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WoW 2.0.1 Addoni


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Vec informacije o addonima koji su bitni i koji rade pod 2.0.1 Patch

Bartender3 - Action Bar AddOn for WoW 2.0


BigWigs - Boss Mode addon


FuBar2 (alternativa Titan Baru)


Ag UnitFrames - UnitFrames (toplo preporucujem)


Antagonist - Enemy casting Bar


X-Perl UnitFrames


Perl Classic Unit Frames


Bongos Action Bar


Itemrack - brzo promenite vasu opremu



eCastingBar for WoW 2.0


Edited by Silencer
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Najbolje je ocistiti interface folder skroz, namestit basic ui, i kad izadje patch sacekati par dana dok prodje guzva, i onda polako opet namestiti ui :)

Kad sam pokusavao da ui namestim pre patcha sa svim tim already updated ... uvek sam se zajebao :)

Edited by Nikola_

sex, drugs and bio food!

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ok, mene interesuje sledece :

Macroi koje ja imam su disableovani, jeli uspeo iko da pokrene raspale macroe preko nekog addona, i da li je uopshte legalno raditi to ?

This video contains content from Jimmy Kimmel Live, who has decided to block it in your country.

[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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izbacena je nova verzija bagnona pod nazivom VBAGNON ... imash na curse gamingu ali on sada ne radi ...

pazi totalno su unapredili addon ... trebaec ti vremena dok ne provalish kako sve funkcionishe ... ali kada provalish odusevicesh se koliko je beno dobar addon ... mnogo dobrih stvari su ubacili jedna od njih su kategorije za brze pretrazivanje torbi ...

dakle postoji addon samo da se srede sajtovi ;)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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