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Problem sa rachunarom


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E da ne bi otvarao novi topic moram i a da se zalim na krsh :S

Komp radi odlicno sve dok se ne smori i sam se restartuje.

Windows je reinstaliran pre mesec dana , sve komponente su u ok stanju ali verovatno nesto zeza cim se sam restartuje :(

Znate li bilo kakav nacin da vidim sta je problem???

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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ako hoces da reinstaliras win - moras da formatiras

sad pitanje je da li moras da formatiras - u smislu da li je neophodna reinstalacija win da bi se resio problem

ajde malo razmisli pre nego sto bacis hejt, mkay?

Evo druze da prekinem lanac "ja sam najpametniji" evo, izvini nisam ukapirao. Ne kapiram ni dalje (ako hoces da reinstaliras win, moras da formatiras

e sad, pitanje je da li moras da ga formatiras)

ali jebiga, umiru celije mozga sa godinama.

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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problem je reshen tako shto je jedan on win cd-ova naprasno proradio.

hvala svima pa i ovim nubovima

molim te pusti neki memory diagnostic, imas goldmem+, memtest86, imas cak i neko microsoftovo sranjce koje radi posao, to sto je sve naprasno proradilo me tripuje pomalo jer je meni tako radio komp 3 meseca, nece,reste,nece,reset,nece,reset, radi... bila mi memorija busna ko sito :))

jebote, smorio si sa kukanjem vise :D

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