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The X
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Everything posted by Ivan~

  1. Jel ti propuštaju patike (cipele)? I da li ti je toplo u njima? Planiram da uzmem iste pa me zanima :)
  2. Mlađa i Daško su jebeni carevi, slušam ih skoro svako jutro.
  3. Season 3 prequel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwntNANJCOE
  4. http://vimeo.com/76287333 When Stephen Colbert talked to Vince Gilligan about the song El Paso used in the season finale of Breaking Bad, he asked if Felina was Jesse or the blue meth, and Vince basically said Felina was the blue meth.. Viewed that way, the song El Paso matches up with not only the scene it was used in and the season finale, but the entire series. Or at least I was able to shoehorn it all in, I have no idea if this is how the creators meant any of this. So I put together the rest of it, just the way I saw it, to the whole song before and after the actual scene from the finale.
  5. I dalje ne znam kako je ovo uspeo.
  6. Danas mi se desilo nešto što nikad nisam mislio da ću doživeti. Isplanirao sam dan, i sve je prošlo kako sam zamišljao. I dalje sam u šoku.
  7. Zar nešto slično nije bilo i prošle godine?
  8. Jel se i danas ide u nove pobede?
  9. Upravo završih seriju. Man tears were shed. Ubedljivo najbolja serija ikada!
  10. Family Guy's Brian back from the dead? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/10505811/Family-Guys-Brian-back-from-the-dead.html
  11. Tek sad vidim šta sam napisao :D Video sam komentar na imguru i sad kontam da nije lepo sročen. Ja nisam čitao knjige nego samo gledao GoT, tako da mi ništa nije spoilovano ovim slikama. Slažem se da je greška, nije GoT artwork nego SoI&F. My bad.
  12. Dobra fora kod ovih slika je što nisu spoileri ako nisi čitao knjige. :)
  13. I DE MO http://imgur.com/a/Eqfja
  14. Pa vi mora da ste pili zajedno :D
  15. Juče mi je ceo dan bila na ripitu, 9/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11GYvfYjyV0
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