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'Lost' Star Up for X-Men Role?

Lost star Josh Holloway is being tipped to star in the next X-Men movie as fan favorite Gambit. Holloway, who plays Sawyer on the hit TV show, was set to star as Gambit in X-Men: The Last Stand but pulled out because of TV commitments. But it's reported the model/actor will star in the next installment, which will not feature many of the film's original stars, including Hugh Jackman, Sir Ian McKellen and Halle Berry. The film's producer Lauren Shuler Donner tells Moviehole, "Remember in Lost? There was a guy in there that was the perfect Gambit, the guy with the straight hair, good-looking, the bad boy… Sawyer. The reason we didn't use Gambit was because in a sense his persona is a bit like Wolverine in that he's got attitude and his power is not quite as exciting as the others. That's why we went to Nightcrawler on 2 because he looked different than everybody else and he had a great power. So yes, I think we would weave Gambit within our story, (but) it wouldn't be The Gambit Movie." Gambit possesses the ability to charge objects with energy, causing them to explode.

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Totalno se slazem, sve od pojave do akcenta, koji je juznjacki, vristi Gambit. Samo i pored toga, osvrt na predhodni deo X-Men serijala, osecaj da ce i taj deo da bude B rate film je jak. Nego kako ce da ga uklope u pricu, posto ovo do sada nema nikakve veze sa onim sto sam ja citao ....

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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Kad sam procitao sta su napisali ladno sam imao onaj wtf izraz na licu. I Delboy ubacuje francuski u razgovor ali nije francuz bre. Ali ajde da priznam da sam mogao da budem jasniji, ipak kad kazes juznjacki svima padne na pamet "Prohujalo sa Vihorom". Gambit je iz Luizijane, koristi Kreyol Lwiziyen , Francusko-Egleski spoj tipican srednjoj klasi. Mozcare i aligatori, misisipi donji tok.

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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