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Zadnjih nekoliko dana gledam sta da kupim i izbor se sveo na sledece:

ploca: ASUS SAM2 M2V/VIA K8T890/DDR2 800/667/533/PCI-E x16/SATAII

procesor: AMD AM2 A64 3000+ (1800) 512K BOX 90NM,1800Mhz, L2-Cache 512KB, L1-Cache 128KB

memorija: Kingston KVR 1G DDR2 667 CL5 667MHz DDR2 Non-ECC CL5 DIMM

graficka: Asus ATI EAX1300PROSilent/TD/256M/400MHz/600MHz/PCIE

hard disk: Samsung 250GB 7200rpm SATAII NCQ 8.9ms ili

WD 250GB 7200rpm 16MB SATAII WD2500KS

dvd rom: SAMSUNG ili LG ????

E sad ne znam koje kuciste/napajanje da uzmem. Da li je dovoljno Chieftec BG-02B-B-SL 350W (MT) ??

Aj dajte savet za hdd, dvd-rom i kuciste( ako ovo nije dobro ). I kako vam se cine ove komponente??? Da li treba nesto da promenim???

'Lo, there do I see my father. 'Lo, there do I see...

My mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

'Lo, there do I see... The line of my people...

Back to the beginning. 'Lo, they do call to me.

They bid me take my place among them.

In the halls of Valhalla...

Where the brave... May live...


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dvd rom moze asusov sa njim imam lepa iskustva,hdd pa mozda maxtor na 7200,a graficka pa mozda neka ge force od ovih sada najnovijih, a moj ti je savet za memoriju kada vec uzimas znam da je zajebano zbog love ali vidi 2 giga sto vise to bolje da ne razmisljas posle da li koci ili ne, a da li ti to sam sastavljas konf.


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WD 250GB 7200rpm 16MB SATAII WD2500KS bez dileme...

dvd nije ni preterano bitno koji je svi su po 5e razlike pa....

napajanje vece uzmi ,makar neko Chieftec od 420w ili vidi lc550

kuciste samo neko vece i normalnije....

a do koliko kesa ti ovo planiras?

-"Don't think, feel! It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

-"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."

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Ovako budzet mi je do 550 eura. Ova konfiguracija je 575 eura, tako da nije mnogo strasno.

dvd rom moze asusov sa njim imam lepa iskustva,hdd pa mozda maxtor na 7200,a graficka pa mozda neka ge force od ovih sada najnovijih, a moj ti je savet za memoriju kada vec uzimas znam da je zajebano zbog love ali vidi 2 giga sto vise to bolje da ne razmisljas posle da li koci ili ne, a da li ti to sam sastavljas konf.

I ja sam hteo asusov dvd, ali ga nemaju u ponudi. Za memoriju od 2 giga nemam love. A konfiguraciju sastavljam sam [:)]

'Lo, there do I see my father. 'Lo, there do I see...

My mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

'Lo, there do I see... The line of my people...

Back to the beginning. 'Lo, they do call to me.

They bid me take my place among them.

In the halls of Valhalla...

Where the brave... May live...


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obavezno uzmi 1 modul od 1GB (nikako 2x512) a onda kad ti bude zatrebal0 (citaj imas kesa) kupi jos 1GB.

to sam i planirao [:)]

'Lo, there do I see my father. 'Lo, there do I see...

My mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

'Lo, there do I see... The line of my people...

Back to the beginning. 'Lo, they do call to me.

They bid me take my place among them.

In the halls of Valhalla...

Where the brave... May live...


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Uzmi nForce ploču umesto VIA-e, molim te.

E, sta mislis o ploci: ASUS SAM2 M2N4-SLI/NVIDIA nForce4 SLI/DDR2/2XPCI-E/

Ona je 105 eura

'Lo, there do I see my father. 'Lo, there do I see...

My mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

'Lo, there do I see... The line of my people...

Back to the beginning. 'Lo, they do call to me.

They bid me take my place among them.

In the halls of Valhalla...

Where the brave... May live...


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