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Two Worlds


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Whoppin' 7 GB, al nema veze.






The world changed when Aziraal, the god of war, was slain in the huge battle long ago. The hordes of Orcs lost their divine leader and were forced to withdraw to the southern wastelands. Now, thousands of years later, the location of Aziraal's tomb is still unknown, well hidden by other gods who did not dare to entrust the secret to mere mortals.

However, now, a fragile peace between the civilized races and the hordes is at stake. When the dwarven mining expedition discovered an ancient temple dedicated to an unnamed deity - all of the world's most powerful factions saw it as a possible clue to the place of Azriaal's burial ground. A silent war has now begun and it will soon ignite the fires that will lead to the holy crusade of the Orcs. However, the real danger lies somewhere else. A powerful force churns silently - weaving a secret plot of fear and destruction. In the end one of the Two Worlds will remain.

The story of "Two Worlds" begins in an age torn by war. The Orcs have advanced to the south bank of the river Gon and are threatening the Kingdom of Cathalon. While this is happening, the hero, a wandering bounty hunter, is searching for some clue as to the whereabouts of his sister, whom he hasn't seen since her settlement was attacked three years ago. He unexpectedly receives vital information from a mysterious stranger - and immediately joins a Dark Brotherhood (or so it seems). Now the time has come for him to try understanding the game's powerful forces - and to learn how to use them! This is the only way the hero can survive - and get the answers to the questions that are burning in his soul

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meni je zao sto ti shvatas neke izjave kako ti hoces :)

rekoh da je ova igra sranje jer je kopija obliviona, oblivion nije sranje, sranje je rpg ali generalno kao igrica je simpa

gothic pownuje oblivion al je toliko usran engineom da se to nazalost skoro ni ne vidi





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Brate, jesi ti svestan da kad ka�e� da je Oblivion sranje, automatski je i Gothic sranje :)

A onomad ste ga dizali u nebesa i progla�avali omg najboljim 3d rpg-om ikad! :)

Kakve veze ima Gothic sa Oblivionom? Te dvije igre nemaju niti jednu dodirnu tačku osim što obadvije spadaju pod RPG. Jedino što bih je Oblivion svrstao pod hack & slash ali nema veze.

Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home!

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Samo da se ubacim i kazem da mi se Gothic nikada nije svidjao i za mene licno je tesko sranje ... mnogo gori od obliviona .

Toliko o tome ... Ovo ako poredite sa Gothicom ... onda jbg necu ni da probam .

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Meni se Gothic (3) baš sviđa :)

Osim što baguje, al je environment baš dobar. Nek ovo bude približno tome, i super. Al jebiga tek mi je na 40%, curse upon them torrents... dži, exile, vi imate brži net, dajte malo informacija :)

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Jedva ga pokrenuh, nece da mi uchitava one wma filmove koje kao imaju u intro-u ili sta vec, i nece da mi radi sa 1.2 patch-om, samo sa 1.0...

Elem ono malo sto sam od igre video samo sam jedno zakljuchio:


ja sa mojom 6600gt i giga rama jedva je pokrecem, ali jedva

Oblivion sam terao bash lepo, ali ovo sa smanjenim detaljima i svime ostalime bas secka...

Probacu je jos malo cim stignem, da vidim da li na nesto lici, za sad je 'nako :(

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-i za one koji skidaju preko torrenta..

-ima verzija od 7.01gb = sadrzhi dva dvd_a..

-skinite samo prvi dvd jer je drugi gomila nepotrebnih stvari...

brandstack.com/users/portfolio/logos/gligorov \\ behance.net/gligorov

99designs.com/people/gligorov \\ twitter.com/MarkoGligorov \\ upstack.com/

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Izašao patch 1.3, postoji apgrejd verzija sa 1.2 na 1.3.

Za one koji igraju sa backup kopijom a svoj original drže zaključan u sefu: ne treba krek počev od v1.2, jer je Razor napravio ispravan keygen koji lepo registruje igru. Kako je zeznut za pronalaženje, evo ga ovde:


Dakle procedura je sledeća:

1. Instalirajte igru

2. Instalirajte patch 1.1 (dolazi na disku)

3. Instalirajte patch 1.1->1.2 (skinite s neta)

4. Instalirajte patch 1.2->1.3 (skinite s neta, ili nađite 1.0->1.3 i preskočite korake 2 i 3)

5. Upalite keygenerator i dobijeni serijski broj upišite kad startujete igru. Ne zatvarajte keygen! Zatim izaberite "activate by phone", i broj koji izbaci igra ubacite u keygen u "activation code" polje. Na kraju, treći "access" broj koji ispadne upišite u igru i igrajte. U paketu je i neki .reg fajl, startujte ga posle aktivacije, i to je sva zaštita.

Edited by woods_
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1.3 fixes:

SP and general Fixes:

Alchemy - exploit removed

Shops - proces exploit - fixed

Objects stacking - parameters changed.

Deadly piruett skill - fixed

Knock down skill - fixed

Stability skill - fixed.

Stealing skill > 100 - fixed

Dead hands spell - level fixed.

Kit Rae weapon names - fixed

Shooting from water - enemies don't reacting - fixed.

NPc reaction for stealing - fixed

Weather behaviour (rain from blue sky) - fixed.

Sliding/walking on the walls - fixed.

Death from jumping from high altitudes - fixed.

NPCs walking through palisades - fixed

Logical problems in quests - fixed.

Incorrect bonuses on different equipment pe: "Double Blade skill" bonus on a

shield - Fixed.

Stealing inside closed houses - fixed

Horseriding map in second town -fixed

Killing citizens with horse - fixed

Huge arrows on monsters - fixed

Minus values for attack and defence for high Dexterity values - fixed

Weapon stats not refreshed after stacking on character - fixed

Crash when attacking sister - fixed

Sneaking with shield -shield position -fixed

Alchemy bug - creation of empty potions - fixed

Faster looting animation

Cooking one object - blocked.

Recooking cooked potions - blocked.

MP Fixes:

Multiplayer lag problem - fixed

All skills available in multiplayer from start - fixed

All skills unlocked in multiplayer -fixed

Friendly fire in Arena modes - fixed


Tooltips for damage and protection types added.

Tolltip for gold icon added.

Gandohar/Reist/Kira - invulrenability added

Stealing skill - list of stealed objects - added

Faster running speed on roads - added

Water splash - added

Mouse buttons configuration - added

Second key mapping for each activity - added

C - F1

I - F2

M - F3

L - F4

G - F5

1.2 fixes:

- workaround for Radeon Cards without full Shader 2.0 (B) support. Please

select such cards during installation. Please not: these cards are below

official system specs. Performance is not sufficient.

- 21 collision boxes adjusted

- 23 minor quest logic fail backs added

- MP: 1 player trainings mode added

- MP: full server account reset (sorry!)

- MP: 41 items added

- MP: character money exchange solution implemented

- MP: 11 quests added

- MP: NAT resolver support for clients behind router added

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Najzad se skinulo ffs...

Ovako, patchovano na v1.3, 7600GT, giga rama, drajveri 94.24, 1024x768, detalji skoro svi na maksimumu. Radi prilično lepo, bolje od Gothica 3, swapovanje je minimalno itd.

Priča deluje interesantno mada sad nemam pojma šta se tačno dešava osim da su mi marnuli sestru i da treba da je "otkupim". Izvedba i borba dosta liči na Gothic osim što je kretanje malo čudno al može da se navikne. Uglavnom, kome se svideo Gothic, verovatno će mu se svideti i ovo, naravno ako ne očekuje neku ultramegarevolucionarnu igru.

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Uglavnom, kome se svideo Gothic, verovatno će mu se svideti i ovo, naravno ako ne očekuje neku ultramegarevolucionarnu igru.

malo ljudu tako nesto ocekuje zadnjih par godina (ok,mozda se nada, ali def. ne ocekuje,bez brige :) )

probacu za vikend da je instaliram, ako sredim probleme sa kompom do tada, a ako ne bude dobro radila na 2Gb rama i e4300 i 6800gs 256ddr3 ima da je frljnem kroz prozor o'ma :) disk mi doneo drugar, i njemu se nije bas nesto dopala

inace offtopik: gothic 3 je mnogo mnogo bolji od Oblivion(koji se par izuzetaka-deo price o darkBrtoherhood ili kako se vec bese zovu, je bas jadan-licno subjektivno misljenje da dodam:))

C programmers never die. They are just cast into void.

C# programmers don't die either. They get garbage collected

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