoa, now that was a stinker! hahahahah Slave miner: Get me out of this hell hole... Please dear Sir, save me! Rat: *squeek* Dwarf: By Moradin's hammer! Umberlee priestess: Queen bitch accepts no insolence! Tanya: You'r trasspassing on my landhome!
  10. Ej mene zanimaju naslovi Octopussy i For your eyes only, jel to ima neko na cd ? Nije frka ako treba i kesh da uletim.
  11. ovo definitivno mora da se isproba, sjebacu racunarsku ucionicu na faxu
  12. ala prija kad hemofarm popushi, pogotovo kiseli izraz Mishe Babitja
  13. brate ako dodje ja je moram za sisu zgrabiti i zazvaliti, pa nek posle robijam angelina forever
  14. bas se nasmeja slatko, ovo ko oni ludaci sto ih tovare preko zice
  15. e i mene zanima bas, jes da je malo glupa serija al je zarazna da ga jebes
  16. dobar je hi men crtic, bem li ga i na film sam se lozio ko klinja
  17. [BMF]Psycho

    fallout 2

    da i onda moras dqa ih pickpocketujes sto je skor nemoguce jer non stop trce, i onda se ljudi pitaju sto sam childkiller
  18. a brate nasi zoo vrtovi gore neko svapski logori, zivotinjama sve jedno jel su zive il mrtve a neke bi vise volele da su mrtve
  19. Pingvin haha. Salu na stranu delfini su cool
  20. [BMF]Psycho

    Eurobasket 2005

    Ne bi bilo skupo da je nasa reprezentacija kao pre 10 i vise godina. Ovako mi se ne bacaju pare da gledam jajare. (cast izuzecima)
  21. haha odvratna je a garisa ko lovac iz sume, doso da zameni divokozu sa human female katastrofa
  22. taj rad odneses kuci celu tu staklenu kutiju, i onda u supi godinu dana burgijaj, cepaj sekirom stogod
  23. 99 posto je obican flomaster jer bi debeli skontao saranje slova, ali u svakom slucaju dobra
  24. Sta ja znam, moji matorci pricaju kad su oni bili klinci isto je tako padao sneg, mozda ovo globalno zagrevanje smanjilo kolicinu snega, a sad doslo na merak..ko ce ga znati
  25. wow ti ga bas pojasni inace film je superiska i za neuke poput mene, ono misterija and shit. dobra mi je fora kad ona riba spava sa njim, i onda trazi knjigu i kaze 'dont fuck with me' a on ' i tought i already did that'
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