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Kiselina o.O


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Sterling silver is an alloy of 92 1/2 percent silver and 7 1/2 percent copper. Its beauty increases with use, which causes a patina or soft sheen to form. Plated silver is silver that has been electroplated over another metal. Silver tarnishes when exposed to air. This occurs more quickly in damp and foggy weather, but is inevitable in any climate. Store in treated paper or cloth, or plastic film.

Methods of cleaning silver should be determined by the value placed on it, monetary or sentimental, and the design of the pattern. Silver with deeply "carved" patterns that are enhanced by an oxide or French gray finish should be hand polished with a high quality silver cream or polish.

Hand rubbing develops patina on silver which adds to its beauty. Ornamental silver pieces that have been lacquered may be washed in lukewarm water; hot water could remove the lacquer. Polishing silver while wearing rubber gloves promotes tarnish. Instead, choose plastic or cotton gloves.

Silver has enemies. Rubber severely affects silver. Rubber corrodes silver, and it can become so deeply etched that only a silversmith can repair the damage. Raised designs can be lost permanently. Avoid using storage cabinets or chests with rubber seals, rubber floor coverings, rubber bands, etc.

Other enemies of silver include table salt, olives, salad dressing, eggs, vinegar and fruit juices. Serve these foods in china or glass containers. Although flowers and fruit look lovely in silver containers, the acid produced as they decay can etch the containers and cause serious damage. When using silver containers, use plastic or glass liners.

Baking Soda: Apply a paste of baking soda and water. Rub, rinse, and polish dry with a soft cloth. To remove tarnish from silverware, sprinkle baking soda on a damp cloth and rub it on the silverware until tarnish is gone. Rinse and dry well.

Aluminum Foil, Baking Soda, and Salt: Place a sheet of aluminum foil in the bottom of a pan, add 2-3 inches of water, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon salt, and bring to a boil. Add silver pieces, boil 2-3 minutes, making sure the water covers the silver pieces. Remove silver, rinse, dry, and buff with a soft cloth. This method cleans the design and crevices of silver pieces.

Toothpaste: To clean off tarnish, coat the silver with toothpaste, then run it under warm water, work it into a foam, and rinse it off. For stubborn stains or intricate grooves, use an old soft-bristled toothbrush.

Silver Flatware Care

Silver is easily scratched so never use harsh abrasives. It is corroded or tarnished by salt and salt air, sulfur and sulfur-containing foods, and rubber. Frequent use deters formation of tarnish. Do not let silver stand with food on it; salty or acid foods can stain it. Rinse if it will not be washed at once.

Store silverware in a chest lined with tarnish- resistant flannel or air-tight plastic bag when not in use. Do not put rubber bands on silver as they cause tarnish. Handle silver with care to avoid nicks and heavy scratches; knife blades and other metals can do damage if they come in contact with silverware.

Cleaning Flatware: Wash in warm sudsy water. Rinse well and dry immediately. Do not let hollow handled silverware or hollow ware stand in water as a combination of heat, water, and detergent may loosen soldering.

Washing in a Dishwasher: Silverware may be washed in the dishwasher but the patina on fine silver is enhanced by the rubbing that occurs when washing and drying by hand. Hollow handles may be loosened with exposure to heat and detergent in the dishwasher.

Electrolytic methods of cleaning: Aluminum, salt, soda and hot water are not recommended for cleaning silver with an oxidized or French gray finish. Do not spill dry dishwasher detergent on flatware; it may cause dark spots. If washing both silverware and stainless steel flatware in the dishwasher, do not put in the same basket section or let one metal touch the other, or the silver may be permanently damaged. New sterling silverware sometimes gets brown spots after washing in the dishwasher. Sterling is 92 1/2 percent silver and 7 1/2 percent other alloys including copper for greater durability. In automatic dish washing, a reaction can occur between water droplets and the small portion of copper at the surface to cause brown spots on some pieces. After the silverware has been washed several times, the copper on the surface is gone and the surface is pure silver. Avoid such spotting on new silverware by washing and drying new silverware by hand for the first few uses. If you want to use the dishwasher, follow these precautions: Use the automatic rinse dispenser feature of a dishwasher. The rinse agent lowers the surface tension of the rinse water so it sheets off the surfaces and droplets don't form. or use a rinse agent in solid form that hangs on the dishwasher rack, if your dishwasher does not have an automatic rinse dispenser. Remove new silverware from the dishwasher immediately after the last rinse cycle and towel dry for the first few times.

i sad tozla:

Cleaning your gold jewelry

Gold will develop a film build up of oils from lotions, powders, soaps, and natural skin oils which takes away from it's beauty. Chemicals in the air can slightly oxidize the gold depending on the karat grade used. Don't let your gold jewelry come in contact with chlorine bleach when you are doing household chores because it can damage jewelry over time. A little time and effort on your part will keep your jewelry looking new like the day you first wore it. We've listed four ways to clean your gold jewelry.

1. Detergent Bath

Use any mild liquid detergent found on your home (such as dishwashing soap) and prepare a small bowl of warm suds. Brush the pieces with an eyebrow brush or toothbrush while they are in the bath. Then transfer them to a wire tea strainer and rinse under warm running water. Pat dry with a soft, lint-free cloth.

2. The Cold Water Soak

Make a solution out of 50% cold water and 50% household ammonia in a cup. Soak the pieces for 30 minutes. Lift out gently clean with an eyebrow brush or toothbrush. Swish in the solution once more and let the jewelry drain on tissue paper.

3. The Quick-Dip Method

Buy a brand-name liquid jewelry cleaners found in many stores. Cleaning instructions vary depending on the kit, so read the label and follow its instructions.

4. The Ultrasonic Cleaner

This is a small machine that will clean any piece of jewelry that can be dipped in a liquid in a matter of minutes. There are many varieties of ultrasonic cleaners, but they all consist of a metal cup that you fill with water and detergent. When the machine is turned on, a high-frequency motion creates the cleaning action. Since each machine is slightly different, read the instructions very carefully before use.

ali sto se mene tice ja bi to rokno preko noci u kokakolu i ocistio kao hrom :) (ko ima hromirane felne nek ih stavi preko noci u kokakolu (nek napuni bure ili sta vec) i videce ujutru da sijaju vise nego kad su bile nove ;) -daki's solutions! do it your self)

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ali sto se mene tice ja bi to rokno preko noci u kokakolu i ocistio kao hrom :) (ko ima hromirane felne nek ih stavi preko noci u kokakolu (nek napuni bure ili sta vec) i videce ujutru da sijaju vise nego kad su bile nove ;) -daki's solutions! do it your self)

To ko zeli da predje sa 15" na 14"...

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Posle Dakijevog posta ovaj topic je trebao da ide pod lock...Eventualno josh jedan u kome AyS kaze:"hvala brate,moze lock" ;)

У једној старој књизи читао сам чудну причу; а враг би га знао откуд мени та књига из неког смешног времена, у коме је било много слободоумних закона, а нимало слободе; држали се говори и писале књиге о привреди, а нико ништа није сејао; цела земља претрпана моралним поукама, а морала није било; у свакој кући пун таван логика, али памети није било; на сваком кораку говорило се о штедњи, а расипало се на све стране, а сваки зеленаш и нитков могао је себи купити за неколико гроша титулу: велики народни родољуб. 
Радоје Домановић - "Страдија" 1902. -

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ima ja sam jednoj curi qpio ogrilicu od platine i jako me puno izaslo jer je bilo malo deblje :)(ogrlica, ne riba)....

jedino ako imas dosta para pa mozes da qpis nesto sto je iole deblje jer za male pare mozes samo nesto bas lagano od platine da kupis sto mislim da nije neki izbor.

I see by your outfit, that you are a cowboy.

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pa ne ono, teoretCki, nikad ne bih mogao da nosim zlato, aj kao belo zlato mozda al onda procitah da je odrzavanje zeznuto i da se na neki nachin "izlize", a svidja mi se boja platine, kao mithril ::)

i kad bih kupio nekoj voljenoj osobi sigurno ne bi bila vazna "debljina" vec stil,, model, sha ja znam, a i platina je teza od zlata te je i zbog toga skuplja, pored naravno chinjenice da se retko nalazi


:* :P





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