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Zelja mi je da pokupim sve rare iteme pre nego sto nastavim sa main questom(sad sam u delu kad treba da radim kvestove za ashlandere).

trenutno imam onaj daedric helm sto daje 30 na personality, imam obe rukavice sto daju jedna 20 strength druga 20 agility, imam daedric pantalone sto daju 50 feather, cuirass of savior daje 60 magic resistance, prsten od vampirke, ogrlicu od treboniusa.

znam kad nastavim sa main questom da cu dobiti moon and star ring, rukavice i short sword i cekic. ali osim toga da li ima jos neki item sa constant effectom koji mi je promakao?

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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Jako su korisne Boots of Blinding Speed, ne znam da li si naleteo još na njih. One ti se nalaze kad kreneš severno od Kaldere ka Ald'Runu, naletećeš na neku ženu koja traži da je eskortuješ na sever i kao nagradu daje ti čizme koje su verovatno jedan od najkorisnijih itema u igri, naročito ako te nervira pešačenje.

E sad, problem sa čizmama je što ti daju totalno slepilo što se može delimično zaobići udaranjem brightnessa u opcijama na max :D al je rešenje da poseduješ neki item koji daje 100% magic resistance (mislim da ima neki prsten al sam zaboravio gde se može naći).

Ili valjda ima ako kastuješ na sebe nešto što daje 100% magic resistance, pa equipuješ čizme, kad resistance istekne ne vraća se efekat slepila, i onda posle do kraja igre ne skidaš čizme. Ne znam da li se ovo računa kao exploit ili su namerno ostavili...

Edited by voodoo_
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ili da zahvaljujuci "ispeglanosti" morrowinda skidas/stavljas cizme i ulazis i izlazis iz eksterijera sve dok se ne pobaguju i prestanu da daju slepilo :)

inace preporucio bih mu da ih ne uzima, bar ne na prvim nivoima, jer totalno imbalansiraju igru, zato sto speed atributte ulazi u sve kalkulacije vezane za attack rollove tako da kad imas cizme (+200 speed) ne mozes nikada nista promasiti, cak i kad imas 0 fatiguea. a i athletics se presporo budzi sa njima.

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lvl sam 42 tako da mi statovi nisu tolko bitni da trpim slepilo. mislio sam ako znate za jos neki preteran item koji bih dodao kolekciji. e da imam i daedric crescent ali ga ne koristim, nego daedric tower shield i daedric katana. shield enchantovo sa shield magijom 50 pts na 45 sekundi a gem stavio od acsended sleepera sto vredi 80k a daje 400 mane :D

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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pa ono, koj tip itema te zanima? u morrowindu ima toliko preteranih itema da ne bismo znali odakle da pocnemo sem ako nam ne kazes kakav te deo zanima :)

za pocetak eto uzmi eleidons ward, jaci je od daedric stita koji vidim da si pomenuo, nalazi se zapadno od urshilaku kampa u nekoj pecini pored daedric shrinea, sa jos gomilom daedric opreme

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videcu da ga pronadjem, u medjuvremenu sam uzeo ebony cuirass(75% fire resist, 50 shield, 20 magic resist, sve je constant effect) koji se dobija zavrsnim kvestom za temple. sam sam glavni baja u mage, fighters, telvanni i temple. u blades ne mogu vise da napredujem jer je gajus otiso a u thieves guildu sam mastermind, prosto mi zao da svrgnem jima jer je skroz kul lik.

viljuska daj samo jos sve me zanima sa constant effectom, jer sam i mage i figther i thief i priest :D

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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Gresis. On nije presao Morrowind vec je presao glavnu misiju a i to je diskutabilno. Samo zato sto je znao koga treba da ubije i kako da bi dobio zavrsnu sekvencu ne znaci da je presao igru vec da je odradio end game deo za 6 min. A Morrowind je mnogo vise nego ta sekvenca.

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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Pa tehnički gledano, nije prešao igru jer nije ni kontaktirao Kasiusa u Balmori. Koliko se sećam, krenuo je peške iz Šejda Nina, došao do onog mesta gde s neba pada čarobnjak i pokupio skrol za letenje, uzeo od one žene boots of blinding speed, i kombinujući to i levitaciju, ako se sećam, bukvalno preleteo do Dagot Ura i roknuo ga, i tad se odmota odjavna špica i tu je on kao "prešao igru".

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Potraži na netu, ima negde detaljno objašnjen svaki korak u filmiću. Ne mogu da nađem sad.

edit: evo ga

Speed run of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind in 6 segments completed on July 19 2005. Available in low, normal and high quality. Save games at segment starts are also available.

Author's comments:

A detailed 'script' of the run:

1) Race: Orc

2) Class: Barbarian

3) BirthSign: The Steed

Seyda Neen:

4) Steal Limeware Platter from Census and Excise Office.

5) Take ring from barrel (all)

6) Talk to Sellus Gravius, exit

7) Give Fargoth his ring.

8) Sell to Arrille Limeware Platter and 'rubbish' from barrel, buy Scroll of Almsivi Intervention (2x), Iron Battle Axe

9) Run north, take from Tarkhiel Scrolls Of Icarian Flight (3x)

10) Use Scroll of Almsivi Intervention

11) Use Scroll Of Icarian Flight, jump in direction of Caldera, mid-air: Use Scroll Of Icarian Flight

12) Cast Berserk, kill Pemenie with Iron Battle Axe, take/equip Boots Of Blinding Speed

13) Use Scroll of Almsivi Intervention


14) Run to Guild of Mages, enter, hide Iron Battle Axe

15) Buy from Anarenen: Standard Restore Fatigue (3x)

16) Sell to Tanar Llervi Boots Of Blinding Speed, buy Scroll Of Mark, Scroll Of Leaguestep

17) Sell to Tanar Llervi Scroll Of Mark, Scroll Of Leaguestep, buy Scroll Of Mark, Scroll Of Leaguestep

18) Kill Tanar Llervi with Iron Battle Axe, take Scroll Of Mark (2x.), Scroll Of Leaguestep (2x), Boots Of Blinding Speed, Scroll of Drathis' Winter Guest (2x), Scroll of Elemental Burst: Frost (10x), Scroll of Taldam's Scorcher (2x), Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging, Scroll of Almsivi Intervention

19) Kill Edwinna Elbret with Scroll of Elemental Burst: Frost (3x), take Wizard's Staff

20) Use Scroll of Almsivi Intervention

21) Use Scroll Of Icarian Flight, jump north-east

Red Mountain:

22) Mid-air: Use Wizard's Staff

23) Use Scroll Of Mark, levitate to Vemynal, enter

24) When Berserk effect ends, drink Standard Restore Fatigue (3x)

25) Kill Dagoth Vemyn with Iron Battle Axe, Scroll of Drathis' Winter Guest (2x), Scroll of Taldam's Scorcher (2x), take Sunder.

26) Use Scroll Of Leaguestep, levitate to Dagoth Ur (citadel), use Scroll Of Mark, levitate to Odrosal, enter

27) Unlock door with Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging.

28) Take Keening, use Scroll Of Leaguestep

29) Use Dwemer Crank, enter Dagoth Ur (citadel), levitate/run to Dagoth Ur (god)

30) Sleep for 24 hours, cast Berserk

31) Kill Dagoth Ur with Scroll of Elemental Burst: Frost (7x), Iron Battle Axe

32) Use Wizard's Staff, enter Facility Cavern, levitate to Heart of Lorkhan

33) Hit Heart of Lorkhan with Sunder

34) Hit Heart of Lorkhan 5 times with Keening, unequip Keening

35) Levitate to the end of the wooden bridge, use Scroll Of Leaguestep.

Explanations of each step (the reasons why I choose/do it)

1) Magicka Resist 25%

2) Axe, Speed, Strength bonuses

3) Speed bonus +25

4) I need money desperately. In the end of the game, i've got only 1 (one) gold piece.

5) and 7) Higher attitude from Arrille and thus lower prices

6) Unskippable

9) These scrolls give ability to cover large distances in no time.

10) Quick way to get to Balmora - and then to Pemenie

11) Second 'Icarian' scroll prevents damage from falling

12) Boots give Speed Bonus +200

13) Quick way to get to Ald-ruhn

14) If you hide weapons, NPC's attitude is higher - and prices are lower!

15) For step 24

16) Lack of money forces me to sell my items.

17) Some items you buy re-appear each time you enter barter menu. But if you sell the same type of scrolls, their quantity increases - so trader has 2 of each now.

18) All scrolls are needed - in fact, I use every single one!

19) The staff allows me to levitate

20) and 21) Quick way to get to Red Mountain

22) Prevents damage from falling. Also, allows direct route to Vemynal

23) Allows to return to the place where I cast 'Mark' quickly.

24) You can't do anything when the fatigue is <0

25) You need Sunder for step 33

28) You need Keening for step 34

30) Berserk increases damage from axe. You can cast it only once in a day... so I have to sleep for 24 hours

33) and 34) are, generally, needed to complete the main quest.

Producer: Vladimir 'Knu' Semenov

Edited by voodoo_
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OMG, kako genijalna igra... Danas sam zaradio 100 din zbog Morrowinda.

Dao sam ortaku diskove, sledeci dan me, normalno, malo propituje, i ja lepo:

-Aj se kladimo po sto dindzi da znam koju si rasu prvo odabrao!



100 din has been added to my inventory!

Svi biraju prvo Norda, kome god das Morrowind... jebo ih Nord!

I ja sam prvih nekoliko sati pikao sa Nordom:-) A rasa e kurton, realno... Specifican fenomen, zaista...


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Ja sam uvek prelazio sa dark elfom, a preso sam igru 3 puta komplet sve kvestove. Kad dodjem do dela da se kreira char jednostavno ne mogu da izaberem nista drugo, jer mi je ova rasa izgleda najkul i plus sto su savrseni za fighter maga kako ga i nabudzim. Ovaj zadnji put kad sam preso, pustio sam da me zaraze vampiri pa sam malo igrao i tako, najachi mi je onaj kvest kad razmazeni sin od nekog Redoran noblemena umisli kako su vampiri kul, i onda me njegova majka zamoli da ga razuverim od toga tako sto cu ga pustiti da me pobedi u duelu, ono tuche me pola sata dok se nisam setio da skinem sav armor i necromancer amulet sto mi daje regeneration lol. ma super igra, dijalozi i glavna prica su masterwork. I naravno kad na kraju skontas kakva je Almalexia drolja i uzmes joj najlepsi mach u igri. Jedino sam se smorio sto na njoj ne radi soul trap, zamisli enchantujes sa tim daedric dai-katanu kontam da bi imo 1000 mane.

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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