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PLAY! 11


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... a iz nekog čudnog razloga ja to nisam okačio i na ovaj forum :)


5 - Uvodnik

6 - 7 - Sadržaj

8 - 10 - TechWare

11 - Flash

13 - 13th page

14-17 - Flash

19-21 - Preview: Guild Wars: Eye of The North, Guild Wars 2

22 -23 - Preview: Sacred 2: Fallen Angel

24-25 - Preview: Warhound

27 - Review sadržaj

29-33 - Review: Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars

35-37 - Review: Genesis Rising

38-39 - Review: Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved

40-41 - Review: The Elder Scrolls IV: The Shuvering Isles

43-45 - Review: Virtua Tennis 3

47-49 - Review: TMNT

50-51 - Modding: Battlestar Galactica

52 - Modding: Synergy Modding:Coop Warfare

53 - Modding: Balistic Weapons Modding:Shock Wave

54-55 - Review: Burnout Dominator (PS2)

56 - Review: Virtua Tennis 3 (PSP)

58-59 - Review: Formula One Championship Edition (PS3)

60-61 - Hardware: Antec Nine Hundred

62-63 - Hardware: Logitech Internet Hanadset

64 - Hardware: Saitek GM3200

66 - Hardware: Logitech Alto

67 - Hardware: Logitech QuickCall USB Speakerphone

68 - Hardware: Saitek Command Unit

69 - Hardware: Benq 222Wa

70-71 - Hardware: GeCube X1950XT AGP

72-73 - Hardware: Bežično od Saitek-a

74-77 - Hardware: nVidia GeForce 8600GTS

79 - Software: Veb dizajn

I konacno, linkovi za download:

http://www.play-zine.com/download/PLAY!%2011%20mali.pdf - Mali PDF

http://www.play-zine.com/download/PLAY!...11%20veliki.pdf - Veliki PDF

Pitanja, komentari i predlozi, kao i uvek, dobrodosli :)

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no comment(pozitivno) na dosadashnji rad...I take my hat down. [:D]

ali imam mali problem prilikom downloada pdf-a....ostavi mi "blank page"...dont get it [b)]

"Ja uvek vidim greh i uvek prvi,ma koliko bio oprezan i mali,ja ga vidim jer ja sam uvek tu..."I'm so hidden and you're never gonna see,I'm cold,forgiven all because of my beliefs,I'm nobody that you ever wanna be cause,I know that the world is afraid of me!

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