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ja bih dosao ali tad su izbori :PPP

-"Don't think, feel! It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

-"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."

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mogao bih ja da pimpujem vudija i stidljivog brata mu, samo josh ne znam ni dal tju ja dolaziti. kapiram da tju itji na neki ruchak, plus ovi izbori... ako pak budem dolazio, zvatju pomenutu dvojicu, tasu, stanka i mozhda josh ponekog, pa bi mogli da se nadjemo pre odlaska na adu.

btw, jel dolazi darko? jebesh ovo ako ne vidim uzhivo tog choveka napokon :p

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eo ko je potvrdio dolazak na kgb forumu:

1. Lea

2. Iva Leina sestra

3. Rada naša drugarica

4. Agreggator

5. shok1ca

6. Porky

7. smk sale

8. mrk1

9. chex

10. dek1

11. genky

12. mag1

13. rob1

14. kal1mero

15. urkes

16. promoe

17. perkan

18. zuko aka malysale

19. vuchko

20. spale (TJM OTAC)

21. skepi alkos

22. bjeka

23. tenk citer


25. uNka

26. Dimitrije

27. outlaW

28. Plazma Keks.pM

29. Andrej l00k_out

30. Andr1a

31. Iggi

32. Ella

33. Spider

34. Anil

35. Veca - VESTICA

36. djomla car aka terrorz

37. Zeki

38. Bojan*

39. Fica_94

40. r0n^10

41. Teeanna

42. Jank1c

43.Trza mi finger





48. shoockyyyyyy

Mada kapiram da jos 80% toliko ljudi slabo prati forum i ne postuje ali ce doci/svratiti :)

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a koga nema bez njega se moze :D

Zivot je lep ^^


<@DPS|pecoNi> celo mi se najezilo

<@DPS|pecoNi> kolko mi se kenja

<@DPS|pecoNi> au znas koja je to sad situacija shokice

<@DPS|pecoNi> da ja odem do wc-a

<@DPS|pecoNi> i dignem nogu na kofu jebenu

<@DPS|pecoNi> jebeno :@:@:@


<@DPS|pecoNi> a tek da se obrisem..

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