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Everything posted by Ivan~

  1. Ivan~

    NBA play-off

    Koja zivotinja, 44 poena :D
  2. To je ranked. Moras da budes 30 lvl da bi mogao da igras. Igra se kao -cm u doti tj. draft pick kako se ovde zove, i igra se po sistemu ratinga (slicno kao u wowu). Za svaku izgubljenu partiju gubis - dok za dobijenu dobijas rating. U sustini ranked igraju likovi koji imaju full rune za skoro sve tipove heroja, tako da ne bi trebalo da pocnes dok ne skupis rune bar za 1 vrstu inace ti je skoro instant izgubljena partija.
  3. Nije, bolje sacekaj. Ja sam gledao TS.XViD-nCODE i slika je gledljiva, ali zato sto ima dosta color correctiona u filmu i nije bas lepa za oci.
  4. Au, odlicno! Sta bih dao da ovo nekad probam... Portal 2 and Mad Men
  5. Nova rotacija (week 43) : Renekton Malphite Ryze Katarina Kassadin Galio Gank Plank Miss Fortune Sonna Ezreal
  6. ok edit: Champion Sneak Peek: Vayne, the Night Hunter
  7. Laku noc :/ Stvarno bi trebalo da krenem da lezem ranije... edit: svanulo je :c
  8. Eh, kamo srece jednog dana :) Samo sam video sliku i nekako sam morao da je postujem.
  9. Au, uvek sam hteo da napravim vise od 2 warmoga ali nikad nisam :D Kolko si hp-a imao? Pa mene obicno kad smori lol odma promenim nacin igre i dok se adaptiram na nov postane mi zanimljivo. Mozda bi mogao da probas nekog tanka ako ti vec ne ide kao carry, ili ipak probaj nekog melee carrya (ww, ap akali, xin etc.) Upravo, meni kao ap na midu niko ne moze nista. Igrao sam i protiv swaina, karha, kat, akali, lb, ryze, vlad, tf etc. i niko mi nije mogao nista posle 6 lvl-a cak ni swain. Spamujem ih sa ultijem i void oozom i uvek dobijem kill.
  10. Ivan~

    NBA play-off

    Hvala za link!
  11. Promeni stil igre tj. predji sa ap na ad/crit/as, predji npr na melee i postace ti mnogo zanimljivije.
  12. Igrao sam ad kog-a sve dok sinoc nisam probao ap. U stvari sve zavisi od tima protiv koga igras, ponekad vise odgovara kao ap dok nekad kao ad moze da izvuce partiju. Mozda je i do mene, nesto mi u poslednje vreme vise leze ap neko ad heroji.
  13. Every fuckin' time :( btw, ap kog je dosta bolji od ad kog-a.
  14. Meni je svaku partiju Karth win zato sto ja igram Kartha , ali toliko ima fail/feed sivira da to nije normalno :c btw, lupi edituj podnaslov u week 42 ;p
  15. Ukoliko niste procitali patch notes, dosta su promenili gp-a, buffovali alistara i fiddla. Jel neko probao Rumble-a ? Iz champion spotlight-a deluje dosta dobro.
  16. PVP.net v1.34.12 Users can now grant other members of their Ranked or Normal team permission to invite other users. League of Legends v1.0.0.116 Rumble, The Mechanized Menace Flamespitter: Rumble torches the area in front of him with his flamethrower dealing damage to all units in a cone for several seconds. While in the “Danger Zone,” this spell deals additional damage. Scrap Shield: Rumble creates a shield blocking incoming damage for several seconds and granting a short duration speed boost. While in the “Danger Zone,” the shield’s strength and speed boost increase. Electro-Harpoon: Rumble launches a missile that deals magic damage and applies a stackable slow on the target. A second shot can be fired for no additional cost within several seconds. While in the “Danger Zone,” the damage and slow percentage is increased. The Equalizer (Ultimate): Rumble calls down a line of rockets over the target location. Enemies in the scorched area take damage over time and are slowed. Junkyard Titan (Passive): Rumble's abilities generate heat. When Rumble is above 50 heat, he is in the "Danger Zone," causing all his basic spells to have additional effects. When Rumble reaches 100 heat he overheats, silencing himself and causing his physical attacks to deal additional magic damage. Rumble loses heat over time. Alistar General Base movement speed increased to 305 from 300 Base health reduced to 552 from 582 Health per level reduced to 110 from 114 Damage per level increased to 3.62 from 3.375 Base damage reduced to 58.65 from 62.9 Base mana increased to 253 from 225 Mana per level increased to 38 from 33 Trample (new Passive) Whenever Alistar casts a spell, he gains Trample for 3 seconds ignoring unit collision and dealing 10-23 (+10% ability power) area damage per second (double damage to minions and monsters) Added new animations and particles for Trample Pulverize Damage reduced to 60/105/150/195/240 from 80/125/170/220/270 Ability power ratio reduced to 0.8 from 1.0 Cooldown changed to 17/16/15/14/13 from 15 Range increased to 365 from 330 Stun duration reduced to 0.5 seconds from 1 second (1 second knockup unchanged) Headbutt Improved Headbutt's targeting/direction against moving targets Headbutt can now target minions Damage reduced to 85/135/185/235/285 from 90/140/190/245/300 Cooldown changed to 14/13/12/11/10 from 12 Brand Fixed a bug where Pyroclasm could sometimes fizzle if there was an enemy stealthed nearby For consistency with other chain missiles, Pyroclasm no longer is consumed by spell shields Caitlyn Yordle Snap Trap Activation range increased to 150 from 125 Mana cost reduced to 50 from 60 90 Caliber Net mana cost reduced to 75 from 90 Ace In The Hole Mana cost reduced to 100 from 150. Range increased at early levels to 1900/2050/2200 from 1600/1900/2200 Ezreal Mystic Shot now has an additive 0.2 ability power ratio Trueshot Barrage now scales additively with both attack damage and ability power Fiddlesticks General Base armor increased to 14.5 from 8.25 Armor per level increased to 3.5 from 3 Movement speed increased to 310 from 300 Fear Range increased to 575 from 525 Mana cost decreased to 65/75/85/95/105 Drain Ability power ratio increased to .5 from .48 Life Steal amount reduced to 60/65/70/75/80% from 100% Leash Range decreased to 650 from 700 Dark Wind Damage adjusted to 65/85/105/125/145 from 100 Ability power ratio increased to .45 from .35 Dark Wind now bounces 5 times at all levels Cooldown adjusted to 15/14/13/12/11 from 14 Projectile speed decreased to 1100 from 1200 Crowstorm Damage decreased to 125/225/325 from 150/250/350 Cooldown adjusted to 150/140/130 from 150 Ability power ratio increased to .4 from .35 Gangplank General Movement Speed increased to 320 from 315 Base mana increased to 255 from 239 Mana per level increased to 40 from 34 Raise Morale (remake) No longer targets a unit (Gangplank can no longer kill allied minions) Passive changed to 3/4/5/6/7% movement speed from 2/4/6/8/10% and 8/10/12/14/16 attack damage from 8/12/16/20/24 Activating Raise Morale grants Gangplank 14/18/22/26/30% movement speed and 20/28/36/44/52 attack damage The activation also grants nearby allies 7/9/11/13/15% movement speed and 10/14/18/22/26 attack damage Duration reduced to 6 seconds from 10 Mana cost changed to 50/55/60/65/70 from 60 Cannon Barrage Reduced the size of the area affected by Cannon Barrage Now slows all enemies in the AoE for the duration, but slow reduced to 15/20/25% from 35/45/55% Reduced damage to 65/110/155 from 100/140/180 Updated the random algorithm to not favor one quadrant over others Fixed a bug where the tooltip said it lasted for 8 seconds, but it actually lasted 7 Parrrley Base damage reduced to 20/45/70/95/120 from 20/55/90/120/150 Extra gold gain reduced to 4/6/8/10/12 from 4/7/10/13/16 Cooldown reduced to 5 seconds from 6 Mana cost reduced to 40/45/50/55/60 from 50/55/60/65/70 Remove Scurvy base heal changed to 80/150/220/290/360 from 70/125/195/280/380 Grog-Soaked Blade Damage increased to 6-23 per second from 5-18 Fixed a bug where it applied 9 damage ticks instead of 10 Leblanc Fixed a bug where Mimic: Distortion would not properly show allies if it was ready to cast or not Lee Sin Fixed a bug where Resonating Strike could follow the target over indefinite distance Nocturne Fixed a bug where Paranoia would follow targets over variable amounts of distance depending on spell rank Ryze Overload mana ratio reduced to 8% from 10% Desperate Power spell vamp now scales to 15/20/25% from 15% Sona Power Chord Diminuendo duration increased to 4 from 3 Tempo slow amount increased to 40% from 25% Hymn of Valor's attack damage and ability power aura increased to 8/11/14/17/20 from 6/8/10/12/14 Trundle Fixed a bug where Rabid Bite could be dodged Twisted Fate Pick a Card Blue Card mana restore increased to 65% from 50% Udyr Tiger Stance's hit particle no longer plays on turrets Udyr's hands will now always display hand particles when his next attack will shred the target Xin Zhao General Base Attack Damage increased to 59.1 from 52.3 Attack Damage per level decreased to 3.1 from 3.3 Fixed a bug where Three Talon Strike could be activated while it was still active Battle Cry Passive Attack Speed is no longer removed while the ability is on cooldown Attack Speed increased to 20/25/30/35/40% from 15/20/25/30/35% Crescent Sweep Armor and Magic Resist reduced to 25 Now scales and gives 7/10/13 Armor and Magic Resist for each champion hit Zilean Revised Zilean's idle animation loop Fixed a bug where Zilean's Chronoshift would sometimes not report to allies whether it was castable Items Randuin's Omen Cloth Armor added to the recipe Armor increased to 75 from 55 Total gold cost increased to 3075 from 2775 Blasting Wand now shows an upgrade path into Void Staff instead of Archangel's Staff General Revised tooltips for Anivia, Dr. Mundo, and Tryndamere Updated numerous character bios Updated the following 'move-to-unit' spells so they will fail less often: Aegis of Zeonia, Audacious Charge, Bandage Toss, Bladesurge, Cataclysm, Demacian Standard + Dragon Strike, Headbutt, Heroic Charge, Leap Strike, Paranoia, Resonating Strike, Safeguard, and Twisted Advance Fixed a bug where Fear spells were slowing the target additively rather than multiplicatively Fixed a bug where Summoner Exhaust was slowing the target additively rather than multiplicatively Fixed a bug where Evelynn's new attack animations were playing too quickly Fixed a bug with Mordekaiser's Taunt animation Fixed a display issue with Kayle's Battleborn skin Changed the general frost slow particle (ie: Ashe's Frost Shot, Rylai's Crystal Scepter) to significantly reduce frame lag Improved the following spell particles: Trundle's Agony, Nunu's Absolute Zero Fixed a bug with the Sword of the Divine active particle
  17. Nova rotacija (week 42) : Cho'Gath Karthus Nunu Singed Sion Sivir Taric Kog'Maw Irelia Brand
  18. Znam, zato sam i stavio ";p" smajli
  19. Dobro jutro Portal 2 - skidrow ✔ 6.6 GB za 4 i po sati, volim kad nadjem free MU premium :D
  20. Nunu je odlican jungler ali opet ne moze da izvuce kao sto mogu ww i udyr. Igra se i rammus kao jungler isto, kontrolise celu mapu sa powerball-om i odlicno gankuje zbog taunta. Uf kakva partija, imali smo singed-a koji je na kraju imao 2/16 :D Izvukao sam partiju sa morganom 11/3/24 ;p Ko vam je main ? Skim najbolje mozete da odigrate i da nema sanse da failujete? Za mene je to twitch i morgana zato sto imam mnogo odigranih partija sa njima. Ranije je bio panth ali je on dosta nerfovan i nisam igrao bas dugo sa njim, vidim da ga sada igraju kao hybrid dps/tank-a.
  21. Udyra su bas sjebali kad su izbacili innervating locket. Lane Udyr je fail Udyr kolko sam ja ukapirao i samo kao jungle moze da izvuce. Tezak je bas za igru, ja sam probao par puta kad je bio free i tako sam failovao da nemam zelju opet da pokusam :D
  22. Jao da lee sin, o njemu da ne pricamo. U koliko sam ga partija video, samo je jedan lik dobro odigrao sa njim i to ga je igrao kao hybrid dps/support-a. Ne moze niko da failuje toliko sa tenkom koliko moze sa kerijem, zato mrzim kad je vecina kerija free. I ne secam se kad su poslednji put bili free Karthus, Shaco i Evelyn. Karthusa kupujem sledeceg, osim ako Rumble ne bude mnogo imba.
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