Odgledao The Trial of the Chicago 7 i sve preporuke! Film ide tako nekim dobrim tempom, ni u jednom momentu mi nije bio dosadan.
Procitao malo triviu i naidjoh na ovo, pa da podelim:
In regards to the film's timely subject matter in 2020, Aaron Sorkin described the film as being more about modern day than the 1960's. He explained that, "The script didn't change to mirror the times. The times changed to mirror the script."
Od danas novi skilovi za kapetane. Reset je dž neko vreme.
Da ne bi išli i resetovali svakog ručno, klik ovde i trebalo bi da resetuje svima https://worldofwarships.eu/en/news/general-news/resetting-skills-for-all-commanders/
Uh, sada treba i ove nove skilove istražiti i praviti nove bildove, ko će to da radi 🙂