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Klanrur na (m) ircu?

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Rstel je bio deo balcannet-a, onda su se admini balcanneta (2003-4 valjda) popickali pa se sve to raspalo, sad tako stoji jos pokoji server u mrezi.

People don't stop playing because they get old, they get old because they stop playing.

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ima neki klanrur kanal tako sam cuo ali trazi da se registrujes na ircu i da te puste na kanal pod posebnim uslovima (im dead serial)

paNter osnivač novog klanrur irc-a


Edited by mali_aca

"When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful".

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power".

Superbia in Proelio

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