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The CPL 2006 Championship Finals

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Scheduled: 16:30 GMT, 16 December 2006 to 21:00 GMT, 20 December 2006

Ends In: 4 days

The CPL opens its doors to the public at 16:30 GMT, 16 December 2006. Matches start @ 16:00 GMT, 17 December 2006, for the CPL_Black_BG CPL 2006 Championship Finals at the Hyatt Regency hotel in Dallas, TX.

The final list of players has yet to be confirmed by CPL but Slasher over at Gotfrag has an insight into who will/wont be attending and interviews with many top players attending. Read the article at GotFrag.

The BYOC area of the event is fully booked, additional spots may be made available after 22:00 GMT, 16 December 2006 on a first-come first-served basis. $10 spectator passes will be available at the door. Children under the age of 12 can enter the event free of charge, but only if accompanied by an adult.

ESReality site admin Yeltsin will be on-hand at the event providing ESR with interviews and photo gallery.

* Prize Distribution

1st: cup_gold $15,000.00

2nd: cup_silver $9,500.00

3rd: cup_bronze $6,000.00

4th: $3,500.00

5th: $2,500.00

6th: $2,000.00

7th: $1,500.00

8th: $1,000.00

9th-12th: $750.00

13th-16th: $500.00

17th-32nd: $250.00

* Schedule

Group Stage Begins Sunday 17th

Group Stage 1 (Groups 1-16)

@ 16:00 GMT, 17 December 2006

32 Players Eliminated - 96 Remain

Group Stage 1 (Groups 17-32)

@ 19:30 GMT, 17 December 2006

32 Players Eliminated - 64 Remain

Group Stage 2 (Groups 1-16)

@ 23:00 GMT, 17 December 2006

32 Players Eliminated - 32 Remain

Double Elimination Begins Monday 18th


@ 16:00 GMT, 18 December 2006

Seed #1 vs. Seed #32

Seed #17 vs. Seed #16

Seed #9 vs. Seed #24

Seed #25 vs. Seed #8

Seed #5 vs. Seed #28

Seed #21 vs. Seed #12

@ 16:15 GMT, 18 December 2006

Seed #13 vs. Seed #20

Seed #29 vs. Seed #4

Seed #3 vs. Seed #30

Seed #19 vs. Seed #14

Seed #11 vs. Seed #22

Seed #27 vs. Seed #6

@ 16:30 GMT, 18 December 2006

Seed #7 vs. Seed #26

Seed #23 vs. Seed #10

Seed #15 vs. Seed #18

Seed #31 vs. Seed #2

(32 Player Remain)

Lower Bracket Round 1

@ 17:30 GMT, 18 December 2006

Seed #32 vs. Seed #17

Seed #24 vs. Seed #25

Seed #28 vs. Seed #21

Seed #20 vs. Seed #29

Seed #30 vs. Seed #19

Seed #22 vs. Seed #27

Seed #26 vs. Seed #23

Seed #18 vs. Seed #31

(24 Players Remain)

Upper Bracket Round 2

@ 18:30 GMT, 18 December 2006

Seed #1 vs. Seed #16

Seed #9 vs. Seed #8

Seed #5 vs. Seed #12

Seed #13 vs. Seed #4

Seed #3 vs. Seed #14

Seed #11 vs. Seed #6

Seed #7 vs. Seed #10

Seed #15 vs. Seed #2

Lower Bracket Round 2

@ 19:30 GMT, 18 December 2006

Seed #16 vs. Seed #18

Seed #9 vs. Seed #23

Seed #12 vs. Seed #22

Seed #13 vs. Seed #19

Seed #14 vs. Seed #20

Seed #11 vs. Seed #21

Seed #10 vs. Seed #24

Seed #15 vs. Seed #17

(16 Players Remain)

Lower Bracket Round 3

@ 20:45 GMT, 18 December 2006

Seed #9 vs. Seed #16

Seed #13 vs. Seed #12

Seed #11 vs. Seed #14

Seed #15 vs. Seed #10

(12 Players Remain)

Upper Bracket Quarter Finals

@ 20:45 GMT, 18 December 2006

Seed #1 vs. Seed #8

Seed #5 vs. Seed #4

Seed #3 vs. Seed #6

Seed #7 vs. Seed #2

Lower Bracket Round 4

@ 22:00 GMT, 18 December 2006

Seed #8 vs. Seed #10

Seed #5 vs. Seed #11

Seed #6 vs. Seed #12

Seed #7 vs. Seed #9

(8 Players Remain)

Lower Bracket Round 5

@ 23:15 GMT, 18 December 2006

Seed #8 vs. Seed #5

Seed #6 vs. Seed #7

Upper Bracket Semi-Finals

@ 23:15 GMT, 18 December 2006

Seed #1 vs. Seed #4

Seed #3 vs. Seed #2

Play continues Tuesday 19th

Lower Bracket Round 6

@ 17:00 GMT, 19 December 2006

Seed #4 vs. Seed #6

Seed #3 vs. Seed #5

Upper Bracket Finals

@ 17:00 GMT, 19 December 2006

Seed #1 vs. Seed #2

Championship Brackets

7th-8th Place

@ 18:00 GMT, 19 December 2006

Seed #7 vs. Seed #8

5th-6th Place

@ 19:15 GMT, 19 December 2006

Seed #5 vs. Seed #6

4th Place

@ 20:30 GMT, 19 December 2006

Seed #3 vs. Seed #4

Lower Bracket Finals

3rd Place

@ 21:45 GMT, 19 December 2006

Seed #2 vs. Seed #3

Championship Final Wednesday 20th

(2 x bo3)

@ 18:00 GMT, 20 December 2006

Set-Up Begins

@ 19:00 GMT, 20 December 2006

Play Begins

Seed #1 vs. Seed #2

* Maps





(click images to enlarge)

GotFragTV will be live on site, providing live video coverage for the duration of the event. GotFrag TV will be using Octoshape technology to stream video in order to keep video quality at the highest possible level, and so that everyone can tune in. ActiveX needs to be enabled and Java installed. Please make sure you have the Java runtime on your computer. Make sure you test your Octoshape install before matches start, this can be done by visiting the GotFrag TV page.


The CPL has set up multiple GTV relays to follow the Quake 3 action. Spectators can join the GTV servers at the following locations:

St Louis



CPL GTV has a custom waiting room. To download the file turn on cl_allowdownload 1 or download here.

* IRC bots

The CPL also has set up irc channels for bots to run this weekend. You can find all the action in our official channels on Gamesurge, and for the first time official mirror bots in the same channels on Quakenet.

#cplcast1.cs - #cplcast2.cs - #cplcast3.cs - #cplcast4.cs - #cplcast5.cs - #cplcast6.cs - #cplcast7.cs - #cplcast8.cs

#cplcast1.q3 - #cplcast2.q3 - #cplcast3.q3 - #cplcast4.q3 - #cplcast5.q3 - #cplcast6.q3 - #cplcast7.q3 - #cplcast8.q3

Official chat channels for information and discussion should take place in #cplcast.q3 or #cplcast.cs and the general CPL channel #cpl @ Gamesurge and Quakenet.

Btw mali update

"Among those top names are all of the F-Players, Johnathan "Fatal1ty" Wendel, Alessandro "Stermy" Avallone, and Magnus "fojji" Olsson. Wendel and Avallone both recently participated at the WSVG finals in New York City and are both presumably not suitably prepared for an event so close, and/or want to take some time off after a long year of Quake 4."

Znaci mozete sve da pratite na #cplcast.q3 @Qnet ili http://www.esreality.com/ I

Koja su vasa misljenja,ko dobija ? :)

Edited by voodoo.uq


= rumbl3 a.k.a vuduu =

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Odoh sada da potrazhim listu svih uchesnika pa da neshto konkretno odgovorim na topic.. :P

Quake 3 Tournament (1v1)

List of Confirmed Competitors:

# Name Date BYOC

1. Christopher Schulze (The Lunat1c) Aug 10, 06 - 12:25 PM yes

2. Brian Flander (DKT) Aug 10, 06 - 12:28 PM yes

3. Andr

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Sad nista ne kapiram,admini na ircu pojma nemaju,a u topicu stoji 17:00 a na sajtu stoji

Group Stage 1 (Groups A-H)

@ 19:30 GMT, 17 December 2006

Group Stage 1 (Groups I-P)

@ 23:00 GMT, 17 December 2006

a muerte kaze

Group Stage 1 (Groups A-H)

@ 20:30 CET, 17 December 2006

Group Stage 1 (Groups I-P)

@ 00:00 CET, 18 December 2006


Muerte,opet si zaboravio naocare da stavis :)


= rumbl3 a.k.a vuduu =

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Gledao sam Cooler-a, CZM-a, Viju-a i Rocket Boy-a na GTV-u i svi su u fenomenalnoj formi, pucaju ko botovi!! (Jezive stvari) Pogotovo CZM i Viju!! Mislim da ce to biti veliko finale, ako nekoga drastichno ne bude kenjalo.

Lex: "Pa on je gluplji od tebe!!!"

Cervantes: "Niiije!!!"

Lex: "U pravu si, nije gluplji od tebe!!!"


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HA, nemam ban vishe.

Uglavnom.. dobili sve meceve favoriti sa po 30 razlike. Jedino je Socrates_ ispao pichkica i nije se pojavio ni na jednom mecu, zato sto je picka jelte.

Gledao sam samo czm vs raistlin. Jes da ja sabijem Raistlina isto, ali nisam ocekivao da je on tolko los, a czm me nije nesto impresionirao, aim mu je bolestan, ali se nekako botoliko krece. Ne bih voleo jibo da osvoji, tipujem na kulera ili zamuza (: mada mi je i czm bolesljiv neshto.

Get smart or die dumb!

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czm se uvek kretao kao bot :)

Nema sanse da zamuz osvoji,nije ni blizu svoje forme kao pre 2 godine..Inace nisam znao da je zamuz jebena propalica,napustio je skolu i postao alkoholicar i kockar..Sto se tice igre po grupama,u svakoj je bio po jedan sabijac :)


= rumbl3 a.k.a vuduu =

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lol.... Cooller dobio lekciju...

U polufinalu winnera:

CZM 2 : 1 Cooller

ztn 5:15

hub 37:23

dm6 18:16

-Stvarno dobre partije... cooller ga je ownao na ztnu... czm ga vodio na habu nekih 13 razlike medjutim cooller se bio napeo nesto i cak je poveo u jednom trenutku 2 fraga... tipa 22:20... ali to je bilo sve sto je uradio.... na dm6, nemam reci, ekstra partija... cooller vodio 13:2.... i onda COMEBACK... futanje u guzu.


u drugom mechu valjda z4muz vs jibo, mislim da jibo pobedjuje, ali nisam siguran.

Get smart or die dumb!

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Uglavnom.. dobili sve meceve favoriti sa po 30 razlike. Jedino je Socrates_ ispao pichkica i nije se pojavio ni na jednom mecu, zato sto je picka jelte.

pazi ribe igrao WCG Holiday Clash i zaradio 5000$ izi [:D]

The nicer prize Sylka talks about is the grand prize for the Quake 4 WCG holiday clash tournament, featuring $1,000 for first and a brand-new Intel

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I finalu winnera:

czm 2:1 jibo

hub3 - nekih 10tak razlike za czma

ztn 6:12

nodm9 7:3 (s tim sto je bilo 5:0 do 10. minute kada je jibo uzeo prvu megu i napravio frag).

u loseru je bilo gusto na ztnu izmedju coollera i viju-a... cak je 3 minuta pre kraja viju vodio 2 fraga, ali ipak kuler dobio.


Get smart or die dumb!

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jesi gledao practice mec zamuz-czm ? strava mec,czm je vodio 6-7 razlike i onda CUMBACK zamuza i na kraju je bilo 11:10 za czma koji je bezao 5 minuta i na kraju mu ostalo 5hp..

sad sam gledao cooler-zamuz na pnodm9(zamuzova mapa) 15:5

ide hub sada..(kulerova mapa) verovatno ce biti ownage

clock je dobio dtka

viju je dobio phytona

posle toga ide mec jibo-cooler vs czm

Edited by voodoo.uq


= rumbl3 a.k.a vuduu =

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Jibo Dobio Coolera 2:1

8:11 - Map: pro-nodm9

21:13 - Map: ztn3tourney1

13:12 - Map: pro-q3dm6

Ekstra zanimljive partije! Finale se igra za 2 sata, zato shto Jibo mora da leti sutra ujutru! LOL

Lex: "Pa on je gluplji od tebe!!!"

Cervantes: "Niiije!!!"

Lex: "U pravu si, nije gluplji od tebe!!!"


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Final Standing:

1st: cup_gold TBD - $15,000.00

2nd: cup_silver TBD - $9,500.00

3rd: cup_bronze Russia mouz.Cooller - $6,000.00

4th: Sweden mouz.Z4muZ - $3,500.00

5th: United States of America viju - $2,500.00

6th: Australia Python - $2,000.00

7th: United States of America ons/destrukt - $1,500.00

8th: United States of America ons/cl0ck - $1,000.00

cekamo finale..


= rumbl3 a.k.a vuduu =

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