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Sta li je ? Virus?


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Znaci nemam task manager nemogu vreme da promenim. Nemogu ni jedan novi anti virus ili bilo koji program tog tipa da instaliram a plus nemogu ni da obrisem postojeci antivirus (izgubila se opcija remove : /). Skontao sam da je fora u tome sto nisam administrator al fora je sto nemogu vise ni da postavim svoj nalog da bude administrator :(.Pise da mije account limited :(. Probao sam nesto i iz safe mode da se prebacim al jednostavno ne ide : /. Ne znam sta mi je seka brckala po kompu i sta je to uradela al stvarno me mrzi da reinstal windows ako imate neko resenje bio bih srecan da to podelite samnom :). Inace vec na kompu imam instaliran nod32 i ad-aware i njihovim skeniranjem nista ne pronalazim :(. Znaci redovno me sestra ovako zabode nekim problem kad dodjem iz Nisa. Lepo joj kazem da ne gleda pornice !!! olol !!! :). Cenim da je neka glupost u pitanju al moja je glupost veca tako da nemogu da se izborim sa problemom :). Hvala unapred na pomoci... PoZ i puno vas voli plesach !!!

KrLe @ SK-Gaming


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What is a user account?

In Windows XP, a user account is a collection of information that tells Windows what files and folders you can access, what changes you can make to the computer, and your personal preferences, such as your desktop background or color theme.

User accounts make it so that you can share a computer with several people, but still have your own files and settings. Each person accesses their user account with a user name and password.

For information about how user accounts work in Windows Vista, see Windows Help and How-To: What is a user account?

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Why use a Limited User account for browsing the Web?

There are two types of user accounts in Windows XP:

• Limited User accounts

• Administrator accounts

If you work in a Limited User account, you might be able to decrease the effect of a virus or other malicious software.

But if the attack happens while you're in an Administrator account, the attacker can gain full access to your computer and the results can range from annoying to catastrophic.

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See which type of account you're using now

If you're using Microsoft Windows XP, move your pointer over the clock on the bottom right of your screen. Right-click the clock, and then click, Adjust Date/Time.

• If you're using a Limited User account, you will get a message reading "You do not have the proper privilege level to change System Time."

• If you are using an Administrator account, a small window will open with controls you can use to change the time and date on your computer.

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What's the difference between Administrator and Limited User accounts?

An Administrator account is an account that lets you make changes that will affect other users, such as changing security settings. You can access all the files on the computer from an Administrator account.

When you work in an Administrator account, you can:

• Set up your computer and install your initial software and hardware.

• Set preferences and make repairs.

• Add new programs and hardware, such as music-sharing software or a printer.

Administrator accounts are the default type of account for Windows XP.

A Limited User account lets you use most of the capabilities of the computer, but only an Administrator can make changes that affect other users of the computer. For example, in a Limited User account, you can use:

• Web browsers and e-mail programs

• Productivity programs such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint

• Entertainment programs that let you play music and video, edit photographs, and much more

Note: You can also create a Guest account, which has most of the functions of a Limited User account but it is not password-protected, so a guest user can quickly log on and off again to perform simple tasks, such as checking e-mail or browsing the Internet.

eto sta ti je tebe zanima ono boldirano

Edited by igorivan


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Svaki windows XP ima default usera Administrator. A pass nema, osim ako pass nije postavljen tokom windows instalacije, ili posle unet.

Probaj da se izlogujesh, samo log off. Pa 2-3 puta pritisni ctrl + alt + delete , onda bi trebalo da ti izbaci da ukucash username i password.

ukucaj user : administrator i trebao bi da sa logujesh na taj nalog, i da izmenish privilega na svom nalogu. Preko control panela ili kucaj "control userpasswords2" u run... pa se tu igraj.

Ako ti kaze pogreshan pass za administrator, u r pretty much fcked. Sestra ti je haXXorz!!!!11

Bila ranije fora sa editovanjem nekih sistemskih fajlova tako shto butujesh live Linux i izmenish pass za windows usera, ne znam da li josh radi i ne bih to savetovao :P

E da.. skini process explorer, sa sysinternals.com, koristi njega umesto task managera. Ako je do virusa, trebao bi da vidish kako mu se zove exe, pa ga iskeniraj na virusscan.jotti.org, pa googlaj imena virusa.

Edited by db00m

1337 , c00l ,etc. :)

P|-|3r th3 cute ones !


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