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Realno, cega ima vise - linux distribucija ili kineza u Pekingu?

mislim stvarno ... katastrofa, sad nesto trazim i imam jedno 15 distribucija otvorenih po tabovima :)

(Malo nebitnih diskusija u software sekciji nije na odmet :) )

Edited by Coll

sex, drugs and bio food!

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To je istina, ima ih preko 1000 prema nekim infoima koje ja imam. Ali dobro za svakoga po nesto :) Mada iskreno ima nekih 10-tak koje su prakticno upotrebljive ove ostale su to jer eto tako moze im se [:D]








Damn Small





@Tjebe: U poslednje vreme i broj *BSD-ova se exponencialno povecava.

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Jednostavno, treba koristiti distribucije za koje postoje ljudski repozitorijumi i dobra zajednica. Fedora, Suse, eventualno Debian/Slack, ili Ubuntu ko ima brz net.

Khm zaboravio si Gentoo koji ima vise pakta u paket medzetu nego ovi ostali zajedno :)) ~140 000 ;)

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statore zaboravio si univerzitetski rasprostranjeni kolibri linux

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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Come again?





a one floppy varijante nadam se da ne racunash u to ...

evo sada iz glave

dragonfly bsd

pc bsd

desktop bsd

Mac OS X [:D]

to je ono sto mogu na keca da se setim, a ja nisam bas u toj *bsd prici

[edit] evo sta sam izguglao: [/edit]

* FreeBSD - http://www.freebsd.org/

* NetBSD - http://www.netbsd.org/

* OpenBSD - http://www.openbsd.org/

* Dragonfly BSD - http://www.dragonflybsd.org/

* FreeSBIE - http://www.freesbie.org/

* Frenzy LiveCD - http://frenzy.org.ua/en/

* PC-BSD - http://www.pcbsd.org/

* DesktopBSD - http://desktopbsd.net/

* TrueBSD - http://www.truebsd.org/

* MidnightBSD - http://www.midnightbsd.org/ - Midnight BSD has now forked away from FreeBSD 6.1 Beta

* Debian GNU/kFreeBSD - http://www.debian.org/ports/kfreebsd-gnu/

* Ging - http://glibc-bsd.alioth.debian.org/ging/

* RofreeSBIE - http://www.rofreesbie.org/

* The Dark Star - http://thedarkstar.openfmi.net/en/home.html

* m0n0wall - http://m0n0.ch/wall/

* pfSense - http://www.pfsense.com/

* Gentoo/FreeBSD - http://gentoo-alt.gentoo.org/bsd/fbsd/

* TrustedBSD - http://www.trustedbsd.org/

* ClosedBSD - http://www.closedbsd.org/

* Juniper Networks JunOS, the operating system for Juniper routers

* Nokia IPSO, the operating system for the Nokia IP security appliances

* NewBIE - http://www.tdisecurity.com/tools.html

* PolyBSD - http://arudius.sourceforge.net/

* Gentoo/NetBSD - http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/gentoo-alt/bsd/nbsd/index.xml

* Debian GNU/NetBSD - http://www.debian.org/ports/netbsd/

* Redback Networks SEOS, the operating system for the Redback SmartEdge router series

* Force10 Networks FTOS, the operating system for Force10 TeraScale E-Series switches/routers

* FuguIta- http://kaw.ath.cx/openbsd/?en/LiveCD

* OliveBSD - http://g.paderni.free.fr/olivebsd/

* Quetzal (disambiguation) - http://quetzal.matem.unam.mx/

* Anonym.OS - http://sourceforge.net/projects/anonym-os/

* MirOS BSD - http://mirbsd.mirsolutions.de/

* Gentoo/OpenBSD - http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/gentoo-alt/bsd/obsd/index.xml

* Firefly BSD - http://www.fireflybsd.com

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Statore, druzhe, znash dobro kao i ja da kad uzimash bsd imash 3 izbora free open i net i svaki ima svoju namenu a ovi ostali su nastali kao plod nechije dokonosti i nemaju neku upotrebnu korist sem mozda onog picobsd floppy projekta dok sa druge strane ti nemas kako da izaberes izmedju sijaseta linuxa jer svi rade to sve isto samo opet drugachije.

btw da odgovorim na pitanje odozgo

Free = desktop, web server, db server, application server etc etc

Open = difolt secure varijanta, za tunele, firewallove i sl

Net = za razne arhitekture ili kante od mashina



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