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Everything posted by Lex

  1. http://www.dota-allstars.com/forums/ - Prvoaprilska shala? Mada me od Pendragona ne bi chudilo da je ozbiljan. ;) jebga sklonio je... :)
  2. DotA-Allstars v6.04 Many thanks to TheRandomDude for his help in improving the terrain. Bugs Fixed: Gambler does not instant kill roshan Gambler does not recieve wood Deathmatch spawn location fixed. Fix razor attack animation with desolator Allow item TP on invulnerable allied building Tweaked sprout Fixed allowed targets for Rabid Fixed etheral bonus to the intended bonus of 1.4x instead of 1.66 Fxed middle sent rax killing no upgrade bug Counterhelix does not trigger take wards attacks into account of chance. Fixed hexed chicken move speed Fixed aura animation on tiny Blinkstrike/swap delay in action tweaked Omnislash delay action tweaked Refresher orb properly refreshes AM mana void animation restored Chip stack can only target heroes Bear with green orb issue resolved The GS/GA bug resolved Mana Leak fixed Scoreboad + techie fixed. Pudge can no longer get first blood for rotting at start Clarity potion and Mekansm no longer share cooldown Fountains now have true sight Learn lvl 2 enchant before lvl 3 Sandking burrow attack bug. Balance: Lucky stars now 5/6/7/8 % BoT recipe costs 1850 Casting delay on BoT changed from 3->4 Stout shield now 50% chance to reduce 20 dmg (min 5 dmg) Increased Impetus cost to 40/45/50/55 from 40/40/40/40 Reduced max range on soul steal to 600, from 800.(confirm this) Terrorblade meta range 575 from 600 March of the Machines now costs slightly more at 145/150/165/190 Removed Chen for now, pending proper hero remaking. Clarity potions now regen 100 mana from 150 Removed Phantom Lancer banish after spirit lance Spirit lance now cripples for 3 seconds,(10/20/30/40 speed reduction) Dopplewalk ww duration now 12 seconds Enchantress Nature's Attendants now summons 3/5/7/9 wisps to heal from 4/6/8/10 Lich nova now costs 125/150/170/190 from 100/125/155/180 Lich attack range changed from 570 to 600 SA smoke screen is now -20% move all lvls Smokescreen now causes 50/60/70/80% miss instead of disabling attack. Hand of Midas cannot be dropped. Scourge and Sent Fountains same range (check this) Mekansm recipe now 700 gold Removed Bloodseeker for now, pending proper hero remaking. Headdress now only self heal, 300 gold recipe Change crystalys to 1000 recipe gold Time stop reduced to 2.5 seconds, mana cost now 180/250/300 Removed attack from world tree Wraith costs 250 from 275 Bracer costs 250 from 275 Null costs 165 from 150 Heart has +35 now, up from +30 Guardian angel mana cost now 125/150/200 Coup de gras now 2/3/4 crit at 15/15/15 % chance Howl given 10 second cooldown from 0. Chakra % dmg increase now lasts 30 seconds, from 10. Self castable again. Medusa gets purge back, loses gaze. Splitshot now does 35/45/55/65% Stat change replaces his ultimate. Morph no longer has spell steal Morph gains 4 more stat points for a total of 14 usable. (2/2-agi/str) Morph blink becomes 700/800/900/1000 range with 9/8/7/6 cooldown Reverse polarity now 120/160/160 cooldown Chaos knight base str reduced to 21 from 23 DK frost does not freeze towers DK frost duration nerfed from 10 to 3 seconds Monkey King Bar recipe now 1650 from 1600 AllIn has 30 sec cooldown now Drunken Brawler now 1.8x crit from 1.7x Drunken Haze slow improved from 5/8/11/14 to 10/12/15/17 Stone Giant Grow! now has +1/2/3 armor per lvl. Terror AOE now 700 from 500 and Armor reduction now 2/3/4/5 from 3/4/5/6 but now learns at 3/6/9/12 Naga Siren starting str change from 17 to 19. Omnislash now 3/5/8 from 4/6/9 Rain of Chaos cooldown now 100 seconds down from 120 seconds. Does not damage structures on impact. Phantom Lancer cripple duration 2.5 seconds from 3 seconds. Echo slam dmg per target reduced from 35/45/65 to 27/37/57 True form now gains 250/400/600 bonus hp Eul cyclone cooldown now 3 sec, up from 0. Necronomicon 1st upgrade: extra 3 int/str stronger creeps Necronomicon 2st upgrade: extra 3 int/str even stronger creeps Lucy now 300 base speed, up from 280. Blink Dagger range changed from 1300 to 1000 Magic Immune no longer resists leech. Potion of Healing now 150 up from 100 gold. Flask of Sapphire Water now costs 95 from 80 Aegis of the Immortal requires RoH isntead of Persv, but with a recipe cost of 2500 instead of 1900 (overall 300 cheaper) Avalanche now stuns for 2 seconds instead of 1 March of the machines cooldown now 40 seconds, from 35. Hand Of Midas cooldown changed from 123 to 105 Typo: Added Evasion % in tooltip Fixed radiance typo Fixed QoP tooltip Fix tooltip on tp item to tp on any structure, not just towers. Fixed range typo on sniper Fixed location of tiny ult Fix track hotkey Fix bane/bloodseeker same hotkey Fix ck buying tooltip Added Critical Strike information Fixed naga siren critical tooltip. Removed disallow sk from bkb tooltip Eclipse tooltip fixed BoT now has the cooldown listed. Sange typo. Many other misc typos (too many to list) New hero descriptions from fan fiction for: Drow (King Fear), Techies (TrixR4Kidz), Night Stalker (Doragon), Visage (wcil), and Slardar (Shadow Penguin) Misc: New Terrain Replaced eye of the forest animation Remove headdress armor animation Observer Wards returned. Sand king can now buy desolator again Gambler Remade Major changes to necronomicon. Now upgradable. KOTL restored old version. Reworked epicenter Increase naix size a bit Cannot drop necronomicon Restore old ck model Zeus icon fixed Fixed track animation Allowed tinker to use manta, as it kills previous images. Add vulnerable tower to list of allowed targets for item tp. Medusa cannot create scepter Tinker cannot carry necronomicon Refresher now 150% mana regen, like its components. New model for viper Changed neutral creep chase mechanics a bit Moved vitality booster to old location in shop. Moved consumable shop closer to other shops Range to eat trees increased from 32 to 100 Dagon can no longer target and waste cooldown on an item in your inventory Gave naix his aura back Neichus Says: Bloodseeker: we've temporarily removed Bloodseeker due to our inability to iron out a bug associated with his uncontrollability after dying during morphing. This probably sounds unnecessarily harsh, but we're on a deadline, trying to get a version ready for IGS and right now bugs/balance take priority. Hopefully Bloodseeker will get re-added in a version soon. Chen: bugs weren't an issue so much as lack of originality + annoyance. His ultimate had to be one of the least-liked spells ever introduced. Morphling: yeah, I'm really sad but we ended up removing Spellsteal. It afforded a lot of troubles, and we decided that it was just too much trouble to cope with. We actually are at a complete loss as to a 4th skill for him; right now he can just get 4 more levels of stats because he cannot reasonably use anything else: attack bonuses he doesn't need, defense bonuses he doesn't need since he keeps Blink, more nuking he doesn't need, superior farming he doesn't need...etc etc. We decided 4 more levels of stats is all he wants anyway.
  3. modNS.org is back on-line! With nearly 1,000 members this forums based site with a strict focus to modding Natural Selection boasting over 300 plugins and mods to aide in extending, administrating, and enhancing the Natural Selection gaming experience. Come on over and see how many others have leveraged the help of others to learn how to write MetaMod plugins, or script AMXMOD plugins. It all starts with a great example, and we've got plenty of that!
  4. modNS.org is back on-line! With nearly 1,000 members this forums based site with a strict focus to modding Natural Selection boasting over 300 plugins and mods to aide in extending, administrating, and enhancing the Natural Selection gaming experience. Come on over and see how many others have leveraged the help of others to learn how to write MetaMod plugins, or script AMXMOD plugins. It all starts with a great example, and we've got plenty of that!
  5. Postoji neka DotA Mercenaries verzija, u kojoj komp ima kakav takav ai. To nisam probao, ali kazhu da ume da napadne protivnichkog heroja, te da pobegne da se lechi ako ga je malo...
  6. Zashto strashno? Timovi se nikada ne kazhnjavaju zbog onoga shto se deshava po gradu, vetj onoga shto se deshava na terenu. Tako gledano: Nashi su gadjali njihove rukometashe stolicama i pokushavali da napadnu navijache pri kraju utakmice. Njihovi su napravili veliko sranje pre pochetka mecha, ali je posle sve bilo ok.
  7. Kad ovi seljaci iz TDA provode vreme svadjajutji se medjusobno i glupirajutji se, umesto da izbace lepo 5.85 za klansku/turnirsku igru i 6.04 za dalji razvoj...
  8. Lichnog ZX-a sam dobio '84. A prva igra je bila Through the Wall, godinu i kusur ranije.
  9. Heh... Ja sam planirao da predjem igru i kao Light i kao Dark (manje vishe kao i prvi deo), ali sam se smorio pa nisam... Mozhda jednog dana. ;)
  10. zbog kvejka, pa zbog naturala, a sad zbog fantasya, dote i (kao) naturala a i zato shto sam zhiva legenda foruma, te mislim da bi mnogi presvisli od tuge ako ne bih dolazio... narochito bole... :)
  11. Film je profi odradjen, ali bez nekih fensi efekata. Alien Ant Farm smara. Dobrih fragova ima 5-6. 7.5/10 (ovih pola boda zbog truda u trenucima opshte uchmalosti q3 scene)
  12. Spamovanje novim verzijama se nastavlja, mada se o 5.85 trenutno nishta ne pricha. DotA 6.03b Tiny no longer has armor bug Mekansm sell cost 1250 now. Tiny Toss fixed. Tinker march fixed Poison Nova no longer allows for building towers. <- kakav mega bag... Fixed TP consumable so it can only target structures. Anti-Mage base attack cooldown returned to 1.45 (from 1.7) Helm of Dominator tooltip fixed (now says Dominate instead of Deathpact) Satanic recipe now properly says Deathpact Panda icon no longer in tavern after hero selection (finally!) Burize now +75 (from +67) and gains 2.2 crit (from 2.0) Burize recipe cost now 750. Crystalys now 1.75 crit multiplier Crystalys recipe now costs 800
  13. Ne setjam se... :( Kad pronadjem, javitju. A shto se shortcuta tiche, ista je fora kao za CS.
  14. Ranije je moglo, a novu verziju josh nisam probao.
  15. 6.03 changelog Download HERE -Mega creeps restored (killing all rax) -Techie ultimate -Fixed Fury Swipes -Ursa Warrior now properly melee hero -Epicenter tweaked -Removed God of Wind -Removed Shadow Priest -Changed DK to 5.84b with minor change. -Sniper attack animation (skadi issue) fixed -Dark Flame's damage reduced from 6/12/21 every .2 seconds (.4 on heroes) to 4/10/17 -Necromastry now requires levels 3/6/9/12 to research -Axe changed to str. -Phantom Lancer image cap now 6 (down from 8) -Restored the new scattershot with a nerf on max dmg per pellet -Shadow fiend changed from 550 to 475 attack range. -Tiny cost of wood to revive removed. -Increased Divine Intervention cooldowns -Smoke Screen slow down from 10/20/30/40% to 15/20/25/30% (tooltips incorrectly said 5/10/15/20% slow) -March of the Machines no longer channeling -Increased missile speed on March of the Machines from 300 to 400 -Track restored to Bounty Hunter -Buffed enigma str and str/lvl slightly -Restored 5.84b Diabloic Edict. -Watcher now has a limit of 1/2/3/4 Watchers, all with infinite duration. Cooldown increased to 90 seconds. -Medusa mana shield leveling fixed -New zeus lightning bolt icon. -Restored the old run animation of Magnus/Rooftrellen/Lucy -fixed poison arrows range -Impetus now has 6/5/4/0 second cooldown -Remote mines have range 425/435/450 -Battle Hunger cast range from 650 to 900 -Bleed reduced from 10/20/30/40% slow to 10/15/20/25% -Fixed Earthshaker hotkeys -Boots of Travel recipe now costs 1500, down from 2900 (Fixed +speed typo) -Eaglehorn price change to 3450 -Reduced Maim slow from 50% to 30% -Helm of the Dominator now gives 15% lifesteal -Removed cost of recipe from Helm -Helm of Dominator (Dominate) cooldown increased to 120. -Satanic now has Death Pact again and grants 23% lifesteal -Mask of Madness Berserk now only makes you take 25% extra damage (down from 35%) -Crysalis recipe now costs 600, down from 1300 -Burize now gives +67 damage (down from +96) -Tinker cannot use Hand of Midas -Tinker cannot use manta -changed hyperstone to 55% -Replaced Observer Wards with Courier -Manta Style now takes Diffusal Blade and Vituality Booster to make. It gives +10 Agi, +6 Int, +250 HP, Feedback that burns 36 mana, and the ability to generate 2 mirror images that deal 40% damage and take 300% (20 second duration, 70 second cooldown, 165 mana). -Headdress now takes RoR, GG branch, and recipe. Gives AoE +2 HP heal aura, +2 to all stats, and the ability to heal the area -Nerzheim Buckler now takes Chainmail, GG branch, and recipe. Gives +5 armor, +2 to all stats, and the ability to give +3 armor to the area -Mekansm now takes Headdress, Buckler, and recipe. Gives +5 armor, +5 to all stats, +2 HP/second aura, and the ability to heal and give armor to the area -Reloacted consumable shops -Healing consumables now share cooldowns -Mana consumables now share cooldowns -Made consumables have hotkeys -Sent consumable shop now also vulnerable after tower gone. -Made Scourge center lane towers further apart -Added "channeling" notice to Freezing Field, Dismember, Gaze, Bleed, Shackles, Fiend's Grip, Soul Steal, Life Drain, and Black Hole -First Blood only if hero is the killer -Properly hid Attack_to_Left, Attack_to_Right, etc -Increased range on fountain attack, decreased rate of fire to .15 -Misc Typos Notes by Neichus: Manta Style: I'm trying to make this item useful on a wider variety of heroes. The same goes for Diffusal. So I tried to get two birds with one stone. I'm hoping that Manta's images will entice more heroes to get Diffusal along the way, meanwhile some of the heroes already using Diffusal may consider getting Manta. Just bear with us as it's a new item so its balance will be under heavy review. Boots of Travel: with S&Y I haven't seen anybody get these things. Teleporting is good, but not 2900 gold good, especially with the TP consumable. And with no other benefits it's suffering. It might have been wiser to nerf S&Y's move speed, but we'll see for next version. Filler Heroes: we decided to remove them. We're not sure if this is permanent or temporary. Burize: Why did I do what I did? Very simple. MKB could not compete at all, but I felt that as an item MKB was pretty well balanced. So I knocked Burize down a little to try and make it fit the slow/hard attack (vs. the fast/light attackers for MKB). Then I tried to reduce its cost somewhat because I wanted it to still compete fairly with Stygian. Impetus: I'm trying to take the edge off of it early in the game, and I was hoping that adding a moderate cooldown might make it harder to repeatedly cast. But I wanted it more readily usable at Level 7, so I left it with no cooldown. This might be too much still, but I'm trying to take it in gradual steps. Due to time constraints, we didn't get around to fixing some bugs like mana leak, roshan toss, gamber+roshan and the animation glitches with bane/pudge. Rest assured they will be fixed.
  16. Dinkitja na lomachu... Ako prezhivi, znachi da je veshtac i treba mu odsetji glavu, ako ne prezhivi... Jebiga - prirodna selekcija. ;)
  17. Lex

    F1 2005

    Stikifajd... :) U generalnom plasmanu Alonso prvi sa 16, Fiziko 10, Truli, Rubinjo, Kultard i Montoya po 8 bodova. Schumi 8. sa 4. Renault ubedljivo prvi medju konstruktorima. Sledetja trka Bahrain, za tachno 2 nedelje i 44 minuta. ;)
  18. Poshto Guinsoo igra WoW vishe od Mohicana, (ko razume shvatitje) Nechius je preuzeo stvar u svoje ruke, te najavio 5.85 verziju koja bi se igrala na turnirima dok se 6.0x dalje razvija. Fast load, 1.18 fixovi + ispravke josh nekih bagova i dodatni balansi u odnosu na 5.84b. Uskoro izlazi i 6.03.
  19. DotA 6.02 - link ka topicu na dota forumu. Valjda tje neko da okachi na neki server, za one kojima se ne da da se registruju tamo. Verzija je fast load, a evo i changeloga: Things that got done: -Creep upgrade system reverted to 5.84b -Fixed 1.18 cooldown bugs on Jugg, Venge, Weaver, and I think one other (?) -Fixed invulnerable creep bug -Fixed Necromastry getting +60 at Level 1 -Gave Bleed a cooldown -Increased mana cost and cooldown on Smoke Screen -Impetus now costs 45/50/55/60 mana -Midnight Pulse no longer hits allies -Black Hole no longer hits allies -Battle Hunger now has 25 second cooldown, deals 15/20/20/25 damage a second for 10/15/20/25 seconds. Costs 20 more mana at all levels. -Counter Helix now deals 175 damage -Culling Blade now deals 200/300/400 damage and kills below 290/400/550 life. Increased mana cost -Shrunk Bounty Hunter -Added 15 to base damage of Crystal Maiden -Bleed now costs 110/120/130/140 mana and has a 16 second cooldown. -Cranium Basher now gives +3 Strength -Shukuchi now deals a flat 90 damage, but cooldown is now 13/11/9/7 -Nerubian Weaver Str/level reduced to 1.9 from 2.5 -Mana Void icon fixed -Increased mana cost on Death Pulse by 25 at all levels -Phantom Edge now gives 5/10/15% dodge properly (reduced from 10/20/30%) -Juxtapose tooltip fixed to 3/6/9/12% -Fixed Sange/S&Y bonus damage bug -Increased maim% from 5% to 10% on Sange and to 15% on S&Y -Removed mana cost on Diffusal's Purge, restored to 10 charges -Fixed Nature's Attendant's/Smoke Screen bug -Increased range on Geminate Attack to 900 (fixed minor issue where sometimes it wouldn't go off if used at longer ranges) -Fixed Chen's icons -Fixed Sapphire Flask to only say 1 charge properly -Fixed Bounty Hunter's icons -Increased BH's base damage by a bit -Dopplewalk now has constant 30 second cooldown at all levels -All PL images now deal 25% damage -Perdition increased in mana cost and fixed to not hit buildings -Nightstalker can now attack air -Fireblast now deals 275 damage at level 4 with 2 seconds off cooldown at all levels -Anonymous Dead slightly improved to affect more targets and share a little more damage -Fixed problem where AM was attacking at 20% rather than 80% speed with shield -Misc typos fixed Things that didn't get done: -Mekansm: we're sorry, we didn't get to this quite yet. We don't quite know what to do at the moment. Possibly removal, because using nulls in the recipe is always going to make it a really smooth item -Fury Swipes: fiddled with some things, but haven't quite yet figured out what Blizz did. -Techie Ultimate: we had it done, but something really weird glitched at the last second. We'll figure it out for the next version. sad.gif -Satanic: we'll be getting to this as well. Might host a poll on what to do. -Omniknight: I recognize this guy as a weapon of mass destruction. Just didn't do anything about it this time around. -Keeper of the Light, Razzel, and God of Wind are also in need some some addressing. But again didn't quite get to them as I personally hate all three. sad.gif
  20. Lex

    CSKA vs. Partizan

    Paparesta je odlichno sudio. Mogao je da sudi 4 penala. (Bata rukom u 1. poluvremenu, jedan iz CSKA rukom u 2. - oba je odluchio da je bilo sluchajno i pustio igru. Kao i start Kralja, koji jeste oborio igracha, ali je prvo doshao do lopte, chime je kao golman bio u prednosti nad napadachem) Sudio je chist penal, i dao opravdan crveni karton Djordjevitju, koji je mogao i na loptu da ide, ali je odluchio da ukliza u noge Karvalju... Linijske sudije su greshile kod ofsajda mnogo i chesto (na shtetu obe ekipe), ali mislim da ofsajd nije bio ni kod gola, ni kod penala. (mada se sa onim umetnichki nastrojenim rediteljem, usporenim kamermanima i vispreno postavljenim kamerama i ne mozhe biti siguran) Ako je neko kriv za poraz, onda je to Vermez, koji je drzhao kontra produktivnog Milivoja ceo mech u igri, i koji je umesto relativno sigurnog Nadja ubacio potpuno izgubljenog Radovitja. O Tjiri, koji je bio car pre 10 godina, da ne pricham. Kada ofanzivni veznjak ne mozhe da istrchi kontru, sve je jasno. I shto je najgore, opet smo imali 2-3 velike shanse koje nismo iskoristili. Sada je sve na upravi, koja mora da zadrzhi tim na okupu + da ga josh malo pojacha.
  21. - 5.84b na 1.17 - 5.84cv2 na 1.18 - najmanje 6.02 (kad izadje) na 1.18 To je sve shto vredi igrati, i to bash tim redom. A i -ap bi bio red jednom da se igra.
  22. Jee... Al se taj banor izbezobrazio... :) A nekada je bio tako fin i povuchen mladitj.
  23. Organizujte LAN kod Stildzhe, on valjda nema probleme sa Windowsom koji se pojavljuju u ostalim igraonicama, a ima taman mashina za 6v6 + server negde. Ja tju skinuti i doneti sve NS fajlove. Mogao bi i neko tretji, ko zna neshto o HL/CS konzoli i slichnome, da vidi da li sve lepo radi u domatjim lan verzijama steama.
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