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Najzad u Outlandu :)


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Ja uglavnom cekam da dingnem 60 u EP. Onda cepam outland HP, zang, terrok, shatt, nagrand, blade's... + po malo HFC, CFR, Auch instance... ako ovako radis dingnuces 70 bez da radis questove u Netherstormu i Shadowmoonu. Kasnije na 70 dobijes 2x golda za questove tako da se isplati raditi ovako... da ne pricam koliko je lakse raditi questove u ovim 68-70 zonama sa fly mountom.

So when you fall to the ground,

And finally get back to reality, and no one else is around,

So tell me how does it feel to be the enemy?

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olololo loopstah igra wow!!! ;o)))

hfp all the way, stho zbog q rewardova sto zbog masivnog expa...bukvalno je razlika oko pola 62og nivoa worth of exp da li chekash u azerothu ili idesh na 58om...to nije mnogo expa reci cesh ali kad sagledash vreme sigurno u outlandu stedish 12-18 sati za taj 4-level period...AKO ostajesh u azerothu (jer ima odlichnih storylineova) obavezno chekiraj lvl 57-9 zeleno boe opremu za svoju klasu na AH...jer je mnogo bolja prvo od svega sto mozhesh da nadjesh u azerothu , a chesto i od lvl 58-61 q rewardova iz hfp...

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Dabre, igram jos od pochetka proshle godine, sa pauzama od po par meseci. Pisao sam i na onom topicu gde su izlistani svi nashi igrachi, server na kome igraju itd, al vidim da niko ne prati to ;).

Shteta shto ne mogu sa vama svima da igram, poshto sam na americhkom serveru, mada kapiram da svi imate po 16 lvl 70 :).

Rotji, igram retadina :)). Jebiga, uvek sam gotivio paladine u svakoj igrici, pa rek'o aj da nastavim i ovde.

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WoW nema klasicnog paladina ... u wowu se paladin zove ono sto u standardim frpovima se zove cleric .

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Valjda monk o veliki frp poznavaoche ...

Cleric , Monk nemam mnogo veze sa klasicnim palom ili clericom , cak je slicniji rougovima o mocni GOSPODARSTVENIKU DUHA TOMAHAVKA.

roll-uj neku mushku klasu i bitje okej. ;)

reroluj jelen pivo ... mushkarci znaju zasto

Edited by StormScion

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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