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Dota 6.44


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6.44 Changelog:



* Added a new Scourge hero: Dark Seer

* Added a new Scourge hero: Pit Lord

* Added a new Scourge hero: Undying

* Added a new Sentinel hero: Storm Spirit

* Added a new Sentinel hero: Templar Assassin

* Added a new Sentinel hero: Sacred Warrior (39888)

* New heroes are disabled in -lm/-xl

* Queen of Pain -> Reduced attack range from 600 to 550

* Queen of Pain -> Rebalanced how Shadow Strike levels up

* Dwarven Sniper -> Slightly increased base mana

* Ursa Warrior -> Is now a proper melee hero (recent patch fixed the issue, 137702)

* Shadow Priest -> Removed the duration nerf on Shallow Grave (it will now last until the target dies). Reduced cooldown. The respawn speed is nerfed instead.

* Troll Warlord -> Removed Berserker Rage mana cost

* Alchemist -> Increased casting range on Unstable Concoction a bit

* Alchemist -> Improved level 1 Chemical Rage health regeneration by 5

* Alchemist -> Minor buff to the damage on Unstable Concoction

* Doom Bringer -> Reduced Doom's Scepter upgrade duration by 2 seconds

* Moon Rider -> Eclipse no longer depends on Lucent Beam level

* Chen -> Increased movement speed from 290 to 295

* Spiritbreaker -> Nether Strike no longer depends on Greater Bash

* Bristleback -> Reduced max Quill Spray damage stack

* Bristleback -> Reduced movement speed by 5

* Bone Fletcher -> Changed Searing Arrows cooldown from 4/3/2/0 to 4/3/0/0

* Magnataur -> Improved his cast animation time

* Doom Bringer -> Due to popular demand, Level Death deals it's bonus damage on level 25 as well

* Syllabear -> Level 3 Spirit Bear has regained Entangle


* Various minor terrain improvements requested for league play

* Added hotkeys for all basic items (only a few had them before)

* Changed piercing damage to heavy armor to 75% from 100%

* Added -roll command (133304)

* Added a few new weather effects (-weather moonlight/wind)

* Added -weather random that will randomly change the weather for you (and only you) every 5 minutes

* Rewrote some item manipulation code to fix some exploits

* Added creep spawn modes -notop/-nomid/-nobot (-nt/-nm/-nb)

* You can now team kill units in other damage over time abilities like Curse of the Silent and Shadow Word

* You have to be below 25% health for an ally to be able to start denying you (assuming you can be denied of course)

* Removed the last melee creep count upgrade (the rest of the changes from last version are still the same)

* Recoded various resource intensive abilities for increased map stability

* Added new command -noswap (-ns)

* Satyr Trickster -> Increased movement speed


* Wards -> Reworked Observer and Sentry wards again

* Bottle -> After rune usage, it returns a 2/3 Bottle instead of a fully refilled one

* Tango -> Price from 80 to 90

* Flask -> Heals over a period of 10 seconds instead of 20

* Flying Courier -> Removed Boots of Speed from requirements

* Flying Courier -> Added new ability (Courier Shield) and lowered vision


* World Tree -> Added a new model (provided by Janzak @ janzak.deviantart.com)

* Chat messages now show hero name

* An announcement is now made when a tower is denied

* Considerably improved End Game Scoreboard and Observer Scoreboard presentation and content (total gold row coming in near future)

* Wrote gold cost on basic items like they are on recipes to allow for price checking before you go back to base

* The game now displays a kill message when a chicken dies

* End Scorescreen now lets you know when someone is no longer in the game

* Scoreboard now colors players differently if they have left the game

* Slithreen Guard -> Added new Sprint visual effect (126186)

* Goblin Techies -> New Remote Mine model (130285)

* Flying Courier -> Added unique scourge flying courier model

* When a team mate denies an ally, it now says his name (127161)

* Crystal Maiden -> Crystal Maiden's Scepter upgrade now gives a unique visual effect (128977)

* Chaos Knight -> Chaos Bolt now shows the random stun duration (130088)

* Keeper of the Light -> Added a new and more accurate Illuminate Wave effect provided by eva00r

* Shadow Fiend -> Added a special effect when Nevermore gains a soul (132731)

* Morphling -> Added text overhead to show the damage dealt by Adaptive Strike

* Camera now moves to the throne/tree when it dies. Added 1-2 second delay before scoreboard appears to show the death animations

* Added more flavor text to various items (130384)

* Added new icons for Freezing Field, Viscous Nasal Goo, Drow's Silence, Lightning Storm, Blur, Global Silence, Plague Wards (thanks snork and switch)

* Added new icon for Mirror Image (73303)

* Changed second secret shop name

* Improved visibility of scourge fifth recipe shop when not in base

* Improved movement speed items' tooltips (130948)

* Courier -> When purchasing a courier, Sentinel will get a random selection of Chicken, Raccoon or Penguin, while Scourge will get a random selection of Carrion Beetle, Dune Worm or Fel Boar.

* Listed damage type for Arcane/Impetus/Glaives

* Improved Demon Witch's Impale tooltip (107362)

* Changed the default missing icon on the scoreboard from the eye to another one

* Battle Fury -> now lists it as a melee item (139040)

* Sanity's Eclipse -> The damage dealt to units is now listed as an overhead text

* Added more flavor text to various abilities

* Improved various item tooltips to make it more user friendly

* Added reminder in -mm regarding hero switches

* Updated Bottle Tooltip to make it more obvious that rune bottle refilling is not a bug!

* Reduced how long the warning about disassemble lasts on the screen

* Improved dozens of tooltips

* Thanks to Eva00r and JetFango for various icons/effects

==[Various fixes]==

* Fixed the desync bug that happens when observers leave a game, causing some other players to disconnect

* Fixed another very rare respawn glitch

* Fixed Ignis Fatuus scepter upgrade not being on autocast by default

* Fixed a bug that caused sprout trees to sometimes respawn trapping the hero again

* Fixed Lothar's Edge icon(132136)

* Fixed a bug with custom replay data winner field

* Fixed Holy Persuation not showing level in tooltip

* Fixed Midnight Pulse killing mines

* Fixed Clarity Potion buff icon bug

* Fixed Mask of Madness buff icon (126834)

* Fixed Drunken Haze tooltip typo

* Improved some internal Observer Mode code

* Fixed Wrath of Nature typo

* Fixed a bug with Black Hole pulling in mines

* Fixed some memory leaks with Time Lapse and Poison Nova

* Fixed a rare bug with Toss

* Fixed Chronosphere tooltip

* Clarified some TDA quest menu rules

* Compressed various icons (thanks PGRu-Unexpect3D)

* Fixed a bug with Phantom Edge giving extra evasion

* Lots of optimizations to how Impetus/Glaives/Arcane abilities were coded

* Fixed Helm of Iron will giving 2 hp regen and not 3 hp

* Fixed the game clock continuing after the game has ended

* Fixed a rare bug with Adaptive Strike

* Fixed Rampage buff tooltip

* Fixed a rare bug with Greater Bash

* Fixed some bugs with -dm and various abilities that depended on unit state

* Fixed Silencer from stealing an INT from an ally deny

* Fixed Shockwave from hitting wards

* Gave unique codes to the following abilities make replay processing more straight forward: Phantom Assassin's Shadow Strike, Venomancer's Shadow Strike, Queen of Pain's Shadow Strike, Stealth Assassin's Blink Strike, Chaos Knight's Blink Strike, Lion's Voodoo, Rhasta's Voodoo, Razor's Frenzy, Viper's Frenzy, Sven's Storm Bolt and Leo's Storm Bolt.

* Fixed some item buying cooldowns that were still at 5 sec instead of 1

* Fixed Necromastery tooltip

* Fixed various other buggy tooltips

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  Starbak said:
mada sam i skapirao da oni namerno ubacuju neizbalansirane mape da bi se ljudi lozili (prve verzije sa alkemistom, spektom etc), onda ih srede, pa u krug

ok, kapiram da ne igrash wow, ali znash sta su radili godina sa pechevima za sc, d2 i wc3, dok god je work in progress mogu da se zajebavaju kako oce a ljudi ce i dalje da igraju, kad stanu sa razvojem i sve savrsheno izbalansiraju fanbase ce pocheti da se smanjuje sto njima nije cilj, samim tim...=o))

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  Junkie said:
pit lord... ima portal da otvori da moze da bezi u sekundi.. a i str caster je.

Kolko se secam , prvi lvl 4 sekunde , drugi 3 treci 2 , chanelling tako da ...

BTW....njegov drugi skill je ko ulti od drveta samo 5x manji CD i 145 mane -.- a i duze krug ostaje na zemlji tako da ono recimo, jedno 10 sec usporis prolaz u bazu -.- malo bezveze , ljudi uzmu drvo samo zbog tog ultija -.-

DAMKE: teli smo malo basket al nemamo loptu

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lol koji imbalance

ocekujem sutra hotfix ^_^

troll(sacred warr) sa hp regen itemima i mask of deathom, bilo kojim skopljenim


panda imba tako ubber spellove da je presla igricu samo budziti int/mana reg i sa 80% as-om non stop je gg :>

to sam za sad igrao videcemo jos :D

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ne znam... meni svi heroji smrde osim pitlorda, ove ostale mozes sa malo kontrole stuna ili bilo cega da resis, pogotovo ovog mekanog trolla koji umre iz 1-2 spela...

pitlord je imbalans i sto posto ce biti nerfovan, primer: nas petorica se dogovorimo i skupimo na bushu i gangujemo dvojicu, on napravi port negde iza, mi im se stvaramo sa ledja, ubijamo ih i kraj partije, tu nema sta da zajebes. ko jebeni furion

da ne govorim o cdu...

[13:00] <GM`JessicaBiel> neko drzi blokce sa pikovima i banovima a neko sa kevama

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> ne volim da me neko gleda

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> dok jebem

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> ko da ti ja kazem pitaj mareta kako mu cale suri odbojku

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> i on ti kaze moj cale nema ruke

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za pit lordov ulty ... ima channeling al traje 15 sekundi

sem toga pinguje se svim igracima gde se otvara tako da ces videti ako neko hoce da te gankuje

meni kod njega samo smeta sto pit baca cak i ako ne vidi gde ga baca

trol ima lud regen ako pumpa str iteme(sto bi i trebao) .. ne radi mask of death posto su mu strele orb effect

panda je ok.. al taj IAS ne cini toliko kolko ljudi misle.. onaj aoe purge je extra ako brojis napade stalno

dark seer je extra chaser.. instant max ms samo dodati vodu.. i onaj wall ubija mass fajtove i mega pusheve

templar... pa ... nije los al lategame kad nabudzi dmg pristojan.. onda boli tih par puta kad mu ne mozes nista

i naravno my fav zombi koji je brutalan.. meelee int s zombijima koji se spawnuju kao lava minioni.. healuju kad umru.. heartstoper aura koja se vratila.. onaj heal/nuke kad ima dosta jedinica boli brate... ulty je vise support nego za njega samog.. meka/radiance/gg

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nisam sve heroje probao ali zombi definitivno jede decu...

znaci mnogo dobro pushuje,osecam da ce da padne nerf uskoro :) a nisam skroz provalio na kom principu radi onaj heal(valjda se rip zove),znam samo da kad je dosta kripova okolo i bacim to na protivnickog heroja sabijem ga na keca :)

Bjukenon Mitch

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Zombi je keva , prakticno je neunistiv sa zombijima + plague uz heatrstop auru je cist pwnage..

Ona Templar riba u alijansi je JEBENO NEREALNA i nadam se da ce da je obrishu u sledecoj verziji posto je bezobrazno koliko je overpowered...pit lord je extra sa timom uz portal , storm panda je tesko smece ali ajde mozda ih malo unormale, trol ne moze da ubije sa retardiranim ultijem , a ono njegovo koplje trosi tupavi hp... strasno, ostale nisam probao ali mislmi da je Seer extra za jurnjavu...

A da soul rip - izaberes metu koja je ally ili ti i onda uzima malu kolicinu hp-a od svih u okolini bili oni neprijatelji ili ally , i to na zadnjem nivou uzima od 20 creepova oko tebe sto mu dodje oko 400+ hp-a

A da za neprijatelja nisam provalio valjda opet uzima hp od svih u okolini i NJEMU DELI taj dmg nisam bash siguran

Edited by Malatrolapunakontrolora

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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izasla 6.44b, kad pre?

6.44b Changelog:


* Fixed Pit of Malice tooltip

* Fixed issue with Templar taking Geomancer's spot as an Agi hero in -allagi

* Fixed a bug with Storm's Overload that made its attack counter inaccurate at higher attack speeds

* Fixed the issue that caused a checksum error to appear

* Killing a courier's image no longer announces the message as if it was real

* Fixed a bug with respawning that would respawn you faster if you had boughtback right before dying again

* Clarified Plague tooltip

* Fixed Cleave, Scattershot and various other spells from affecting Psionic Traps

* Fixed Boots of Travel working on Psionic Traps

* Fixed Vacuum from working on various exploitable areas

* Improved Plague visual effect

* Nerfed Plague damage amplification by 5% and changed the duration from 7/9/11 to 7/8/9 seconds

* Reduced Reverse Polarity mana cost and cd per level

* Lowered hp/armor on Raise Dead summons and increased bounty a little

* Fixed a bug that caused Plague to slow more than intended and said in the tooltip

* Displayed the player name when a tower is denied instead of his team name

* Clarified Life Break tooltip

* Nerfed str gain on Dirge

* Reduced Dirge model size very slightly

* Fixed Electric Rave from triggering Essence Aura, CotS

* Fixed Plague from giving the kill credit to the Dirge instead of the damage dealer

* Improved Luna base damage

* Fixed some issues with Meld

* Clarified Soul Rip tooltip

* Inner Vitality manacost is the same at all levels now (a nerf)

* Rebalanced Dark Portal. Aside from stat changes such as manacost/channeltime/duration, it cannot be cast from/to base and you can only transport through it once, not back and forth.

* Reduced the pause effect on vacuum considerably

* Added visual effect to transporting units through Dark Portal

* Changed the Storm soundset

* Fixed misc other minor issues

u mirin brah?

u mad? come at me bro!

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