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Novi album Metallice Q3 2007

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Metallica is tentatively scheduled to enter the studio this month and begin recording the follow-up to 2003's "St. Anger". Although the band spent most of 2006 writing the new record and will spend a good part of early 2007 laying it down, drummer Lars Ulrich told Launch Radio Networks that he doesn't feel the process is taking any longer than usual. "I don't think it's taking a particularly longer time than it has, it's just that the work is spread out," he said. "The days of 16-hour studio days and six days a week, that's not really happening. We sort of come down here at, you know, nine in the morning and then we sit and work 'til we have to go pick the kids up, or 'til somebody has to go to the dentist or something, you know (laughs)."

Ulrich recently told Launch that Metallica has written about 25 songs for its ninth studio effort and will trim that down to one album's worth of material.

Referring to the controversial, low-fi production on 2003's "St. Anger", Ulrich said that he's "taken the drums out of the cardboard boxes" this time, and that lead guitarist Kirk Hammett will have guitar solos on this record.

The new disc will be produced by Rick Rubin and is expected out by late 2007.

Ulrich and actress Connie Nielsen are expecting their first child together after dating for two years. The baby is due early next summer.

do tad, bacite oko na novu pesmu:

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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word za oba, sve vise se komercijalizuju (ne znam kako im uspeva) a muzika sve gora i gora...

[13:00] <GM`JessicaBiel> neko drzi blokce sa pikovima i banovima a neko sa kevama

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> ne volim da me neko gleda

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> dok jebem

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> ko da ti ja kazem pitaj mareta kako mu cale suri odbojku

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> i on ti kaze moj cale nema ruke

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jebo ja sam sebe sto sam postovao uopste

info je dat, zaključavajte topik, vidim da će ovo samo u svađu da vodi

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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nebih da se proseravam puno i da izazivam fan dechicu da dobijaju ban [:D] ali

pesma je neoriginalna i losa koliko i 60% njihovog zivotnog rada [:D]

da mi post nebude skroz negativn mogu da kazem da ima jedan dobar riff [:D]

Metallicina prva 4 albuma su savrsenstvo sve posle justice albuma je smece...

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Metallicina prva 4 albuma su savrsenstvo sve posle justice albuma je smece...

e vidite zbog ovakvih debila (nhf) sam trazio da zakljucate topik, molim vas, dok jos imam strpljenja

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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e vidite zbog ovakvih debila (nhf) sam trazio da zakljucate topik, molim vas, dok jos imam strpljenja

Bez uvrede ali ti si jos veci debil ako ti se ova pesma svidja, ja sam iskreno prestao da slusam Metallicu kad sam odgledao Some kind of monster film tako da ono...aj uzdravlje

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nebih da se proseravam puno i da izazivam fan dechicu da dobijaju ban [:D] ali

pesma je neoriginalna i losa koliko i 60% njihovog zivotnog rada [:D]

da mi post nebude skroz negativn mogu da kazem da ima jedan dobar riff [:D]

Brate Killy pretera ga malo sa tim 60%...

Aj" stvarno lock topic pre nego shto se Lucija i Snoopy stvarno potuq...


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neću da zatvaram topik iz jednog prostog razloga: hoću da vidim da li može jedan topik koji posećuju pre svega metalci da ostane normalan, ili ću da vam otvorim podforum u CS forumu.

naravno, i ovde važi leptirić akcija, tako da imajte i to na umu pre nego što postujete.

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nikad nisam gotivio metaliku.imaju par gotivnih pesama,ali to je to.

sve novije od njih je samo vece,i vece sranje za moj ukus.

st. anger je krsh,i pokusaj da uzmu neke pare...

verovatnu cu poslusati neke pesme sa novog albuma,ali tesko da ce to biti dobar album.

vid'o sam deda mraza

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Ima 1 dobar rif :P ,ali rapadaju se lagano,vidi ga bre kako se NAPREZE DA PEVA oce da umre kolko se napregao!!!! Ko da je izgubio i ono malo sluha sto je imao nekada(dok su pravili Fade to black,i jos koje pesme koje valjaju...) meni je zao realno sto zvuce sve losije i losije,i izgubili su inspiraciju....do koncerta u beogradu su zvucali kolko tolko dobro ali ovo posle.. necu vise da komentarisem.

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necu da nastavljam raspravu ovde jer jednostavno mislim da se na ovoj temi jos uvek nije pojavio neko ko je dovoljno zreo za ozbiljnu muzicku raspravu (ne uzimajuci u obzir neutralce - ivana, dz, dominusa) i da je pritom odmakao od one stereotipne aksiome (ili bolje dogme) da je metalika sve vece komercijalno sranje koje se trebalo raspasti posle treceg (u nekim krugovima i cetvrtog) albuma.

tako da dok se ne pojavi neko vredan zdrave rasprave, sijo

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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necu da nastavljam raspravu ovde jer jednostavno mislim da se na ovoj temi jos uvek nije pojavio neko ko je dovoljno zreo za ozbiljnu muzicku raspravu (ne uzimajuci u obzir neutralce - ivana, dz, dominusa) i da je pritom odmakao od one stereotipne aksiome (ili bolje dogme) da je metalika sve vece komercijalno sranje koje se trebalo raspasti posle treceg (u nekim krugovima i cetvrtog) albuma.

tako da dok se ne pojavi neko vredan zdrave rasprave, sijo

izvini sto nosmo dostojni tvojih 2 centa.

kako volim nadmenost

[13:00] <GM`JessicaBiel> neko drzi blokce sa pikovima i banovima a neko sa kevama

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> ne volim da me neko gleda

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> dok jebem

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> ko da ti ja kazem pitaj mareta kako mu cale suri odbojku

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> i on ti kaze moj cale nema ruke

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ali istina je da je i st. anger bezveze

kako kome

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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