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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2025 in all areas

  1. 5. maj - RIP Skype 😞 Microsoft is officially getting rid of Skype as of May 5 and encouraging its users to pick Teams once and for all. In its announcement, the company stated that the move will allow it to "streamline our free consumer communications offerings so we can more easily adapt to customer needs." Microsoft is also far from subtle in its push for Teams and included step-by-step instructions for migrating over. All users need to do is log in with their Skype credentials and their chats and contacts should appear. Teams and Skype users will be able to communicate with each other until the latter shuts down. Microsoft also published an entire YouTube video illustrating how to transition user data. However, anyone who doesn't want to move to Teams can choose to export all of their data and history before May 5. Ne kažem da ga nije pregazilo vreme, ali jeste jedan od alata koji je obeležio početak dvehiljaditih pa nadalje. Zapravo I dalje imam par nekih ljudi sa kojima sam u komunikaciji preko Skypea, čak I poslovnih, gde ćemo sad! Teams nisam ni probao jer ovo za sastanke kad mi neko pošalje toliko sve loše radi da mi se ne mili da probam Teams za chat, mada nisu ni drugi bolji 🙂
    1 point
  2. Taman da mi možemo da vozimo našim putevima kao ljudi 🙂
    1 point
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