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[Pomoc] SitoShtampa @ majica u BG-u

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da jebote, cekamo na te majice godinama, daj da skupimo neke pare da napravimo dvadesetak za kore krew!1

Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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Sa kojim sad rabotnikom majka mu stara? Onim nasim standardnim? Pa njega ne mozhemo da stampamo jer nemamo bas dobro resenje za tako nesto.

Ali ce majica biti sasvim sigurno, mozda i nesto ranije nego sto sam ja mislio :)

Bicete o svemu obavesteni uskoro.

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Ne znam kako je sad ali kada sam ja stampao majice sa sito stampom morao si da kupis ta sita za svaku boju pa nije bilo isplativo da radis jednu majicu vec minimum 20-30 komada. Ako radis sa preslikacem to je najbolja varijanta za 1-5 majici, jedini je problem sto se to spere vremenom i potrudi se da kupis kvalitetne majice, nemoj one papir majice da kupujes.

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Ne znam kako je sad ali kada sam ja stampao majice sa sito stampom morao si da kupis ta sita za svaku boju pa nije bilo isplativo da radis jednu majicu vec minimum 20-30 komada. Ako radis sa preslikacem to je najbolja varijanta za 1-5 majici, jedini je problem sto se to spere vremenom i potrudi se da kupis kvalitetne majice, nemoj one papir majice da kupujes.

Sve zavisi od stampe. Ako nadjes digitalnu stampu mozes raditi i na komad sve razlicite, jedino nekad zahtevaju da radis minimum 10 ili 20 cisto da ne bi "palili masinu" za jednu majicu, ili ti pravili fakturu na 150 dinara i to :)

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Digital Transfers

This is the cheapest method for creating T-shirts. Digital printing is a basic printing technique. On the positive side, the printed design feels very smooth and light and can't be felt on the inside. But here are the negatives...Digital printing doesn't print white. Instead, the white elements in the design are replaced by the white or light background of the material. Therefore, only light textiles can be printed. Digital printing is the least durable print method. Dark areas, in particular, will fade somewhat. They need careful washing if you plan on the design lasting.


Flex print is slick, smooth, shiny and elegant. It derives it's name from it's flexible properties and can take a fair amount of stretching before showing signs of damage. It is high quality, designed to last and will not fade. It is the most expensive of the three methods we mention here but the overall quality is worth it. We are rapidly adopting this as the print medium of choice. If you like T-shirts as much as we do we know you'll want your favorite T to last!


Flock print feels great: somewhat velvety and a bit elevated. It looks soft but is actually quite durable and does not fade. It won't tolerate abuse as much as Flex Print so you'll need to afford it a little more care and attention, but it should last a long time if treated well!

Wash Instructions

Wash flock and flex prints at 30° inside out. Iron inside out, machine drying is fine. We won't mention Digital Transfers because we don't do them!!!

znachi ako ocu u floku nesto da mi se uradi moram da napravim vishe fajlova i svaki da ima samo jednu boju je ovaj sistem shtampa samo jednu jedinu boju at the time...

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To za flok je tacno, ali je fora u tome da moze da odradi komad jedan. Ako ide u shtampu to mu se ne isplati, jer kod nas jos uvek stampaju na "preslikache", mada postoje i digitalni shtampachi. A sto se Flexa tice, ma moze i to. Kazem jos jednom, kod mas je zajebano ako radis samo jedan komad.

Ev jos jedan kontakt:


Oni rade sve vrste ako se ne varam.


nema vise zezanja


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