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Dota 6.48b


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6.48b Changelog


* Fixed a bug when reloading saved game with Leshrac or Storm

* Fixed a big but rare MAC only (PPC not Intel) bug relating to Abaddon

* Lowered Puck's Intelligence gain per level

* Increased cool down on Waning Rift

* Slightly reduced Shapeshift's cool down

* Increased Reverse Polarity cool down from 120/100/80 to 120/110/100 seconds

* Increased Enigma's base armor

* Rebalanced Chronosphere

* Fixed various Silence durations on non-hero units

* Fixed converted ghouls' capacity to attack trees

* Slightly lowered Puck's movement speed

* Fixed a rare fatal issue with Aphotic Shield that could happen in -sh or with converted units

* Increased Yurnero's base armor

* Fixed a typo in Sanity's Eclipse tooltip

* Increased Rooftrellen's Agility per level

* Changed terrain command to be a host entered game mode (-ts/-terrainsnow). Please advertise this when you are hosting a game, not everyone likes a different terrain.

* Increased Tidehunter's movement speed

* Restored the old duration based Shallow Grave

* Fixed fogged units not getting stunned from Dream Coil

* Fixed game mode parser to not error "invalid game mode" when a non-gamemode option is entered before the game mode itself (like -weather snow before -ap for example)

* Fixed Dragon Knight's revive name

* Fixed Soul Assumption visual effect

* Increased Lycanthropy Wolves' base armor

* Fixed a recent bug with Multicast Bloodlust

* Fixed various other minor typos

* Fixed damage type on Double Edge to deal magic damage instead of pure damage to yourself

* Added some better feedback text to -swap

* Slightly lowered Bristleback's base armor

6.48 Changelog


* Added a new hero from the Model-To-Hero contest (see below)

* Added a new ability for Animal Courier to change its model.

* Fixed Planeswalker's Cloak and Hood of Defiance stacking issues on various heroes' innate magic resistance abilities.

* Fixed an old rare bug with Leshrac (and recently Storm) that would cause them to constantly drain mana.

* Fixed a bug when killing heroes with Crow

* Fixed Flesh Heap to work properly with suicides

* Fixed a bug in -dm -nd that causes the hero after Bristleback to have Warpath if Bristleback dies with the buff on, and the player quickly picks a new hero.

* Fixed the game mode text to display in proper order

* Fixed Starfall doing extra damage on the second hit

* Restored Freeze Hero functionality

* Added a command -test to enable single player commands to be usable in multiplayer for easier extensive testing

* Added new command '-terrain snow'. This transforms the current terrain into a snow terrain. This is a very experimental mechanism and is still very much a WIP in the visuals department.

* Fixed Death Pulse to hit properly non-magic-immune Ancients

* Improved Alchemist's movement speed a bit

* Increased ranged creep's mana pool

* Rebalanced Sanity's Eclipse (Less damage, better leveling)

* Improved Harbinger's casting animation time

* Fixed a visual glitch with Dispersion that would make it look like it did more Dispersions than it actually did

* Fixed a bug with Unstable Concoction when used during the transformation of Chemical Rage

* Fixed a bug with Greaterbash

* Improved Lion's movement speed a little

* Fixed Panda's Storm Wind Walk stats

* Game now gives an error message when attacking Roshan from a disallowed area

* Added -nr(-norepick)

* Added -mute as a custom player command to disable kill sounds

* Fixed a bug with Weave and Reincarnation

- Lots of effort was made to fix stability issues with the map. Either this or 6.48b will be the new stable version, depending on reports after it gets played in the open for a bit first.

- Congratulations to the final 8 and everyone that participated and voted in the hero contest. Vodoun's hero was the primary selection with one ability from coldlikehell's hero. Once again, thanks to everyone participating in contest.


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ne znam meni je puck idalje imba.od 7.lvla nadalje ubija dvojcu ko iz sale.r,e,w,c par udarca ,cao.a ni za late game nije los,ima blink,sielence,aoe stun.i nije mi jasna ona treca,kao ima autocast,nikad je nisam uzeo,kako se koristi?sta kao udaris pa nestanes?

salt wat fish fresh wat fish?

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ma jeste

puka smo talili rasta, sven, cent i venge i pobego nam je.......

molim te imba govno

Porno Ikona 90-tih:)

dve najmocnije grupacije na svetu: Deijevi rodjaci, Mohijevi Ortaci

(Ivan_ @ May 27 2009, 10:33)

da se kojim čudom nađem na čelu plejboja, promenio bih fazon totalno.

jebao bih vrlo mnogo, drogirao se jos vise i vodio kojota kao maskotu na zlatnom lancu okolo, a on bi vikao HARRRRSACU DAT E JBEEM NAMATSIO SAM KARU KOAKINOM

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taj rad.. lik uradi silence (ili ulti na sve vas).. baci kuglu blinkuje se, i mashe vam repitjem dok mu jedete prashinu.

[13:00] <GM`JessicaBiel> neko drzi blokce sa pikovima i banovima a neko sa kevama

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> ne volim da me neko gleda

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> dok jebem

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> ko da ti ja kazem pitaj mareta kako mu cale suri odbojku

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> i on ti kaze moj cale nema ruke

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Ali sta AKO, on krene da baca stun i u TOM TRENUTKU ulece cent sa dagerom u stunuje ga i onda ga njih 5 biju, taman on pomisli TOTOTOjebemjebem sad cu da silencujem pa da bacim kuglu blinkujem se, i mashem im repitjem dok mi jedu prashinu KAD ono sven ukljuci BKB i posto na njega ne deluje silence stanuje ga cekicem u glavu, ovaj se onesvesti i onda krenu ponovo da ga gaze, USPE nekako da pobegne ali ga dovrsi zeus sa aghanimom i refreshorom. Vrlo moguc scenario. ovo dokazuje da puck nikako nije imba.

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[13:00] <GM`JessicaBiel> neko drzi blokce sa pikovima i banovima a neko sa kevama

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> ne volim da me neko gleda

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> dok jebem

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> ko da ti ja kazem pitaj mareta kako mu cale suri odbojku

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> i on ti kaze moj cale nema ruke

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brate ocu da kazem da heroj uopste nije imba

cak stavise treba da dobije buff

tipa.. jos jedan spell umesto 4 lvla plusica, i da je neki aoe stun od 500 dmg-a na 4tom lvlu

da.. onda definitivno bi bio izbalonsiran

[13:00] <GM`JessicaBiel> neko drzi blokce sa pikovima i banovima a neko sa kevama

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> ne volim da me neko gleda

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> dok jebem

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> ko da ti ja kazem pitaj mareta kako mu cale suri odbojku

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> i on ti kaze moj cale nema ruke

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e treca nije losa,nesto kao sfera,upija bilo koju magiju ili udarac.tako da opusteno moze da proguta linin ulti ili slicno.jedino sam izvalio da ume da baguje,pa mi se desilo pre neki dan da mi balanar baci prvu i ja nestanem na manje od pola sekunde?

e i sad me sramota da pitam ovo:)ali neki lik me je pre neki dan ubedjivao da sielence prekida chaining spelove.mislim,jesam ja video da balanar sa silencom prekida earthquake,al mi to nesto bas bilo cudno.

salt wat fish fresh wat fish?

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  • 2 weeks later...

pa da ni minerove mine ne mogu pucku nista sa trecom^^

znaci prva,blink,sielence,stun nestanes kad te fokusiraju,kad se vec vrati bitka ti se vracas macao.

ima tacno spisak skill/spellova koji mogu da pogode/promase pucka u zavisnosti dal je autocast/manual na trecoj... a deo skilova prolazi i kroz trecu bez frke :P

no zvanicna 6.49 uskoro ... nadam se da su doradili balans [:D]

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