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Company Of Heroes Opposing Forces


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Velika steta velik promashaj ako nemci ne pricaju nemachki vec engleski to je tako glupo da ne zelim nista vishe da kazem ... mada ajde probacu je cisto da ne bude da nisam :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Pa nemci pricali engleski i u org. delu , setite se "lec kil sam amerikana" ili "if aj nou hav mach workin we do ajl dzojin d nejvi" :)hahahhahha.


da li je iskoriscen cd key za internet igranje ?! To je glavna stvar :).

Edited by Frubi


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ih bre pa sta je to cimanje, nazoves city express oni dodju do tvog stana dash im to, oni odnesu to kod laga uzmu mu pare i donesu tebi na vrata pare :) koliko ja kapiram ne cimas se nimalo ako ne zbog para ucinio si nekom dobro delo =)





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Imas pravo G, ali ja dolazim kuci u 10 uvece, posao do 5, fax do 9 :)

Jedino overinight u tom slucaju, ali sumnjam da to mozemo da izvedemo..

U svakom slucaju bezveze mi da prodam nesto sto sam platio 4.5k+-, za 1k.. bolje da imam kao uspomenu :D

A s obzirom da moze nova da se nadje za 25$ ili ti 1375 RSD bolje da covek uzme novu, manje ce se cimati.

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Jel zna neko kako da resim problem... ovako Imam originale novog dela u celoj igraonici i ne mogu da igram preko lana i neta. Svi portovi su oslobodjeni i hostovi se vide medjusobno u lanu kada neko napravi server ali nece da se konektuje na host masinu pise " Could not connect to all players " Nema nikakvog firewalla da bi kocio izlazak na net i stvarno nemam vise ideja kako da resim ovo...

I wish that BACKSPACE works in life!.



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Jel zna neko kako da resim problem... ovako Imam originale novog dela u celoj igraonici i ne mogu da igram preko lana i neta. Svi portovi su oslobodjeni i hostovi se vide medjusobno u lanu kada neko napravi server ali nece da se konektuje na host masinu pise " Could not connect to all players " Nema nikakvog firewalla da bi kocio izlazak na net i stvarno nemam vise ideja kako da resim ovo...

Cekam ;)

I wish that BACKSPACE works in life!.



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Evo sad cu ti dam resenje :

Here is how to play multiplayer and solo with hamachi.

It has been tested with the FLT version on Windows Vista. (All the versions released can work)

If you miss one step nothing will work, ALL THE STEPS ARE IMPORTANT.


1 - First you must download Hamachi version >>> CLICK HERE (Only this version works)

2 - Now you have to download the latest version (1.4) of Daemon tools >>> CLICK HERE

3 - And Yasu (latest... 1.4) >>> CLICK HERE

4 - Download the Razor Team keygen >>> CLICK HERE

5 - Download the 3 official patches (2.101, 2.102 and 2.103) >>> CLICK HERE

6 - Download the "Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts [ENGLISH] No-DVD/Fixed Image >>> CLICK HERE


1- If you already installed the game, uninstall it

2- Ok now you have to modify the windows hosts file, open Notepad and open the file here : C:>WINDOWS>system32>drivers>etc>hosts (If you are on Vista, make sure u open notepad as an admin or u won't be able to save the modifications).

Now that you opened this file, add these lines : cohlive-1.quazal.net cohlive.quazal.net

3- Reboot

4- Now open the keygen u downloaded before and run the Installation setup then put the serial u got with the keygen. (DO NOT USE THE NFO SERIALS)

IMPORTANT : When the installation is done, don't let the setup program run the game automatically !

5- Now that the game is installed, you have to update it using the 3 patches u downloaded before

6- Now that the game is installed and updated disconnect from Internet.

7- Now open Daemon tools if it's not already opened and mount the mini-image you downloaded before... Activate Emulation for Safedisk and Securerom (Right click on the daemon tools icon)

8- Now that the mini-image is loaded and the Emulation active, you must run Yasu (make sure u put Yasu on the same folder that Daemon Tools) And click "Cloak"

9- Ok Now Put any DVD on your DVD drive...a movie or something

10- Make sure you are not connected to Internet and run the game ! (If you are on Vista, run is as admin)

11- You'll get a message "Insert Disk...." don't worry, that mean it works :D Just click on continue. Yay, IT WORKS !!! :D

12- Ok now quit the game and connect to Internet again :p

13- Install and run Hamachi u downloaded before... Check the Hamachi "Preferences" to configure ur nickname.. and your proxy if u have one, if you don't use a proxy just "Disable" the connectivity via Proxy.

14- Now click the Connect button on Hamachi

15- Hmmm you have to understand how hamachi works.. the more Virtual Networks u connect to, the more players u'll see and the more games u'll be able to join... You can find some Networks lists on the net just google it, here is an example : CLICK HERE

16- From now, you can run the game (you don't have to disconnect from Internet anymore) and see the games on Multiplayer... If u don't find a game, just pm the guys on hamachi and try to make a game :p

17- Enjoy ;)


- To unlock the old campaign and the old factions (USA and Wehrmacht), Disconnect from Internet then lunch the game and click on the Old campaign and enter this serial : 3438-fdf3-fd15-7fa6-94b7. If it asks you from where did you get this serial, select "From Store". Quit the game now (From now u can reconnect to Internet)


Sorry for my english, it's my third language :p

This guide is available in English, French and Deutch

If you want to translate this guide to another language, email it to me : driss@olympe-network.com


za dodatne info link :


Do duse nisam isprobao m-player, ali sve ostalo radi... plus nisam brisao stari coh ( sa svih 7.patcheva!) .

Sto se tice igrice, igram kampanju sa nemcima, i hm...ne znam videcemo, za sada onako, nekako mi brzo krecu tenkovi , itd. i ove jedinice mi se nesto ne svidjaju. Ne znam mislim da ce im trebati vremena za balans u picku materinu . Pojeli govna sa ovim novim jedinicama. Ali dobro cekacemo par meseci za patcheve i balanse :)heheheheh.

Videcemo kakav je m.player ! To za neki dan... :)


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Hmmm... nesto mi se ne dojme ove nove jedinice... recimo ovi nemci su totalno ne-izbalansirani, i imaju samo 3.vrste pesadije . Evo upravo igram skirmish 3vs3 , ili 4vs4, partija traje nekih 5h !!!! Okacicu reply kada se zavrsi , i ne mogu da ih probijem jer su se ustekali iza nekog mosta. Niti imam snajper, niti imam mg tim, nit koj kur.

Da se ja pitam trebali su da naprave isto kao i u orginalu, samo da naprave drugacije modele, i da malo izmodifikuju, recimo da snajper malo kosta skuplje , ali da ima malo vise healtha ili tako nesto . Ovo je onako lose, ja bih rekao. Mislim da necu menjati dobre stare nemce (one iz org. dela).

Videcemo jos, sa ovim Englezima stekarama ne nameravam da pokusavam da igram.Svestan sam da cu izgubiti mnogo zivaca protiv stekara kada se krene mplay ... :(


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naravno da je loshe

pazi, britansku peshadiju:

nemaju at nikakav sa peshadijom

tj imaju one likove shto imaju unlimited granata i to kao malo neshto skine tenku (a pogodi svake prestupne), ali zato peshadiji jebe mater, pogotovo kad su u zgradi. a da, imash i one koji mogu da blajnduju i uspore tenk :/

one komandose ne mozhesh supresovati, nemcima tenk ne mozhesh unishtiti (jer sva jebena peshadija opravlja), artiljeriju je PRELAKO nabaviti i koristiti i sva artiljerija nishta tenkovima ne radi, ali zato peshadija riknjava bash onako zlo.

neka osoba glupak hehe

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Ne znam,odigrah skirmish 4vs4 , sa expert compvima pola stare jedinice pola nove....Utisak:


znaci ovo je bolesno. Samo ne znam dal igrica ili njihovo balansiranje(patch 2.103 instaliran). STRASNO.

Nisam zadovoljan , ukakili ga sa novim jedinicama.

Ostaje da se proba mplayer sa living kreaturama :).

Ne daj boze nikem pa ni tem.... :)


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omg, konacno odigrah obe kampanje...britance su napravili stekare samo takve...nemci naravno jebu keve tenkovima...onaj poslednji nivo sa britancima kad ostanu na nekom mostu 1 king tiger i 1 jagpanther nemacki...i ja dolazim sa 15 kromvela i cherchila i posle 30 sekundi stoji 15 olupina, omg, german steel ftw:)...isto se secam da sam ceo jedan nivo sa nemcima presao bukvalno sa samo 2 jagpanthera, bruka:)...mogli su malo bolje da odrade neke stvari u kampanjama, al dobro, svidja mi se...a multi ne mogu jelte zbog shugavog neta...

nego sto u skirmishu moze da se igra samo sa britancima...nema ono switch team kao u originalu, ili barem ja nisam video...


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Ima bre switch team, kod mene imalo ( dok nisam formatirao hdd , sad me mrzi da instaliram jer mi budjola graficka... ) i nemci i ameri i britanci i ovi novi nemci, al moras preko stare instalacije( sa sve patchevima ) da instaliras ovu novu :)hahaha. Ima i kampanje iz prvog dela i sve !:)


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